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[Redis] btr_rental

Repository for developing a web application for the Broteamracing team, specializing in the rental of enduro motorcycles in Saint-Petersburg (Russia) (2024-03-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] hcms

Hcms 是一个基于 Hyperf 框架的项目开发管理系统 , 在Hyperf超高速且灵活的特性加持下,构建一个快速开发、模块复用的项目开发管理系统。,
Hcms is a project development management system based on the Hyperf framework. With the super high-speed and flexible features of Hyperf, it builds a project development management system with rapid development and module reuse., (2023-08-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] atabases-and-Computational-Tools-Used-in-Big-Data

大数据中使用的数据库和计算工具,我的家庭作业解决方案(通过TAMU HRPC在SSH Linux Bash中)在德克萨斯农工大学的博士级统计学课程(STAT 624)...
My homework solutions (in SSH/Linux/Bash via TAMU HRPC) of the Ph.D. level Statistics course (STAT 624) in Texas A&M University (2023-05-14, C, 1455KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] CZRedisClient

CZRedisClient,最近项目之中用到Redis来做缓存,官网只有PHP和JAVA的资料。 找到了GitHub里面框架是两年前的代码且不维护了。后来我们发邮件咨询了俄罗斯的作者,得到了很好的回复。问题最后得到解决。记录一下给大家作参考!
CZRedisClient, Redis has been used for caching in recent projects, and the official website only has information on PHP and JAVA. I found that the framework in GitHub is code from two years ago and is no longer maintained. Later, we sent an email to consult with the Russian author and received a good response. The problem was finally resolved. Record it for everyone s reference! (2023-05-14, C, 94KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] opslinux

opslinux,Linux运维手册(基础+frp内网穿透+分布式锁+Redis+Kafka+安全+漏洞扫描+Docker+ELFK+LVM+监控+CI CD+数据库+翻墙+LDAP+MQ+minio对象存储+命令录制审计+IP出口+gmail邮件安全...
Opslinux, Linux Operation and Maintenance Manual (Basic+FRP Internal Network Penetration+Distributed Lock+Redis+Kafka+Security+Vulnerability Scan+Docker+ELFK+LVM+Monitoring+CI CD+Database+Wall Crossing+LDAP+MQ+Mini Object Storage+Command Recording Audit+IP Export+gmail Email Security...) (2023-05-14, Shell, 26639KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] ECode

ECode,ECode是一套NetCore组件,提供了一套面向SaaS的ORM框架及各种常用的基础类库,包括缓存Redis Memcached、数据校验CRC 哈希 RSA、数据编码B64 QP、加解密AES DES、依赖注入DI IoC、事件框...
ECode is a set of NetCore components that provide an ORM framework for SaaS and various commonly used basic class libraries, including Redis Memcached, CRC hash RSA for data verification, B64 QP for data encoding, AES DES for encryption and decryption, DI IoC for dependency injection, event boxes (2023-05-14, C#, 325KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] BESL

BESL,保加利亚电子竞技联盟。参加竞争性比赛并赢得奖品!我的ASP.NET Core MVC防御项目[@Sof...](https:github.com SoftUni)
?? Bulgarian eSports League. Play competitive tournaments and win prizes! My defense project for ASP.NET Core MVC [@SoftUni](https://github.com/SoftUni). Built with ASP.NET Core MVC 2.2, CQRS, MediatR, Redis, SteamWebApi2, Hangfire, SignalR. (2023-05-14, C#, 993KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] roe

roe,鱼仔自动化运维管理平台:oracle mongo mysql redis管理,业务树形态CMDB资产管理,主机自动扫描、 代码及应用部署CI CD、环境脚本部署、任务调度、站内文档。Django, layui, bootstrap,炫酷界面
Roe, Fish Baby Automation Operation and Maintenance Management Platform: Oracle mongo MySQL Redis management, CMDB asset management in business tree form, host automatic scanning, code and application deployment CI CD, environment script deployment, task scheduling, and on-site documentation. Django, layui, bootstrap, cool interface (2023-05-14, JavaScript, 38396KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] java-sdk

