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[Windows编程] YY万年历

一个基于VB 的万年历,万年历日历中显示节日、农历、星座等信息,可前进、后退查看某一天信息。编写时候用到了不少VB类,源码公开,对学习来说相当有参考价值。   Private Sub Image2_Click(Index As Integer)    Select Case Index    Case 0 '减    If WNL_Pic_int = 1 Then WNL_Pic_int = 15 Else WNL_Pic_int = WNL_Pic_int - 1    Me.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\BackBmpWNL\WNL_" & Format(WNL_Pic_int, "00") & ".jpg")    Case 1 '加    If WNL_Pic_int = 15 Then WNL_Pic_int = 1 Else WNL_Pic_int = WNL_Pic_int + 1    Me.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\BackBmpWNL\WNL_" & Format(WNL_Pic_int, "00") & ".jpg")    End Select    WriteIniStr "XJ_BHSet.ini", "软件设置", "万年历背景图", WNL_Pic_int
A calendar based on VB, calendar calendar display Festival, lunar calendar, constellation and other information, can be forward, backward view of a day information. When writing, many VB classes are used. The source code is open, which is quite valuable for learning. (2020-10-27, Visual Basic, 1443KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] EYE

是专门针对上班一族而设计的一款实用软件。里面集成了多种常用功能。自动更换桌面功能:让我们每天开机都能眼睛一亮有一份好的心情。隐身功能:让我们在忙里偷闲时不用担心老板的突然袭击。经典游戏功能:集成了一款经典又耐玩的 “俄罗斯方块”游戏。备忘录功能:在我们忙的晕头转向时,看看它就清楚了,有什么好的灵感也可以随时记录在里面哦。
vb6 design. include a game.include screen save. (2018-09-14, Visual Basic, 613KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] dingshiarert

VB源码编写实现定时提醒工具源码,从字符串inString中取出在字符串sSpecString与nSpecString之间的子串,当nSpecString <>"" ,即有指定第二个字符串的值。你可以通过本程序将加较多的定时提醒任务,比如吃饭、睡觉、晨练等,不过本程序要始终是打开的
VB source code written reminder tool to achieve timing source is removed from the string inString in substrings sSpecString and nSpecString between when nSpecString < > " " , that is, to specify the value of the second string. Through this program you can add more time to remind tasks, such as eating, sleeping, morning exercises, etc., but this procedure should always be open (2014-05-14, Visual Basic, 27KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] vbhuobiduihuan

VB realized currency exchange, money can be put between the countries on an equal exchange functions, the main use of VB selectcase statement to achieve. Support the RMB convertible currency, the U.S. dollar, German mark, the euro, the French franc, British pound, Hong Kong dollar, Japanese yen, Korean won, Canadian dollars. Rates are set itself, in order to exchange accurate, you need to modify the code for the latest exchange rate in the exchange rate, the next step can be extended to fit the latest acquisition to achieve exchange rate (2014-05-14, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 20129722143260

1、支持远程屏幕查看(不支持鼠标键盘)VB的无DLL远程桌面是硬伤 2、支持键盘记录(可以记录程序窗口信息) 3、支持进程管理 4、支持远程CMD管理 5、支持客户上线播放声音 6、支持自定义分组(中文分组暂不支持) 7、支持动态域名解析、IP地址两种上线方式 8、支持远程文件管理(这块还不是太成熟,老是出问题,待有能力者改善) 9、支持DDOS(支持页面DDOS、IP两种方式) 10、打开网页(可选显示打开或者隐藏打开) 11、文件下载(暂时没写纯框架) 12、互斥对象(防止重复运行) 13、不重复上线 14、配置生成的服务端支持压缩、加壳等常用免杀方法 15、切勿是用于非法用途,作者发布只是用于交流爱好学习!
Since writing the VB function remote control with DDOS (DDOS function barely) code write more chaos, a support remote screen view (does not support mouse and keyboard) VB DLL Remote Desktop is no Mishap 2, support keyloggers (programs can be recorded window information) 3, 4 support process management, support remote CMD Management 5, the customer support line play sounds 6, support for custom grouping (Chinese grouping does not support) 7, support dynamic domain name resolution, IP address, two on-line 8, support Remote file management (this is not too ripe, always a problem, have the ability to be improving) 9, support DDOS (support page DDOS, IP two ways) 10, open a Web page (optional display open or hidden open) 11 , file download (temporarily did not write pure frame) 12, the mutex object (to prevent duplicate runs) 13, do not repeat the line 14, the server is configured to generate support for compression, packers and other commonly used methods to avoid killing 15, not be used f (2014-05-12, Visual Basic, 584KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] FDTD-Tutorial

