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[网络编程] FindPort

Host Port scanning is the primary means of network security testing, it can determine the destination host is on the port, the destination host to determine the type of service has been turned on, the security dimension of the host system to pay an important role. (2015-03-27, Visual C++, 62KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] FAST_FW150U_7.0_130114

Proxy是什么呢,是代理。普通的因特网访问是一个典型的客户机与服务器结构:用户利用计算机上的客户端程序,向浏览器发出请求,远端WWW服务器程序响应请求并提供相应的数据。而Proxy处于客户机与服务器之间,对于服务器来说,Proxy是客户机,Proxy提出请求,服务器响应;对于客户机来说,Proxy是服务器,它接受客户机的请求,并将服务器上传来的数据转给客户机。它的作用很象现实生活中的代理服务商。因此Proxy Server的中文名称就是代理服务器。
Proxy What is it, is the agent. Ordinary Internet access is a typical client-server architecture: the user take advantage of the client program on your computer, the browser sends a request to the distal end of the WWW server program responds to the request and provide the appropriate data. The Proxy is between the client and the server for the server, Proxy is a client, Proxy request, the server response for clients who, Proxy is a server that accepts client requests and upload to the server data transferred to the client. Its role is like a real-life agent service providers. Therefore, the Chinese name of Proxy Server is proxy server. (2014-11-26, Visual C++, 25976KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] ftp-link-scanning-tool

  1 、解压2个软件(黑帽学习网http://www.heimaoxuexi.com/thread-118-1-1.html整理)   2 、先带来 这个软件。然后再软件上设置 关键词。不要问我要写扫描关键词啊,这个随便你自己 。比如: 代理、批发 等等 。。。自己设定就好了。然后就是线程,如你的电脑速度快 你可以设置到1000线程 差点的电脑可以搞500 或者300 好像有个别的亲,是路由拨号上网的,好像线程开大了。网络会掉线!呵呵 刚刚反应给我的!亲们按照自己的,情况而定吧,我这里开2个扫描 线程都是2000 都一点事都没有,本人独享4m 是不是有点奢侈啊,废话不多说了 继续   3、一会就会扫描到ftp了。然后就右键点击扫描到的ftp 导出结果。   4现在开始加链接了,打开加链接的软件   5.导入ftp 。然后写入代码,代码格式压缩包里面有,修改成你自己的网站复制到软件的代码格子里面。就可以点击开始了!很简单吧。后面显示成功的,就代表加链接成功了:
1, extract 2 software (Black Hat Learning Network http://www.heimaoxuexi.com/thread-118-1-1.html finishing) 2, first brought this software. Then set the words on another software. Do not ask me to write scan keywords, ah, just yourself. For example: agents, wholesale and so on. . . Set their own just fine. Then is the thread, such as your computer faster you can set up to 1000 computers can engage threads almost 500 or 300 seems to have a separate pro, dial routing, like the thread open big. Network will be dropped! Oh just give my reaction! Parents who follow their own, the case may be, and I opened here two scanning threads are 2000 did not have something, I was not a little 4m exclusive luxury ah, ado to continue 3, I will be scanned to ftp it. Right-click on it and then export the results of the scan to ftp. 4 now add links, open software plus links 5. Import ftp. Then write the code, the code inside the compressed format, modified to copy your own website to software code (2014-07-24, Visual C++, 78KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] Task2-professional--10211281--zly

描述:在题目一的程序基础上,增加文件存储和高级搜索功能。 f) 文件存取功能:程序启动后自行从自定义的文件中读取所有俱乐部记录,并且各种增删改查操作后能够自动保存更新后的数据。 g) 高级搜索功能:可以对所有球员的各项属性进行条件搜索,搜索采用表达式输入的方式(表达式支持 &&、||、!、括号、<、=、>),并能实现对球员姓名的模糊查找(运算符为~),输出球员的详细信息。 例如: i. “年龄不大于25且服役年限大于5年,或者进球数大于100的球员”,查询表达式:( !(@age>25) && @experience>5) || @kick>100 ii. “属于俱乐部A、B的所有球员”,查询表达式:@club=A || @club=B iii. “名字中含有abc的所有球员”,查询表达式:@name~abc 要求: h) 必须在题目一的代码基础上来修改; i) 必须支持文件读写时的异常处理; j) 文件格式采用文本文件,文件格式需自行设计; k) 文件名可以由程序内部自行指定,不需要用户手动设置; l) 其他要求与题目一相同; m) 在题目要求基础上可以自行扩展功能,提供扩实用扩展功能者适当加分(加分不超过5分)。
Description: In the title on the basis of a program to increase file storage and advanced search functions. f) file access functions: the program starts from its own custom file reads all club records, and a variety of CRUD operations can automatically save the updated data. g) Advanced Search function: for all the attributes of the players for conditional search, the search expression input approach used (expression support &&, | |,!, brackets, <, =,>), and can realize the players Name of fuzzy search (operator of ~), the output player details. For example: i. "Age is not more than 25 years and serving more than five years, or more than 100 goals a player," the query expression: (! (@ age> 25) && @ experience> 5) | | @ kick> 100 ii. "belong to the club A, B, all the players," the query expression: @ club = A | | @ club = B iii. "abc name contains all the players," the query expression: @ name ~ abc Requirements: h) must be in the title up a code base modificatio (2013-08-20, Visual C++, 1498KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] tcpipPart_3

