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[其他] VC使用XOR 256加密算法操作文本或文件

VC++使用XOR 256加密解密算法对文本或文件进行加、解密,很早时候的加密算法,但现在还很实用,搜集了一个实例,希望对VC++编程的朋友有所帮助。它主要是对十六进制的文本文档或者文件进行加密解密。
VC++ uses the XOR 256 encryption and decryption algorithm to encrypt and decrypt text or files. The encryption algorithm was a very early encryption algorithm, but it is still very practical. I have collected an example. I hope it will be helpful to friends of VC++ programming. It mainly encrypts and decrypts hexadecimal text documents or files. (2021-01-02, Visual C++, 56KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 火车头软件V7.6企业版_破解

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite是加拿大Corel公司的平面设计软件;该软件是Corel公司出品的矢量图形制作工具软件,这个图形工具给设计师提供了矢量动画、页面设计、网站制作、位图编辑和网页动画等多种功能。
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is a graphic design software Corel company of Canada; the vector graphics software is produced by Corel company production tools, this tool provides a graphical function of vector animation, page design, website production, web animation and bitmap editing to the designer. (2018-03-18, Visual C++, 42970KB, 下载5次)


[其他] 日期

输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天? 1.程序分析:以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加上5天即本年的第几天,特殊 情况,闰年且输入月份大于3时需考虑多加一天。
What is the day of the year? 1. program analysis: taking March 5th as an example, we should first add up the first two months, and then add 5 days, that is, the first few days of the year. When considering the special case, leap year and input month is more than 3, we need to consider adding one more day. (2018-01-02, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他] Calc

本计算器可以进行简单的四则运算(加、减、乘、除)但仅限于十进制下,还可以进行(八进制,十进制,十六进制)之间的相互转换,八进制最多可以输入19位数,十进制最多可以输入18位数,十六进制最多可以输入14位数,backspace表示退格, clear表示初始化。
This calculator can perform simple arithmetic (add, subtract, multiply and divide) but only a decimal, also can undertake, octal, decimal and hexadecimal) mutual conversion, octal up to 19 digits, can enter can enter most decimal digits, 18 hex can enter as much as 14 digits, backspace said backspace, clear said initialization. (2017-06-06, Visual C++, 5566KB, 下载1次)


[其他] fitting-model

要对单变量正态分布以及分类分布两种概率分布 模型,分别采用最大似然(ML),最大后验(MAP)以及贝叶斯估计(Bayes)的 方法进行概率密度估计。
In this paper, the maximum likelihood (ML), maximum a posteriori (MAP) and Bayesian estimation (Bayes) methods are used to estimate the probability density of two kinds of probability distribution models of univariate normal distribution and categorical distribution. (2017-05-10, Visual C++, 8647KB, 下载4次)


[其他] GRI-Mech3.0

Methane multi-step reaction mechanism code from Lawrence lab full. (2013-08-23, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载38次)


[其他] OTCMSfree_2.5

Nets titanium articles management system (OTCMS) not only can be used in wide range of news release type website also apply to clean out treasure guest website, the subsequent nets titanium studio will be expanded function, but not to fully functional direction, will only go to general function, simple operation direction development, let do not understand the code and want to build your own web site but the friend, use nets titanium articles management system, through the background simple configuration, can have a personalized their websites. (2012-05-16, Visual C++, 3291KB, 下载3次)


[其他] c-and-cPP

C and C++ topics and issues many of the classic source of different solutions, such as the monkey problem, long jump, Einstein problem .... and some simple systems, such as: online auction, performance management systems. . . (2011-04-11, Visual C++, 823KB, 下载8次)


[其他] VCjisuanqi

设计一个计算机器,要准备以下几个功能: 1、二进制、八进制、十进制及十六进制数的加、减、乘、除、乘方、取模等简单计算 2、科学计算函数,包括(反)正弦、(反)余弦、(反)正切、(反)余切、开方、指数等函数运行 3、以角度、弧度两种方式实现上述部分函数 4、具备历史计算的记忆功能 5、对不正确的表达式能指出其错误原因
Design of a computer device, to prepare for the following functions: 1, binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal number of add, subtract, multiply, divide, involution, modulus and other simple calculation 2, scientific computing functions, including ( Anti-) sinusoidal, (anti-) cosine, (anti-) tangent, (anti-) cotangent, administration, index function is to run 3 to angle, radians are two ways to achieve the above part of the function 4, with history of computing memory function 5, that do not correct the error expression can point out the reasons for its (2010-01-06, Visual C++, 5206KB, 下载4次)


