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按分类查找All 金融证券系统(125) 
按平台查找All JavaScript(125) 

[金融证券系统] FinanciSvetNextJS

This is a project for a Solve for Tomorrow competition made by Samsung and Ja Czech. This website si made to fix the issue of young people knowing nothing about paying taxes. (2024-04-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Linux-Computer-Security-Manager

Linux Computer Security Manager is a free security software that can be used on any PC with Ubuntu (based on 12.04) operating system, which can effectively prevent and solve common security risks on computers. It integrates one click physical examination, garbage cleaning, firewall configuration, ARP firewall, file backup, virus detection, traffic monitoring, data addition, etc (2017-03-25, JavaScript, 72939KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] tomFunction_getJapanStockPrice_byGoogleAppsScript

SpreadsheetCustomFunction_getJapanStockPrice_byGoogleAppsScript,スフ?レット?シートて?利用可能な、日本株式の株価や上場投資信託の価格を取得する独自関数て?す。Google Apps Script(GAS)て?作成しています。※実行にはソースコート?に加え、Parserライフ?ラリの追加か?必要て?す。
SpreadsheetCustomFunction_ getJapanStockPrice_ By GoogleAppsScript, it is possible to make use of the potential and obtain independent investment trust information from Japanese companies such as Japanese companies. Google Apps Script (GAS) has been developed If necessary, add some additional items to the list of users. (2021-07-28, JavaScript, 1KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] stocks-watcher

This mobile web application allows users to list the Stocks, ETFs, and Funds traded in AMEX, NYSE, and Nasdaq Stock Exchanges and filter their search. (2021-10-15, JavaScript, 7526KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] web021

Web021, the official open source boutique full site project of Qielang 021- A comprehensive community service platform for campus loans, private loans, credit cards, and other rights protection services by Baiye Finance - based on Qielang CMS, out of the box, with thousands of templates in the backend free of charge, the first choice for efficient development (2020-06-16, JavaScript, 213803KB, 下载0次)