第三卷的内容细节覆盖了当今TCP/IP编程人员和网络管理员必须熟练掌握的四个基本方面:T/TCP (TCP事务协议),这是对TCP的扩展,使客户--服务器间的事务传输更快更有效和更可靠; HTTP (超文本传送协议),这是飞速扩展中的万维网的基础; NNTP (网络新闻传送协议),这是Usennet新闻系统的基础; UNIX域协议,这是在UNIX实现中应用非常广泛的一套协议。 与前面两卷一样,本书有丰富的例子和实现的细节,他们都是4.4BSD-Lite中的网络代码。
The contents of volume third covers the details of TCP/IP programming and network administrator must master the four basic aspects: T/TCP (TCP transaction protocol), which is an extension to TCP, make the client server issues between transmission more efficient and more reliable HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which is the rapid expansion of the world wide web based (2012-12-13, Visual C++, 8354KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] XyRySoft_NetEngine

Integration Server client network communication engine integrates the the TCP UDP version IOCP the SELECT WSAEVENTSELET WSAASYNCSELECT the OVERLAPPED model there are other network help function the UPNP OPENSSL secure transmission encryption and decryption functions, etc. (2012-11-29, Visual C++, 12893KB, 下载63次)


[网络编程] qiyegongziguanlixitong3

程序三:支持远程访问的非诚勿扰管理程序(25分,抄袭或被抄袭为0分) 描述:你的程序帮了节目组的大忙,节目组非常满意!参与节目的年轻朋友越来越多,他们已经不满足于每周的2次节目,希望能有更多机会找到自己的“另一半”。因此,节目组决定将嘉宾信息开放出来,以便网上的朋友能够方便地查看每期节目男女嘉宾的信息。节目组再次请你实现一个程序,完成他们的想法。但愿,这是节目组的最后一次请求......  必须在程序二的代码基础上来修改完成;  完成程序一和程序二的功能。各项功能的信息输入在client端完成,功能实现由server端完成并把结果发送给client端,client端显示功能执行结果;  必须使用Socket作为远程通信技术,可以使用更高层次的Socket封装类;  提供字符操作界面,提供图形界面的将适当加分。
程序三:支持远程访问的非诚勿扰管理程序(25分,抄袭或被抄袭为0分) 描述:你的程序帮了节目组的大忙,节目组非常满意!参与节目的年轻朋友越来越多,他们已经不满足于每周的2次节目,希望能有更多机会找到自己的“另一半”。因此,节目组决定将嘉宾信息开放出来,以便网上的朋友能够方便地查看每期节目男女嘉宾的信息。节目组再次请你实现一个程序,完成他们的想法。但愿,这是节目组的最后一次请求......  必须在程序二的代码基础上来修改完成;  完成程序一和程序二的功能。各项功能的信息输入在client端完成,功能实现由server端完成并把结果发送给client端,client端显示功能执行结果;  必须使用Socket作为远程通信技术,可以使用更高层次的Socket封装类;  提供字符操作界面,提供图形界面的将适当加分。 (2012-10-14, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] NetEngine-Windows-V2PT2

Network Communications Engine Integration Server client integrates TCP the UDP version of IOCP SELECT WSAEVENTSELET WSAASYNCSELECT OVERLAPPED model, there are other networks to help the function of the UPNP OPENSSL secure transmission encryption and decryption functions (2012-05-25, Visual C++, 7767KB, 下载118次)


