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[其他游戏] AI_project04_15_23

Update: Dijkstra algorithm using priority queue implementation, there are a small part of the sample program main battle game (2015-04-15, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] main

Homemade Tetris beginners works for the students just beginning to learn c++ have some reference, here relates to the keys to control movement, it makes sense for beginners! (2013-08-30, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] 2012IE_03031201_2012300689

约瑟夫问题 这是17世纪的法国数学家加斯帕在《数目的游戏问题》中讲的一个故事:15个教徒和15 个非教徒在深海上遇险,必须将一半的人投入海中,其余的人才能幸免于难,于是想了一个办法:30个人围成一圆圈,从第一个人开始依次报数,每数到第九个人就将他扔入大海,如此循环进行直到仅余15个人为止。问怎样排法,才能使每次投入大海的都是非教徒。 含C语言大报告
Josephus problem which is the 17th-century French mathematician Gaspard in the " number of games Problems" tell a story: 15 Protestants and 15 non-believers on the deep distress, half of the people must be put into the sea, and the rest in order to survive, so the thought of a way: 30 individuals have formed a circle, started from the first turn reported the number of individuals per count to the ninth he will be thrown into the sea, so the loop until you are down to 15 people so far . Q. How permutation in order to make each into the sea are non-believers. The report containing the C language (2013-06-29, Visual C++, 374KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] menghuanbaoshi

Hangzhou Skye game source code examples, mrp mobile games above procedure needs to be installed on a computer running the sdk mrp (2013-05-25, Visual C++, 1861KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] eluosifangkuai

Tetris C++ source code: Dev-C++ debug running through the console interface, with exe file, to see the effect. (2012-12-01, Visual C++, 262KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] tetris

A with vc + + development tetris game, function is simple, according to the or so key move, press up key change shape, press down key move, easy to learn to use. (2012-11-18, Visual C++, 196KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] e-luo-si-fang-kuai

This is a Tetris code, I hope some people like it, I hope to allow more people to fall in love with this little casual game (2012-09-17, Visual C++, 10KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] ETettrissa

简单易懂的opengl小游戏源码 俄罗斯方块 运用数字键选选择难度按回车键确定 开始游戏源码 。
Simple opengl game source Tetris using the number keys difficult to choose to select press the Enter key OK to start the game source. (2012-08-14, Visual C++, 109KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] 33DBBox_FronnD

3D推箱子游戏源码,第一人称视角的对于初学入门者掌握OpenGL编编程与开发框架非常有帮助Visual C6.0编译通过
3D Sokoban game source code, the first-person perspective to grasp for the beginner beginners OpenGL compiled programming and development framework is to help Visual C6.0 compiled by (2012-08-12, Visual C++, 168KB, 下载8次)


[其他游戏] els

vc++6.0下的俄罗斯方块源码。网上的源码一般是Trubo c的源码,给初学者带来很大不便,该源码可在vc++6.0下编译。
vc++6.0 Tetris source code. The online source Trubo c source code, and caused great inconvenience to the beginner, the source code can be compiled in vc++6.0. (2012-07-23, Visual C++, 2548KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] russia

Curriculum design: a simple Russian bricks game written in MFC-based, the most basic to get the game action, only to achieve a scoring function, non-hierarchical set (2012-07-03, Visual C++, 9615KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] tetris

This is Tetris graphics.h write and want to run the program but also contains graphics.h file, this can be online to (2012-06-26, Visual C++, 2436KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] BLOCK

Basis of comparison of Tetris, based on introduction of them in the file, if there is a need to look at the reference! I hope can be helpful in learning! (2012-05-25, Visual C++, 239KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] Russia4

c++俄罗斯方块 目的是学习用VS2005 using the c # function is, " How do I find all of the superpage link...
Russia4 目的是学习用VS2005 using the c# function is, " How do I find all of the superpage link... (2011-01-29, Visual C++, 511KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] RBv3.0

A windows console Tetris game, double-line support LAN gaming, interface is simple, but features a more complete (2010-11-17, Visual C++, 12389KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] eluosiandtanchishe

俄罗斯方块与贪吃蛇游戏源代码,特点: 1.封装了下落方块的格式,可方便的增加; 2.可以自动演示
Snake Tetris game with source code, characteristics: 1. Packaging the whereabouts of the box format, can easily increase 2. Can automatically Demo (2008-12-22, Visual C++, 91KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] JOAN

当年的手掌机模拟器,琼斯历险(小人过河)。 美工比较细,逼真度非常高。70年代的肯定当年都完过。
then Nintendo simulator, Jones Adventure (small river). Artists relatively small, very high fidelity. The 1970s were certainly End time off. (2006-04-29, Visual C++, 222KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] RSBlock

dialog on small chunks of the Russian procedures, acceleration-deceleration can be suspended, and support for keyboard settings, standings, WinXP button, icon button. These are contained in the corresponding CPP document. (2006-03-16, Visual C++, 131KB, 下载18次)


[其他游戏] eluosifangkuai

This a small Tetris game source code, so relatively simple, to demonstrate algorithms and analysis of ideas. A very detailed notes and clear coding style is a good beginners learning paradigm (2005-06-04, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] 我编的贪食蛇

spent the cs111 Stanford Bank (schools used to enlightenment library), and the ignorance of the keyboard input of the library, they should take control of the direction the mouse click (2005-01-30, Visual C++, 279KB, 下载7次)
