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按平台查找All C#(2720) 

[ASP/.NET编程] FotoBlog

天冬氨酸。Net MVC FotoBlog维吾尔马斯
Asp.Net MVC FotoBlog Uygulamas (2024-01-30, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] generator-pitanja-za-ispit

Napravi random n pitanja iz baze pitanja za ispit.纳普拉维随机n皮坦加iz baze皮坦加za。
Napravi random n pitanja iz baze pitanja za ispit. (2024-01-21, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] NelioCourseC-

Curso da Udemy C#com内里奥·阿尔维斯
Curso da Udemy C# com Nelio Alves (2024-01-07, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] ITKariera-Vipusk-VI

ITKariera Vipusk VI,, (2023-09-10, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] RSAMessageApp

RSA ifreleme Mesajla ma维吾尔马斯,
RSA ifreleme Mesajla ma Uygulamas , (2023-09-07, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] PK_SC_Mission

The customer service side receives the return of the server task information and displays it on the interface after receiving the return information. (2018-07-30, C#, 1KB, 下载0次)


[其他] C# 压缩文件与字符串

Two scientists changed and South Korea said a word for entertainment service just came back to the housing administration to meet the human body (2018-01-14, C#, 135KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] TCP服务器端 2

Vs2015C# communications server side source (2017-09-06, C#, 60KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] cSharpmir2git199-353

c#mir2 不错的韩服传奇2c#端 新职业 弓箭手 刺客 新技能 更新到好友 背景音乐
c#mir2 very good korea mir2 server (2015-06-07, C#, 8417KB, 下载27次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TcpIp_

TCP communications, including client and server, first start the server side, then open the end of the service procedures, to communicate (2014-07-26, C#, 111KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] 12306-Tickets-query-source

12306 ticket query source, such as railways customer service official website, you can achieve a query Station and trips (2013-11-18, C#, 598KB, 下载3次)


[] Telephone-customer-service-system

这是一个使用c#语言开发的 telephone customer service system(电话客服系统),之中有详细的源代码,希望对大家有用。
The system is a telephone customer service system developed by C#.Also the code is conluded in this file. (2013-05-10, C#, 775KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] TelephoneCustomerServiceSystem

企业电话客服系统 通过系统可以有效的管理客户和咨询记录等本代码 是简单版的
Enterprise telephone customer service system through the system can effectively manage customer and counseling records of the code is a simple version of the (2013-03-21, C#, 688KB, 下载7次)


[企业管理] Telephone-customer-service-system

用户名:Tsoft 密码:111(电话客服系统) 功能:客户管理,员工管理,产品信息,通话管理等功能模块。
User name: Tsoft password: 111 ( telephone customer service system ) Function: customer management, staff management, product information, function module call management etc.. (2013-03-14, C#, 1108KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] Daila

基于C#开发的企业电话客服系统, 用户在拨打企业电话客服后,系统会进行自动语音引导,客户通过按键选择,从而可以听到预先设置好的语音咨讯,如企业简介、信息、最新产品等……。所有咨讯信息通过按键即可获得。
Enterprise telephone customer service system based on C# developers,  users call the business telephone customer, the system will automatically voice guide customers through the key choices, so you can hear the pre-set a good voice Oration, such as corporate profiles, information, latest products and so on ...... All Oration information button. (2013-03-10, C#, 613KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] kehudianhua

C# prepared a business telephone customer service system based on the software, can be transferred to the customer management system management system, convenient for customers (2013-01-27, C#, 695KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] improvePowertalkBox

Client interaction is the use of WebService technology, WebService file in the source code-> Chat-> PowerTalk-FetionInterFace.asmx, so the only configuration PowerTalkClient.exe.config this sample project is a single customer with multiple customers to chat, if you want to change into more than one customer, as long as the attention to two areas can be. (2011-09-30, C#, 13332KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] 03

企业电话客服系统 运行本程序需要安装语音卡(东进DJD 161A语音卡)及语音卡的驱动程序
Business telephone customer service system to run this program need to install the voice cards (east DJD 161A audio card) and voice card driver (2011-09-14, C#, 679KB, 下载16次)


[界面编程] customer

企业电话客服系统 系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。 对用户输入的数据,进行严格的数据检验,尽可能的避免人为错误。 客户在拨打企业电话客服时,系统会自动接收、识别并记录来电的主叫号码并显示相应的客户信息。 客户电话打入时系统自动播放已设定好的欢迎词。 用户在拨打企业电话客服后,系统会进行自动语音引导,客户通过按键选择,从而可以听到预先设置好的语音咨讯,如企业简介、信息、最新产品等……。所有咨讯信息通过按键即可获得。 外线电话转接到座席电话功能,使来电者可以根据系统提示,转入人工服务,与座席人员直接进行交流。 座席电话转接到座席电话功能。
Business telephone customer service system System is the way human-computer interaction, interface, beautiful and friendly, and information query flexible and convenient, safe and reliable data storage. User input data, testing data strictly as possible to avoid human error. Business telephone customer service customer call time will automatically receive, identify and record the caller s Caller ID and displays the corresponding customer information. Customer phone into play automatically when the system has set a good welcome. (2010-04-20, C#, 605KB, 下载23次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] PowerTalk

Asp.net-based customer service chat system that can be easily integrated into the web system. (2009-11-23, C#, 13328KB, 下载44次)