FDTD-solutions是Lumerical公司出品的用于求解三维麦克斯韦方程的软件。是一款非常容易上手,界面友好,功能强大,几乎能满足所有FDTD算法计算需求的软件。能够用来分析波长尺度特征的复杂结构与紫外、可见和红外辐射的相互作用。通过其特有的多系数材料建模功能, FDTD Solutions能够准确地考虑宽波长范围内的材料色散,因而终端用户能够高效率地计算器件在很宽谱带内的响应。其高度优化的计算引擎能够充分利用多核计算系统--从笔记本电脑到高性能计算集群,以及内置的优化模块能加速优化纳米光子学器件,FDTD的Solutions是光电子设计行业专业工程师和科学家的首选。
Lumerical FDTD-solutions company produced is used to solve Maxwell s equations in three-dimensional software. Is a very easy to use, friendly interface, powerful, almost all of FDTD algorithm can meet the needs of the software. Can be used to analyze complex structures and UV wavelength scale features, visible and infrared radiation interactions. Through its unique multi-factor material modeling capabilities, FDTD Solutions can accurately consider the material dispersion of a wide range of wavelengths, so the end user can respond efficiently computing devices over a wide band. Its highly optimized calculation engine can take full advantage of multi-core computing systems- from laptops to high-performance computing clusters, as well as a built-in optimization module can accelerate the optimization of nano-photonic devices, FDTD Solutions is the first choice for the photonics industry professional design engineers and scientists. (2014-03-17, Visual Basic, 974KB, 下载22次)


[Windows编程] 34567

VB Double Bubble Battle Tetris game [recommended], please there is a need to download it (2013-08-04, Visual Basic, 272KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Daren-manual-books---vb-to-database

1-5-1 使用CTE與次序函數取代VB.NET迴圈擷取特定筆數困擾 1-5-2 使用CTE與計算多父節點的物料清單 2-6-1 使用Visual Studio 2005開發varbinary(max)儲存影像資料 3-6-1 使用XML資料類型搭配VB.NET應用程式開發 4-4-1 搭配Visual Studio 2003與HTTP端點實作非同步處理 4-4-2 搭配Visual Studio 2005與HTTP端點實作非同步處理 5-4-1 使用Visual Basic 2005呼叫各種預存程序 5-4-2 使用觸發程序檢查庫存量後傳送電子郵件 6-4-1 使用SQLCLR觸發程序輸出異動後的資料成XML檔案 7-5-1 使用CLR呼叫WEB服務,進行即時匯率查詢 8-6-1 使用CHECK結合CLR函數檢查身份證正確性 9-3-1 表單程式結合SqlDependency自動更新異動後資料 10-4-1 Database Mail結合Service Broker自動傳送郵件 11-3-1 實作出股票會員檢視股票後自動通知營業員程式 12-5-1 利用鎖定技巧讓應用程式自訂設定等候時間 13-4-1 資料庫多國語系警示訊息設定,實作出應用程式多語系技巧 13-4-2 整合CLR進行繁體簡體轉換 14-5-1 Database Engine Tuning Advisor工具介紹
1-5-1 using CTE and order functions instead of VB.NET loop to retrieve specific items troubled 1-5-2 using a CTE and the calculation of multi-parent node of BOM 2-6-1 using Visual Studio 2005 development of store image data in varbinary (max) 3-6-1 to use the XML data type with a VB.NET application development 4-4-1 with Visual Studio 2003 with HTTP endpoint implement asynchronous processing 4-4-2 with Visual Studio 2005 to implement asynchronous processing with HTTP endpoints 5-4-1 to use Visual Basic 2005 Call various stored procedures 5-4-2 to use trigger send an e-mail program to check the inventory 6-4-1 using SQLCLR trigger program output transaction data into an XML file 7-5-1 to use the CLR call Web services, real-time Exchange Rates 8-6-1 to use CHECK ID checks correctness combined with CLR function 9-3-1 form in conjunction SqlDependency automatically update transaction information 10-4-1 Database Mail and Service Broker automatically send a message 11-3-1 real t (2012-05-05, Visual Basic, 919KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] jsq

