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按分类查找All 构建工具(164) 
按平台查找All JavaScript(164) 

[构建工具] LucasB19

I m Lucas, a developer with a deep passion for basketball and technology, dribbling between ML and programming with the agility of a professional player. My playground The digital world, where I implement innovative strategies in AI and Data Analysis to turn ideas into realities. My aim is to create applications that simplify everyday life. (2024-02-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] Jenkins_the_DnD_Bot

Jenkins is a Discord bot that helps me DM. He has a lot of useful features, but is still under construction. (2018-10-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] alright-react-app

Professional React app generator. Comes with an exposed, unopinionated, high performance configuration. Jest, SWC, Storybook, Typescript 5, Webpack 5. (2023-04-25, JavaScript, 35KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] Web-API-Code-Quiz

This application allows user to a take a JavaScript code quiz after the clicked on the Code Quiz button. When you land on the page, you are presented with some instructions about how to take the quiz and what to do avoid penalties. You will lose 15 seconds worth of points if you miss a question. If you wait too long the time will keep going and ... (2020-04-20, JavaScript, 75KB, 下载0次)