[网络编程] Paris-Metro-Pricing

巴黎地铁系统在网络上的应用: 随着互连网的发展,单一的计费方式既不利于网络服务商的利益最大化,也不能满足一些网络的高级应用的需要。 把网络进行划分,各个分区相同或不同的服务能力,但是它们有不相的价格。因此相对价格较高的服务分区由于选择的人比较少而负载轻,因而有较少的时延。由于不同服务有不同的QoS要求,如网络视频,电话需要较高的带宽要求,所以必需选用价格较高的网络分区才能满足需要,而像下载,网页浏览对QoS的要求相对较低,因此可以选用价格较低的网络分区。其主要原理把是把网络时延作为网络一种内在的价值。其应用的基础在于其本身的简单性,易于实现。
Abstract—Paris Metro Pricing (PMP) is a simple multi-class fl at-rate pricing scheme already practiced by transport systems, specifi cally by the Paris Metro at one time. The name is coined after Andrew Odlyzko proposed it for the Internet as a simple way to provide differentiated services. Subsequently, there were several analytical studies of this promising idea. The central issue of these studies is whether PMP is viable, namely, whether it will produce more profi t for the service provider, or whether it will achieve more social welfare. The previous studies considered similar models, but arrived at different conclusions. In this paper, we point out that the key is how the users react to the congestion externality of the underlying system. We derive suffi cient conditions of congestion functions that can guarantee the viability of PMP, and provide the relevant physical meanings of these conditions. (2011-03-29, Visual C++, 163KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] testPNN

/*模式训练*/ Training(int,int,int,char*,char*,char*) 参数: 模式个数(即网络的第一隐层节点数) 模式维数(即网络的输入层节点数) 模式类别数(即网络的输出层节点数) 计算中心控制矢量时所用的变换函数核 第二隐层权值的训练算法 训练模式所在的文件名称 /*模式分类*/ Classifying(int,char*) 参数: 需要分类的模式个数 分类数据
/* Model Training*/Training (int, int, int, char*, char*, char*) parameters: model number (ie, the first hidden layer the network nodes) model dimension (ie number of nodes in the network' s input layer ) mode, the number of categories (ie, number of nodes in the network' s output layer) control vector computing center used by the nuclear transfer function weights the second hidden layer training algorithm training mode where the file name /* classification*/Classifying (int, char* ) parameters: the need for disaggregated data on the number of classification models (2011-01-11, Visual C++, 619KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] ddd

网络地址共享器直接在IE地址址中输入http:// 即可访问 也可以用http://试下,不知道这样我有没积分加
Sharing network address (2010-11-20, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载114次)


[网络编程] sockssvc

歡迎 SocksSvc,集合的MFC類實現一個簡單的襪子服務器。 這個想法最初背後 SocksSvc了解SOCKS協議以及它是如何實現在Win32。 如需了解有關議定書的襪子你應該閱讀 RFC 1928(襪子 5),玫瑰花1929(用戶名/密碼身份驗證襪子 5)和襪子 4規格,您可以下載這些從 www.socks.permeo.com huān yíng SocksSvc, jí hé deMFC lèi shí xiàn yī gè jiǎn dān de wà zi fú wù qì。 zhè ge xiǎng fǎ zuì chū bèi hòu SocksSvc liǎo jiěSOCKS xié yì yǐ jí tā shì rú hé shí xiàn zàiWin32。 rú xū liǎo jiě yǒu guān yì dìng shū de wà zi nǐ yīng gāi yuè dú RFC 1928(wà zi 5), méi guī huā1929(yòng hù míng/mì mǎ shēn fèn yàn zhèng wà zi 5) hé wà zi 4guī gé, nín kě yǐ xià zài zhè xiē cóng www.socks.permeo.com 建議更好的譯法:
Welcome to SocksSvc, a collection of MFC classes to implement a simple Socks server. The idea behind SocksSvc was originally to learn about the Socks protocol and how it is implemented on Win32. For detailed information about the Socks Protocol you should read RFC 1928 (Socks 5), RFC 1929 (Username/Password authentication for Socks 5) and the Socks 4 specification, You can download these from www.socks.permeo.com (2010-02-05, Visual C++, 49KB, 下载19次)


[网络编程] popwatch

要使用該程序就可以運行 PopWatch可執行文件,它會最小化到托盤通知區域。當服務器在托運時,在托盤圖標通知區域將被更改為表明是否有一些郵件,在您的郵箱。工具提示與該圖標亦會有所改變,以顯示數字的電子郵件等,總規模在千字節的所有電子郵件。
To use the program simply run the PopWatch executable and it will minimize to the tray notification area. When the server is checked, the icon in the tray notification area will be changed to indicate if there is some mail in your mailbox. The tooltip associated with the icon will also be changed to indicate the number of emails waiting and the total size in Kilobytes of all the emails. (2010-02-05, Visual C++, 316KB, 下载41次)


[网络编程] UsingClanguagetoachievethechaoticencryptionpasswor

口令是人们在网络中的身份认证,一旦被攻击者破译,私人资料将被泄露。该文基于混沌理论针对口令加 密提出了一种新的算法,并利用C++ 语言对算法进行了模拟
Password is in the network authentication, once an attacker to decipher, the private information will be leaked. The password based on chaos theory for a new encryption algorithm, and the use of C++ language for the simulation algorithm (2009-05-10, Visual C++, 49KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] MailExpert