计算器广泛的应用在生活方面,计算器可以进行简单的四则运算(加、减、乘、除)。键入数字时,按下相应的数字键,如果按错可用(CB)键消去一次数值,再重新输入正确的数字, 接输入数字后,按下乘号将它变为乘数,在不输入被乘数的情况下直接按(=)键,就是该数字的二次方值。根号(sqrt)键默认是开二次方根,按下(+/-)键可改变数字的正负值。
Calculator widely used in life, a simple calculator can be the four fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Type the number, press the corresponding number key, if used by mistake (CB) eliminate a key value, and then re-enter the correct number, then enter a number, press it into a multiplier multiplication, without input is directly by the case of the multiplier (=) key, that is, the value of the square of the number. Roots (sqrt) the default is to open the second root key, press the (+/-) keys to change the number of positive and negative. (2010-07-31, Visual Basic, 9KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] ActiveLock-1.8.4

Do you have to do a lot of trial software, which are hard to write code, this control is for you to solve the trouble to write-sharing software, which can put your software plus a lock, allowing users to register within the prescribed time if the user do not register will not be a trial or lose some of the features. (2009-10-05, Visual Basic, 224KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] AOJRF2009

这是阿姆斯特丹-牛津联合RobotCup Rescue仿真的代码。用Visual Basic开发。
This is the code release of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Force for the RoboCup Rescue Simulation Virtual Robot 2009 competition. The code of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Force is developed on top of the code of the previous release, which is based on the code of the UvA Rescue Team 2007. This release only contains the modified parts since the release of the code by Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Force 2008 (rev. 1350 until 1913). The Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Force 2009 consisted of Arnoud Visser, Hanne Nijhuis, Helen Flynn, Radoslaw Sobolewski, Magda Jankowska and Julian de Hoog, with major contributions of Bas Terwijn, Gideon Emile Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Christiaan Walraven, Quang Nguyen, Bram Huijten, Maarten van der Velden, Wouter Josemans and Fares Alnajar. This code is developed in Visual Basic, to be able monitor and control the agents in an interactive way. (2009-08-30, Visual Basic, 915KB, 下载27次)


[Windows编程] QQ

dim StrQQPath as string 寻找QQ客户端 dim shell_s as string dim i as long getvalue StrQQPath 这个这里就不解释了 shell_s=StrQQPath & "QQ.exe"&"/START QQUIN:"& TEXT1.TEXT & "PAWDHASH:"& StR2qqPwdHash(text2.text) & " /STAT:41" 41就是登陆的意思 I=SHELL(SHELL_S,1) dim StrQQPath as string dim shell_s as string dim i as long getvalue StrQQPath shell_s=StrQQPath & "QQ.exe"&"/START QQUIN:"& TEXT1.TEXT & "PAWDHASH:"& StR2qqPwdHash(text2.text) & " /STAT:41" I=SHELL(SHELL_S,1) 这个后面最好加个1否则将默认是最小化运行,QQ是看不到的! END SUB
dim StrQQPath as string ' search QQ client dim shell_s as string dim i as long' getvalue StrQQPath ' This is not explained here shell_s = StrQQPath & " QQ.exe" & "/START QQUIN:" & TEXT1.TEXT & " PAWDHASH : " & StR2qqPwdHash (text2.text) & " /STAT: 41 " ' 41 is the meaning of landing I = SHELL (SHELL_S, 1) dim StrQQPath as string dim shell_s as string dim i as long getvalue StrQQPath shell_s = StrQQPath & " QQ . exe " & " /START QQUIN: " & TEXT1.TEXT & " PAWDHASH: " & StR2qqPwdHash (text2.text) & " /STAT: 41 " I = SHELL (SHELL_S, 1) ' add this after 1 or the best the default is to minimize the run, QQ can not see it! END SUB (2009-07-01, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Visual_Basic_Programming

