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[软件设计/软件工程] 电子拔河机

The electronic tug of war machine model built using Multisim can be used for practical operation. The electronic tug of war game console is a three player game circuit that can accommodate both parties to participate or both parties to participate with judges. The electronic rope of tug of war is represented by a row of LED light emitting diodes. The two players, A and B, use a button switch to move the illuminated LED towards their own endpoint. When the bright spot moves to either side's endpoint, that party wins, and multiple consecutive matches are determined to determine the winner. (2023-05-17, MultiPlatform, 685KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] GPU_Water_Simulation

128* 128 grid on the solution of 2-dimensional wave equation to simulate a wide range of water. With a pixel shader program to complete the wave equation of time points, the result is stored in a floating point texture,. And then this texture to the rendering module. In addition the use of bump mapping to describe the details of the surface corrugation, which will later bring about-by-pixel rendering realistic water effects of high light flashes. (2008-11-06, MultiPlatform, 1700KB, 下载94次)


[C#编程] SKLSC

Kazakhstan the world today use three languages, of which the Latin alphabet-based (Europe and the United States, Turkey, the use of) language and the Cyrillic alphabet-based (Kazakhstan and other former Soviet republics to use) the text of the scheduling problem is already resolved. The procedures for the settlement of the Arabic alphabet-based (China, Arab countries) to sort the issue of the Kazakh language. (2008-10-15, MultiPlatform, 48KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] FixResDemo

多被加壳的 PE 文件在脱壳以后,往往该 PE 文件的资源部分无法用某些 资源工具来进行查看、编辑,同时也不利于脱壳文件的优化工作。这其中的主要 原因是由于很多加壳程序将部分资源(如 Icon、Version Information)从资源节 (resource section)移到了壳增加的节里,这导致很多资源工具不能正确识别分 布在两个节里的资源数据。DT_FixRes 作为 PE 文件资源修复、重建引擎,为此 提供了完美解决方案。它可以将分布在多个节里的资源重新移到一个资源节里, 并且对资源进行了完全优化,修复后的资源不含有任何垃圾数据,如同资源编译 器的编译效果,可以媲美未加壳前的原始资源。这样资源工具也就能够顺利地对 修复后的 PE 资源进行查看、编辑,也大大简化了对脱壳文件的手工优化工作。 (2008-03-20, MultiPlatform, 232KB, 下载30次)


[Java编程] bbs

Generic version of the Forum is based on eclipse+ Struts to design, and he provided the tourists, three types of users and administrators, function has published topic published back, landing register, user management, etc. .. If anyone would like to add to their own system can use a friend! (2008-03-17, MultiPlatform, 1851KB, 下载212次)


[认证考试资料] netengineer

本书共20章,分为五大部分。前面第1章引言,内容涉及网络的产生和发展、主要功能、分类以及网络体系结构和ISO/OSI参考模型。第一部分(第2~3章)介绍数据通信知识,涉及数据通信基本概念和基础理论、传输介质、多路复用技术、数据交换技术、调制解调技术以及物理层接口技术等内容。第二部分(第4~6章)讨论各种底层网络技术,涉及各种广域网、局域网和高速局域网技术。第三部分(第7~11章)讨论网络互连技术及其相关协议,涉及网络互连、TCP/IP参考模型、IP、ARP和ICMP、IP路由以及TCP和UDP等内容。第四部分(第12~17章)讨论网络应用程序相互作用模式以及各种具体的网络应用,涉及客户/服务器模型、套接字编程接口、域名系统(DNS)、远程登录(Telnet)、文件传输和访问、电子邮件以及万维网。第五部分(第18~19章)讨论网络安全和管理。最后第20章简单介绍了网络技术的未来发展。本书主要供高等院校计算机专业高年级本科生和低年级硕士研究生作为计算机网络课程的教材使用,同时也可供计算机网络设计人员、开发人员以及管理人员作为技术参考书使用。 (2008-03-15, MultiPlatform, 1277KB, 下载114次)


[医药行业] medicine_management_system.tar.bz2

Features a very simple drug management system, write the reasons for the system is: The system used JBUILDER-X plus MYSQL completed in LINUX platform to complete successfully transplanted into WINDOW system, I was completely free in order to prove the feasibility of the development environment developed specifically this system, a number of problems encountered, are aspects of Chinese characters, when the practice has proved that a free development environment is feasible! to comrades reference (2007-10-23, MultiPlatform, 28KB, 下载63次)