[其他] hundundeshengyin

聆听混沌的声音   本世纪70年代初,美国普林斯顿大学的生态学家R·May在研究昆虫群体繁殖规律时提出一个著名的模型: χ[n+1]=k*χ[n]*(1-χ[n])
To listen to the voice of chaos the early 70s of this century, the United States at Princeton University ecologist R · May insect population breeding in the study put forward a well-known law of the model: χ [n+1] = k* χ [n]* (1-χ [n]) (2009-11-29, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[其他] Lakey.v1.0.build.0009

Lakey这是一个免费的CW练习/收/发软件,供大家共同学习研究,有需要源码的朋友可以给我发邮件或加为MSN索取(idirect3d@hotmail.com)。在未来,我会不断更新其功能和修正错误。 最新的开发进展,是加入了对wpm值计算的支持,现在Lakey已经可以直接通过设置一个wpm值来设定机器自动发送速度,而不是向过去那样设置复杂的参数。当然,如果你愿意,仍然可以使用过去的方式来设置详细参数,这对一些有特殊要求的人来说比较适合。 本软件的目标是设计成一个使用简便,能够尽量利用一般PC本身具有的硬件功能和性能(主要指CPU的运算和声卡的音频捕捉/播放能力),实现不用另接特殊外围接口电路,不用改/加装电键等,即可让PC具有摩尔斯电码(Morse Code)的收发能力软件。未来可逐渐通过对PC硬件性能的挖掘,实现对音频信号进行分析、过滤、处理。 这是第一个非正式发行版本,因此很多功能与设计目标还有很大差距。希望大家多提意见!
Lakey This is a free CW practice/T/R software for common study and research, there is need to source a friend can give me a message or add to MSN obtain (idirect3d@hotmail.com). In the future, I will continue to update its features and correct mistakes. The latest development progress, is to add terms of wpm support, and now Lakey has been a wpm directly by setting the value to set the speed of the machine automatically sent, rather than in the past, a complex parameter. Of course, if you wish, you can still use the previous way to set the detailed parameters, which have special requirements for some people is more suitable. The goal of this software is designed to be an easy to use, to make the best use of general PC itself has a hardware functionality and performance (mainly referring to CPU computing and sound audio capture/playback capabilities) to achieve without the other received a special peripheral interface circuits, do not change/install telegraph key and so (2009-11-22, Visual C++, 399KB, 下载178次)


[其他] 1

通讯录管理系统 (1) 添加功能:添加联系人的信息,包括姓名,固定电话,手机,Email,家庭住址。 (2) 删除功能:能够对一个联系人的信息进行删除。 (3) 修改功能:能够对联系人的信息进行修改。 (4) 查找功能:根据你键入的联系人姓名,显示其详细信息。 (5) 特殊要求:要考虑联系人姓名重复情况,能够通过自动加英文字母对联系人进行区分。如:李平A,李平B。
tongx unlue dwqf wqrg feqwvw de dew dew ew ew sw tongx unlue dwqf wqrg feqwvw de dew dew ew ew sw dew (2009-06-24, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[其他] examSystem

程序说明: 程序实现环境:VC6.0 MFC 程序中涉及的所有用户密码均为:mima 管理员用户名为:guanliyuan 可先以管理员身份登陆该系统,来进一步查看考生和阅卷者的用户名。 程序中使用了一个基于MFC ATL多接口的com组件,可以在不影响用户使用的情况下按需要增加新的接口。 关于接口的一些信息如下: CLSID CLSID_Com 目前有两个接口: IID IID_ICalculate 包含两个方法: Jia(int a,int b,int *c)实现简单加运算 Jian(int a,int b,int *c)实现简单写运算 IID IID_IOther 暂时没有定义方法。 其相关调用方法在程序中体现。
failed to translate (2009-06-09, Visual C++, 2303KB, 下载7次)


[其他] code

王晓东 算法设计 课后部分答案 n后 , 编辑距离问题 , 标准2维表问题 ,独立任务最优调度 , 会场安排 , 矩阵相乘 , 圈乘运算 , 输油管道问题 , 兔子生崽 , 邮局选址 , 又重复元素排列问题 , 找第二名学生成绩 , 众数问题 , 字典序问题 , 租用游艇问题 , 最长公共子序列问题 ,最大k乘积 , 最大长方体 , 最少硬币 , 最小费用购物, 最优合并
Algorithm acm C++ (2009-06-04, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载207次)


