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[文件操作] 示波器波形分析

首先读取csv文件(来自示波器或其他来源),csv是字符格式的文本文件。然后,对采样波形进行谐波分析,将输入信号分解成:A0直流分量,A1基频分量,A22次谐波,A33次谐波……N噪声。采用的是加hanning窗的FFT算法。最后,求取 总谐波失真率THD(%)
First read the CSV file, and CSV is a character format text file. Then, the input signal is decomposed into A0 DC component, A1 fundamental frequency component, A22 harmonic, A33 harmonic. N noise. The FFT algorithm with Hanning window is adopted. Finally, the total harmonic loss rate THD (%) is obtained. (2018-09-29, LabView, 77KB, 下载20次)


[文件操作] CSharp_FileNamesBatchModification

filename batch Edit under folder, add prefix, incremental, written using VS2012 (2014-03-13, C#, 262KB, 下载8次)


[文件操作] readIni

读写INI配置文件的小程序,可以加到自己的工程中,注意这是纯C写的,如果加到C++工程中,要加extern "C",测试完全可以运行的,请大家放心使用,有什么问题可以留言
Applet to read and write INI configuration file can be added to their own projects, note that this is written in pure C, if added to C++ project to add extern " C" (2012-11-26, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载6次)


[文件操作] setupkittool

小型的但实用的打包工具和安装程序,带加解密。 用法:用工具SetupTool.exe向安装程序SetupKit.exe中添加其他要安装的文件,双击SetupKit.exe开始安装。
Small but useful tool for packaging and installation procedures, with encryption and decryption. The usage: SetupTool.exe tools installer SetupKit.exe add additional files to be installed, double-click SetupKit.exe to start the installation. (2012-07-04, Visual C++, 3725KB, 下载9次)


[文件操作] readexcel2007

可以选择要打开的Excel文件 支持offic2003及offic2007 同时会自动获取第一个表名 若想获取所有表名 只要加一个循环即可
You can choose to open the Excel file support offic2003 and offic2007 will also automatically get the first table name if you want to get all the table names as long as you can add a loop (2011-07-15, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载11次)


[文件操作] 200941221299512

见经常有新人问到如何将 Excel 数据导入数据库.我当年也花了一段时间去搞. 就做了个简单的将Excel导入Access(delphi版DEMO,希望对新手有用. 感谢帮助的最好方法就是帮助其他人... 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
See frequently asked how the new Excel data into a database. I spent a year engage in a period of time. To do will be a simple Excel import Access (delphi version of DEMO, want to be useful for novice. Thank the best way to help help others ... This article comes from shrimp-off source http://www.xkxz.com (2010-03-23, Delphi, 682KB, 下载15次)


[文件操作] delRepeat

Respectively, be achieved using arrays and linked the file to remove duplicate rows. Content of the document read into a first buffer, split by row, each row of data just take \ t the previous section. Then two minutes directly into the law will not repeat the string into a list of two-dimensional array or dynamic. (2010-01-18, C/C++, 268KB, 下载121次)


[文件操作] delRepeat

去除文件中的重复行。 先将文件内容读入一buffer,按行拆分,每行数据只取\t之前的部分。然后用二分直接插入法将不重复的字符串放入一二维数组。
Remove duplicate rows from the file. Content of the document read into a first buffer, split by row, each row of data just take \ t the previous section. Then two minutes directly into law will not repeat the string into a two-dimensional array. (2009-12-31, C/C++, 209KB, 下载33次)


[文件操作] zhenfengzhuang

Programming frame package. Encapsulated only in the data frame the head and tail add a specific binary data, you can read and write binary files directly read out the way and then the beginning and end of the added inclusion of opinions on line. (2009-12-14, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载67次)


[文件操作] docoday

那个\stylesheet要加很多个,整个文件的大小达到500KB左右就能 比较稳定的在文章中所说的指令出错,如果POC比较小可能在其它指令出错.
The \ stylesheet to add many months, the size of the document as a whole will be able to reach about 500KB Relatively stable in the article said the instructions wrong, if the POC may be relatively small in other Command error (2009-05-28, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] filter

Spam filters, the software based on the Naive Bayes algorithm, using NetBeans generated interface (requires JDK1.6), apply to SMS, mail messages, diaries and other documents classified txt, testing rate of 90. (2009-01-06, Java, 954KB, 下载93次)


[文件操作] packfile

打包程序 根据一个.ini配置文件来进行多文件打包 .ini配置如下 一行 "delete" 注意 有delete代表打包完后删除,没有表示保留该文件 一行 "文件名" 注意 要加引号
According to a packaged program. Ini configuration file to carry out multi-file package. Ini configuration following his delete on behalf of attention delete after packing deleted, did not express his reservations about the document file name attention to the quotes (2008-12-19, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载28次)


[文件操作] ftmm

软件介绍:反弹连接木马源码 1、编译服务端。   服务端在进行编译时会提示出错 (停在“fme.SaveToFile(stf) ”段) ,这是正常 的。因为这时编译的服务端没有捆绑登录的信息(即:客户IP、端口和连接密码) 其实这时的服务端可执行文件已经生成了,你在文件夹中就能找到该程序了。 2、编译客户端。   采用正常的编译步骤对客户端进行编译即可,但要注意的是,刚编译好的客户端未捆 绑服务端程序,所以当你点击“客户端配置”按钮图标时会提示出错! 3、服务端和客户端都编译好了以后,你可以使用UPXShell等加壳程序对它们进行加壳压 缩,可减少其三分之二的体积。 4、用附带的“文件捆绑”工具将服务端捆绑在客户端程序里面,捆绑后的程序即成为最 终的只有一个可执行文件的木马程序,就能使用该木马程序了。 5、运行该木马程序,点击“客户端配置”按钮,配置好你的IP地址(最好是固定的IP地 址)、你的端口号和你的连接密码(防止他人连接),这时会在当前目录下生成一个名为 “Rundll.exe”的文件,该文件即为木马服务端,将其发给被控制方运行后,你就能通过 客户端对其进行控制! (2007-07-20, Delphi, 314KB, 下载22次)


[文件操作] duwenben

磁盘文件中有一文本文件,是一组(人数不限)学生百米赛跑成绩表,每行一人。格式如下例。 // 李四 12.8 // 王五 13.1 // 何和平 13.4 //程序可以追加新人的成绩,可以对成绩表排序并显示,磁盘上原有文件不变。 //排序要求成绩相同时,名次相同,获后一成绩者名次为前面的人数加1。
,(), The following format cases.// 12.8 115 4// 5 13.1 Wang// DR peace 13.4// procedures additional new results can be achieved in the ranking and showed that the original document on disk unchanged.// Sort performance requirements phase, the same ranking that was after a performance ranking person in front of an increase in the number. (2006-04-01, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)