1:发送单个文件或少数文件时,可直接将文件拖放到对话框上. 2:选择文件夹时,程序会自动搜索所有的文件。 3:程序发送邮件的速度是其他类似程序5倍左右,是WEB10倍左右^_^; 4:程序根据你选择的文件夹,自动搜索文件,自动计算每次发送的大小,自动保存配置,邮箱密码加密保存 5:发送邮箱必须提供SMTP服务,否则,不能发送;例如,2007年后新申请的网易邮箱都不提供SMTP服务,所以不能使用的 6:附件大小不能超过服务商规定的大小,例如网易邮箱,QQ邮箱,21CN邮箱的附件最大20M; 作者:李波 QQ:16645709 Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/chary8088 (2008-05-12, Visual C++, 251KB, 下载80次)


[网络编程] wol

// 局域网远程唤醒(Wakeup On LAN) -- 发送一个Magic Packet到某个MAC地址 // Magic Packet:UDP广播包,端口不限,数据是FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF加16个MAC // 编译:cl sendmagic.cpp ws2_32.lib
//LAN remote wake-up (Wakeup On LAN) to send a Magic Packet to a MAC address// Magic Packet: UDP broadcast packets, ports open, data is FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF plus 16 MAC// compiler: cl sendmagic.cpp ws2_32.lib (2008-04-01, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载51次)


[网络编程] FiveChessPan

1 本程序所用换肤模块来自网络,对作者表示感谢! 2 这个程序是我从自己写的一个小程序慢慢加起来的,所以程序的结构显得不是很清晰,代码还应继续优化。 3 网络对战中似乎只能在局域网中进行。 4 这个程序还在些BUG。 5 指正请E-Mail:panguoqing2008@163.com
A program module used skin from the network, expressed his gratitude to the author! 2 This process is how I wrote it myself slowly add a small program, so the structure of the procedure seems not very clear, the code should also continue to optimize. 3 network seems to play only for LAN. 4 This procedure is also more BUG. 5 correct me please E-Mail: panguoqing2008@163.com (2007-09-10, Visual C++, 6803KB, 下载49次)


[网络编程] Setu0369p

http://www.programsalon.com/ 初步计划 1元钱可以买10个情缘币。 之后每个房间可以设置一些管理员。管理的不是加的,是用情缘币换的。比如你买了,200元的情缘币。并且这个房间设置 2星级管理 要用 2000个情缘币 换。。那么你有买了2000个情缘币 就可以做管理。。。。。比如房间负责人的情缘币为8000 个那么你花800,。向运营商买就可以做 。。。。
http :// www.programsalon.com/ preliminary plans for 1 yuan can buy 10 love coins. After each room may set up some managers. Management is not the increase is the use of affinity for the coin. For example, you buy a 200 yuan RMB love. And the two-star rooms set up with 2,000 management affinity for coins. . Then you have to buy the 2,000 affinity currency management can be done. . . . . For example, rooms in charge of the Vancouver 8000 coins you spend 800,. Operators to buy can do. . . . (2007-03-30, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] 网络引擎

这是一个Tcp协议的网络引擎,包括两个部分: a、服务器采用完成端口模型,提供了丰富的接口函数 b、客户端采用三线程加重叠Io模型,速度快,稳定 都采用回调函数接收数据,是对网络Tcp模型Socket的完整封装,所有代码在Windows2000下测试通过,并已应用到很多现有的中型网络系统中。
This a remarkably agreement Network engines, including two parts : a server used to complete port model, a rich interface function b, client using three overlapping threads increases Io model, speed and stability using a callback function to receive information, the network model DEC Socket complete package, all of the code in the test under Windows 2000, and has been applied to many existing medium-sized network systems. (2005-04-13, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载869次)


[网络编程] netjet

这是一个Tcp协议的网络引擎,包括两个部分: a、服务器采用完成端口模型,提供了丰富的接口函数 b、客户端采用三线程加重叠Io模型,速度快,稳定 都采用回调函数接收数据,是对网络Tcp模型Socket的完整封装,所有代码在Windows2000下测试通过,并已应用到很多现有的中型网络系统中。
This a remarkably agreement Network engines, including two parts : a server used to complete port model, a rich interface function b, client using three overlapping threads increases Io model, speed and stability using a callback function to receive information, the network model DEC Socket complete package, all of the code in the test under Windows 2000, and has been applied to many existing medium-sized network systems. (2005-04-01, Visual C++, 13KB, 下载46次)