[其他] oneday

定义日期类Date。要求: (1)可以设置日期; (2)日期加一天操作; (3)输出函数,输出格式为“XXXX年XX月XX日”; (4)编写主函数,定义对象,完成相应功能。
The definition of the date of type Date. Requirements: (1) can set the date (2) date-plus-one operation (3) the output function, output format for the " XXXX in XX on XX date" (4) the preparation of the main function, the definition of the object, the completion of the corresponding function. (2009-05-21, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[其他] jisuanqi

系统地学习面向对象编程思想,了解MFC架构,逐步熟悉可视化编程环境Visual C++,并在此环境下设计并实现一个简单计算器系统,该计算器应能实现如下功能: 1、二进制、八进制、十进制及十六进制数的加、减、乘、除、乘方、取模等简单计算 2、科学计算函数,包括(反)正弦、(反)余弦、(反)正切、(反)余切、开方、指数等函数运算 3、以角度、弧度两种方式实现上述部分函数
Systematic study of object-oriented programming ideas, understand the MFC framework to gradually become familiar with visual programming environment Visual C++, And in this environment is designed and implemented a simple calculator system, the calculator should be able to achieve the following functions : 1, binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal numbers add, subtract, multiply, divide, involution, such as simple calculation modulus 2, scientific computing functions, including the (Anti-) sinusoidal, (anti-) cosine, (anti- ) tangent, (anti-) Cotangent, prescribing, index function computing 3, to the angle of curvature of two ways to achieve some of the above function (2008-12-14, Visual C++, 1922KB, 下载15次)


[其他] dpt

内含纯DOS,WIN32控制台和WIN32 GUI三个版本.它们生成的备份文件可以在任何版本中使用. WIN32 GUI版本暂使用备份功能(其他模块也都已全部写好,全是完整的,现在仅开启备份功能),如果想使用还原替换和比较功能,可自行打开调用的开关或加几句调用的代码就可以了
Containing pure DOS, WIN32, and WIN32 GUI console in three versions. They generated backup files can be used in any version. WIN32 GUI version temporarily use the backup function (all other modules have also written, is complete, now only open the backup feature), if you want to use to restore the replacement and comparison of features, can open the call a few of the switches or the code can call the (2008-08-14, Visual C++, 327KB, 下载55次)


[其他] PCtoLCD2002

0.生成自定义的小字库: 0.使用PCTOLCD的各种调整功能调整出您需要的文字样式,如字体,字样(下划,倾斜,加 粗),大小(各种点阵大小的字体,可锁定点阵本身大小(如16*16),然后在这个固定的点阵大小 内调节文字的大小(例如在16*16的点阵中居中显示12*12大小的汉字) 1.将您需要的汉字和符号集中形成一个文本文件 2.使用“导入文本”的按钮 3.确认“生成二进制字库”被选中(建议选中"生成索引文件"原因后析) 4.点“开始生成”按钮,选择生成的字库文件名 5.然后耐心等待一段时间(与处理文本大小有关),在此期间建议不要动键盘和鼠标。 6.字库生成完毕. 1.生成国标一二级汉字库 0.使用PCTOLCD的各种调整功能调整出您需要的文字样式,如字体,字样(下划,倾斜,加 粗),大小(各种点阵大小的字体,可锁定点阵本身大小(如16*16),然后在这个固定的点阵大小 内调节文字的大小(例如在16*16的点阵中居中显示12*12大小的汉字). 1.使用“导入文本”的按钮 2.点右下角"生成国标汉字库"按钮. 3.选择字库文件名后单击确定 4.耐心等待一段时间后既得到生成的汉字库(时间视具体机器而定).
err (2008-06-16, Visual C++, 703KB, 下载48次)


[其他] Rejister

通过编写本程序,可以掌握 1.维空间增加成员函数和变量; 2.明白MainFram和View的作用区域; 窗口产生过程: 1.创建窗口资源 2.创建窗口类 3.为窗口控件增加消息处理函数; 4.在主窗口中增加控件调用对话框
through the preparation of this program, one can grasp. Dimensional Space increase in the membership functions and variables; 2. MainFram and understand the role of regional View; window selection process : 1. resources to create two windows. create window category 3. Controls window to the news handling functions; 4. the main window to add call control dialog (2006-06-18, Visual C++, 3593KB, 下载11次)


[其他] ewszpx

输入30个数到一个5行6列数组,经排序后该数组各元素值按行从小到大排列,并显示该二维数组。 要求:直接在该数组中排序,不得转存于一个一维数组。
input to a 30 Number 6 line arrays, sorting through the array element values of the firms from small to large order, and that the two-dimensional array. Requirements : directly in the array, in order not to turn stored in a one-dimensional arrays. (2006-04-07, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载22次)