[加密解密] 949327266

准算法模块是集DES、3DES、AES、RSA、MD5、BlowFish、TEA、RC6等标准算法为一体的算法包,同时在模块中使用了Anti-Debug和程序自校验功能(涉及到软件的加壳和CRC32)、软件使用次数限制,更好的保护您的软件。在模块中作者给出了每种算法详细调用方法,使用者可以根据自己的需要来进行选择。现暂时给出在VB、VC、Delphi三种开发语言中的调用方法,其他语言的调用方法可与我们联系获得,具体可以参看例子程序;现更新DLL可能被破解者替换的漏洞,并对DLL进行了加壳,增加了CRC校验功能,For Delphi还增加了对DeDe的Anti代码,在代码中给出了在NT/2000/XP下关闭计算机的函数。 增加了MD2、MD3、SHA1、SHA256、SHA384、SHA512、HAVAL128、HAVAL160、HAVAL192、HAVAL224、HAVAL256、GOST、TIGER128、TIGER160、TIGER192、RIPEMD128、RIPEMD160、CRC32、CRC32B、ADLER32多种算法
prospective algorithm module combines DES, 3DES, AES, RSA, MD5, BlowFish. TEA, RC6 algorithm standards for the integration of the algorithm package, At the same time the use of the module Anti-Debug and procedures since the checksum function (related to the shell and software CRC 32), software usage restrictions and better protect your software. The module is the author of the algorithm in detail each call, users can meet their own needs to choose. Is temporarily given in VB, VC, Delphi development of the three languages of the call, other languages can call methods and access to our contacts, can see examples of specific procedures; Update DLL is likely to be those who break the replacement of the loopholes, and the shell DLL, an increase of CRC function, For Delphi also added to the Anti (2007-01-20, MultiPlatform, 229KB, 下载306次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] GAbook04

4。《演化程序——遗传算法和数据编码的结合》,[英]米凯利维兹着 科学出版社 2000年第一版 本书分三个部分共16章分别介绍了:1.遗传算法的概念、数学原理及方法步骤 2.遗传算法和数据编码联系起来所构成的演化程序 3.演化程序面向一些实际问题的应用。 本书语言生动,结构合理,较少使用专业性术语和深涩词汇,适合面临优化问题的研究生、程序员、设计师、工程师及科研工作人员参考。
4. "Evolutionary process-- genetic coding algorithm and data integration," [E] Mikhail Liweici a 520-531 2000 version of the first book in three parts a total of 16 chapters were introduced : 1. Genetic Algorithm concept mathematical principles and methods of Step 2. genetic algorithms and data coding linked posed by the evolution of procedures 3. Evolution-oriented procedures some of the practical problems of application. The book vivid language, reasonable structure, and less use of professional terminology and vocabulary deep acerbic suitable for optimization problems facing graduate students, programmers, designers, engineers and research personnel. (2006-08-15, MultiPlatform, 7378KB, 下载54次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] qiangdaqi

设计一个可容纳四组参赛的数字式抢答器,每组设一个按钮供抢答使用。抢答器具有第一信号鉴别和锁存功能,使除第一抢答者外的按钮不起作用;设置一个主持人“复位”按钮,主持人复位后,开始抢答,第一信号鉴别锁存电路得到信号后,用指示灯显示抢答组别,扬声器发出2—3s的音响。 设置犯规电路,对提前抢答和超时答题(例如3min)的组别鸣笛示警,并由组别显示电路显示出犯规组别。 设置一个计分电路,每组开始预置10分,由主持人记分,答对一次加1分,答错一次减1分。
a design can accommodate four groups participating Digital Answering Machine, each with a button for Responder use. Responder is the first signal to identify and latch functions, in addition to those first Responder button ineffective; Moderator set up a "reset" button, reset moderator, began Responder, the first signal differential latch circuit signals to be used indicator shows Responder groups, loudspeakers issued 2-3s sound. Fouls circuit set to advance Responder and overtime to answer (for example, 3 min) groups warning whistle, with bands indicate foul show circuit group. Points set up a circuit, each started 10 minutes preset by the moderator points, a plus one correct answer, by a relaxation time points. (2006-03-28, MultiPlatform, 101KB, 下载186次)


[电子书籍] 华为内部程序设计培训 PDF版

Huawei procedures training materials, turning it into a PDF version for easy reading, add a bookmark to hope it may be useful (2005-04-26, MultiPlatform, 363KB, 下载13339次)