介绍7W框架从vB NET集成环境、 vB NET的沿胃基础加识、窃体从控什、用户界面设汁、画刚4象的程序设计、文仆及对话框、 程序调试及tK误处理、图形及多媒体程序没刘、数据库编程及创建web应用程序等。结合案例 使初学习者更灯地学习和掌握vBN盯程序设tt的基本知识和技能*
introduced vB NET 7W Framework from the integrated environment, vB NET along the stomach increases the basis of knowledge, control and even stolen from the body, the user interface based juice, drawn as just 4 of the program design, the servant and the dialog box tK debugging and error handling, graphics and multimedia programs do not Liu, database programming and the creation of web applications. Combination of cases so that more light in early learners to study and master the procedures established vBN gaze tt the basic knowledge and skills* (2009-06-04, Visual Basic, 10069KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] 31767649librarydatabase

热门话题 第一只进博物馆的猪 醉酒后 高油价时代 财经·科技·房产 ·股市要熊到2010年? 证券分析师跳楼自杀 ·A股论坛28日举行 三大主力抄底(附股) ·IBM抑郁员工公开信 房企怕缺钱被逼自杀 奥运·体育 ·意大利换帅内幕 姚明27日归队训练 ·火箭海选姚明替补 NBA梦之队PK总冠军 ·卡卡儿子未来命运 足坛十大乒球高手 潘玮柏死盯辣妹脱衣 央视名嘴抵川 流泪赵普受关注 [央视名嘴大都身兼多职][更多娱乐新闻] ·新妙玉造型被讽像媒婆 熊猫成亿万富翁 ·新旧红楼梦演员差距 宋慧乔傍上吴宇森 ·高圆圆张亚东约会(图) 石康批士兵突击 ·容祖儿新艳照(图) 艳星彭丹夜会李云迪 ·金马奖影帝影后靓照 琼瑶小生变老大叔 流行阅读[百家讲坛:千古中医故事] [路遇劫匪:我没说我淑女] 嫁凤凰男,你敢吗? 阿娇被迫拍人体写真 女大学生的尴尬时刻 全国高校招生办答疑 女性·时尚 ·11个细节超有异性缘 丰胸产品使用心得 ·吊带背心的搭配心得 谁送狂人上巅峰? ·测测你的爱人在哪里 十大最难惹的公主 预订LAVIDA朗逸休闲·新品 ·详解东风日产新天籁 旗舰级手机排行榜 ·暗黑3公布希望大增 R02台服延至明年 ·刘
err (2008-06-25, Visual Basic, 982KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] g046_99

小乐前次上你处捞了不少好处(DOWN了你不少经验),真是 不好意思,所以这次硬弄了个东东出来加报。WINDOWS关机时 的FORM应是不能移动的。且黑屏是整屏都暗了。你的关机程 序只暗了640*480一块FORM拖动后露出了东西。未关机返回后 好些地方变不回来了。 小乐的程序里也模拟过关机。这个小程序是从小乐的大程序中 卡下来的,用不到的变量和常量,函数小乐都删了,但好多API 定义看得小乐眼都花了,不高兴删了,反正定义API只用几十个 字节内存放入口而已。 小乐的程序里一个函数是抓屏,然后用一个整屏的FORM,然后 画了好些线组成网格,上面一条控制条是小乐自己弄的,包括 一个X也是小乐画的,小乐技术不高,想不出别的方法,且程序 定有可改进的地方。还望有改进后妹小乐一个。 (2007-09-01, Visual Basic, 84KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] shutdown

小乐前次上你处捞了不少好处(DOWN了你不少经验),真是 不好意思,所以这次硬弄了个东东出来加报。WINDOWS关机时 的FORM应是不能移动的。且黑屏是整屏都暗了。你的关机程 序只暗了640*480一块FORM拖动后露出了东西。未关机返回后 好些地方变不回来了。 小乐的程序里也模拟过关机。这个小程序是从小乐的大程序中 卡下来的,用不到的变量和常量,函数小乐都删了,但好多API 定义看得小乐眼都花了,不高兴删了,反正定义API只用几十个 字节内存放入口而已。 小乐的程序里一个函数是抓屏,然后用一个整屏的FORM,然后 画了好些线组成网格,上面一条控制条是小乐自己弄的,包括 一个X也是小乐画的,小乐技术不高,想不出别的方法,且程序 定有可改进的地方。还望有改进后妹小乐一个。 (2007-09-01, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载2次)