java-sdk,一些常用的java sdk和工具类(日期工具类,分布式锁,redis缓存,二叉树,反射工具类,线程池,对称 非对称 分段加解密,json序列化,http工具,雪花算法,字符串相似度,集合操作工具,xml解析,重试Retry工具类,Jv...
Java sdk, some commonly used java sdks and tool classes (date tool class, distributed lock, Redis cache, binary tree, reflection tool class, thread pool, symmetric and asymmetric segmentation encryption and decryption, json serialization, http tool, snowflake algorithm, string similarity, collection operation tool, xml parsing, retry retry tool class, Jv (2023-05-14, Java, 59KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] r-mall

r-mall,小R商城 h5 后端,基于SpringBoot + JWT +Redis +MongoDb+RocketMQ实现的,主要包括首页,分类,购物车,下单,优惠券,目前商品的加购下单及微信的支付已经打通,有问题可以访问主页咨询我哦
R-mall, small R mall h5 backend, based on SpringBoot+JWT+Redis+MongoDb+RocketMQ implementation, mainly including homepage, classification, shopping cart, ordering, coupons. Currently, the addition and ordering of products and WeChat payment have been connected. If you have any questions, please visit the homepage to consult me (2023-05-14, Java, 411KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] xmfcn-spring-cloud

xmfcn-spring-cloud,springcloud 微服务,Sring cloud Greenwich.SR1 spring boot 2.1.3.RELEASE 版本 。服务水平加垂直分层,集成xxl-job定时任务系统、Redis缓存、队列、分布式锁,监控,...
Xmfcn spring cloud, spring cloud microservice, Spring cloud Greenwich. SR1 spring boot 2.1.3. RELEASE version. Service level plus vertical layering, integrated with xxl-job timed task system, Redis cache, queues, distributed locks, monitoring (2023-05-14, Java, 5314KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] easy

easy,开源的Java开发脚手架,工作经验总结,springboot,springcloud,基于tk- mybatis代码反向生成,基于redis(redisson)注解形式加分布式锁等,计划将用该脚手架抄袭jeesite和ruoyi还有基于...
Easy, an open-source Java development scaffold, work experience summary, spring boot, spring cloud, reverse code generation based on tk - mybatis, and distributed locks added in the form of Redis (Redisson) annotations. The plan is to use this scaffold to plagiarize Jeesite and Ruoyi, as well as (2023-05-14, Java, 408KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] community

Community, a discussion community modeled after Niuke.com, not only implements basic registration, login, posting, commenting, liking, and replying functions, but also uses prefix trees to filter sensitive words, uses wkhtmltopdf to generate growth maps and PDFs, achieves website UV and DAU statistics, and stores user avatars and other information on Qiniu Cloud Server. (2023-05-14, Java, 721KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] smart-cloud

smart-cloud,基于springboot && springcloud的脚手架,支持服务合并部署与拆分部署、接口加解密签名、日志数据 脱敏、接口数据mock、接口文档自动生成、请求幂等校验、接口日志&&sql日志切面打印、分表分库分布式事务、国际化语言等
Smart cloud, based on springboot&&springcloud scaffolding, supports service consolidation deployment and split deployment, interface encryption and decryption signature, log data desensitization, interface data mock, interface document automatic generation, request idempotence verification, interface log&&sql log aspect printing, table and sub database Distributed transaction, international language, etc (2023-05-14, Java, 1138KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] git-webhook

git-webhook,![:octocat:](https: github.githubassets.com images icons emoji octocat.png) 使用 Python Flask + SQLAchemy + Celery + Redis + React 开发的用于迅速搭建并使用 WebHook 进行自动化部署和运维,支持 Github GitLab Gogs Gi...
git-webhook,! [: octocat:] (https: github. github assets. com images icons emoji octocat. png) Developed using Python Flask+SQLAchemy+Cell+Redis+React for rapid setup and automated deployment and operation using WebHook, supporting Github GitLab Gogs Gi (2020-12-29, Python, 640KB, 下载0次)
