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[MySQL数据库] marriage-resume

Say Salam to the modern way for Muslims to share their profiles with marriage aunties. Create your beautiful profile to stand out now! (2024-02-20, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] 2-Ano_Instituto-Federal-LACIF

Um sismama eficient para gest o de labatórios de análises clínicas,desenvolvido em PHP,HTML e MySQL。和平地籍,检查机构,在线检查结果,控制通常情况。这就是文达斯!
Um sistema eficiente para gest o de laboratórios de análises clínicas, desenvolvido em PHP, HTML e MySQL. Cadastro de pacientes, agendamento de exames, acesso online a resultados e controle de usuários. Contribui es s o bem-vindas! (2024-02-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] aula_banco_dados

Este repositório contém materiais e recursos para uma aula completa sobre银行。在埃特的一场比赛中,阿劳拉。阿布朗奇。德斯德…
Este repositório contém materiais e recursos para uma aula completa sobre bancos de dados. A aula abrange desde conceitos básicos até t… (2024-01-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] go_tool

Golang tool library: We are accelerating the collection of tools, including crawler tool library, network tool library, file tool library, database tools such as MySQL, Redis, mogodb, hbase, cassandra, and other miscellaneous items. We welcome you to observe and learn, and welcome to add features (2016-09-26, GO, 608KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Golin-cli

Automated operation and maintenance, multithreaded Linux, MySql, Redis, Pgsql, SqlServer, Oracle, h3c, Huawei batch execution commands, and equal security tools (network security level protection on-site evaluation tool) with built-in three-level equal security verification commands and baseline verification tools (2023-05-25, GO, 3805KB, 下载0次)



Сборка сервера работает как на ОС Linux так и на Windows (имеются инструкции для установки) В сборке работает announce RAGE:MP 1.1. Сервер видно в общем списке серверов (мастерлист). Обновлены все зависимости проекта, очищены лишние файлы, убраны мелкие косяки старых компиляций / проектов и его настроек Обновлен MySQL (сама библиотека и способ ... (2020-12-30, C#, 580207KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Sefer-Tasi

实体框架kullan larak,N katmanl mimar ile olu turulmu,Windows形式tabanl yemek sepeti维吾尔语yap l...
Entity Framework kullan?larak, N katmanl? mimar? ile olu?turulmu?, Windows form tabanl? yemek sepeti uygulamas? yap?ld?. Firma, mü?teri, y?netici gibi kullan?c?lar sisteme giri? yaparak diledikleri i?lemi ger?ekle?tirdiler. Tüm veriler SQL de haf?zaland?r?ld?. Kullan?lan Teknolojiler: C#, Entity Framework, MySQL, OOP, TFS (2017-08-18, C#, 1541KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] API-Rest-Node-SOLID

这是一个在学术界进行检查的项目。阿基·瓦莫斯(Aqui vamos aplicar sobre alguns)自负...
Nesse projeto será desenvolvido uma aplica??o para check-ins em academias. Aqui vamos aplicar sobre alguns conceitos do SOLID, Design Patterns, Docker para iniciar o banco de dados, JWT e Refresh Token, RBAC e diversos outros conceitos. (2023-05-06, TypeScript, 337KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] django-rit-grasa

Django web application used by Greater Rochester After-School Alliance (GRASA) to improve access to after-school programs for youth in Monroe County, NY (2022-12-08, HTML, 1246KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] flask-demo

A community developed using Flask, SQLAlchemy, MySQL, and Bootstrap, which implements basic community functions such as registration, login, writing articles, tagging, following tags, favorite articles, followers, comments, likes, and message notifications. It supports Markdown syntax and WYSIWYG (2018-09-02, HTML, 111KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] docker-archer

MySQL automated operation and maintenance tool based on Inception and Archer, which integrates audit, execution, backup, and generation of rollback statements. It supports functions such as work orders, audit, authentication, email, and OSC (2022-10-10, Python, 60130KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] noneDB

noneDB is FREE and OPEN SOURCE noSQL database for PHP projects. No any installations!, Just include and GO. Fast, Stable, Secure, Awesome for small projects. (2019-09-25, PHP, 7KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] trybe_exercicios

Portfolio of exercises and activities performed by Raphael Martins during the Web Development course at Trybe. (2022-10-29, JavaScript, 4242KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] changgou_shop

微服务电商项目-畅购商城 一、技术架构 前端及WEB技术栈 Vue.js Node.js Lua HTML5 ElementUl Theamleaf 运维技术栈 Cannal Docker容器 FastDFS Eureka集群 Red...
Micro service e-commerce project - Changgou Mall 1. Technical architecture front-end and WEB technology stack Vue.js Node.js Lua HTML5 ElementUl Theamleaf operation and maintenance technology stack Canal Docker container FastDFS Eureka cluster Red (2023-03-04, JavaScript, 127857KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] python_crawler

It s designed to be a simple, tiny, pratical python crawler using json and sqlite instead of mysql or mongdb. The destination website is Zhihu.com. (2019-12-05, JavaScript, 5759KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] GeekMovie

GeekMovie 极客影院是一个免费的在线观影系统,本网站内容使用Python爬虫技术收集于互联网上公开资源,提供最优质的web界面服务,但不提供也不参与影片档案录制、下载、上传、储存。本站资源永久免费共享、无需安装任何插件、免注册...
GeekMovie Geek Cinema is a free online viewing system. The content of this website is collected using Python crawler technology and publicly available resources on the internet, providing the highest quality web interface services. However, it does not provide or participate in the recording, downloading, uploading, or storage of movie files. This website s resources are permanently shared for free, without the need to install any plugins, and free of registration (2020-07-18, JavaScript, 24371KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] chemex

咖啡壶是一个免费、开源、高效且漂亮的运维资产管理平台。软硬件资产管理、归属 使用者追溯、盘点以及可靠的服务器状态管理面板。基于优雅的Laravel框架和DcatAdmin开发。
Coffee pot is a free, open source, efficient, and beautiful operation and maintenance asset management platform. Software and hardware asset management, user traceability, inventory, and reliable server status management panel. Developed based on the elegant Larravel framework and DcatAdmin. (2023-05-25, PHP, 20362KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] mysqltools

一个用于快速构建大规模,高质量,全自动化的 mysql分布式集群环境的工具;包含mysql 安装、备份、监控、高可用、读写分离、优化、巡检、自行化运维
A tool for quickly building a large-scale, high-quality, and fully automated MySQL distributed cluster environment; Including MySQL installation, backup, monitoring, high availability, read write separation, optimization, patrol, and self operation and maintenance (2023-03-20, Python, 26897KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] VB+MYSQ条码

VB+MYSQL database, wooden door management scanner record production time of workshop, processing bar code, packaging scanner print package delivery, goods station, user address, product information. (2019-03-24, Visual Basic, 7133KB, 下载11次)


[MySQL数据库] public

PHP 连接ACCESS MYSQL 数据库公共类 包括部分功能:跳转页面,所有浏览器均支持,中文字符截取,页面显示转义,入数据库转义,检查路径,删除路径,上传图片,上传水印图片,加解密,静态模版生成
ACCESS MYSQL database PHP to connect public class including some functions: Jump pages, all browsers are supported by the interception of Chinese characters, the page shows escape, escape into the database, check the path, delete the path, upload pictures, upload watermark images, encryption and decryption, static template to generate (2008-07-12, PHP, 7KB, 下载6次)
