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[游戏] TetrisCharge

A tetris-inspired mobile puzzle game. In each level you are given multiple appliances that are connected to a charger. The charger are in the shapes of tetrominoes. The objective of the game is to fit the chargers on the board in such a manner that they are all connected to the power supply and can charge the respective appliances. (2024-05-13, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Shooting-Range

The genre of this game is FPS. This game is designed for PC, in which you can select different types of weapons and shoot at targets, and you can also select different shooting ranges. The game is very similar to the shooting gallery in GTA San Andreas. In this game I use Zenject. This game is being developed for a college graduation project. (2023-12-25, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] KnightVision

A C# chess bot for Sebastian Lague s Chess Coding Challenge. Utilizes bitboard representations with Zobrist hashing for rapid state evaluations, a curated opening book for optimized early-game play, and iterative deepening with alpha-beta pruning for depth-adjusted search, and more. (2023-12-19, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Gamemakers-Toolkit-Gamejam-GMTKRIS

我在48小时内用Unity为GMTK gamejam制作的一款游戏。主题是“粘在一起”,因此我的团队开发了一个关于俄罗斯方块的旋转,wher...,
A game I made in 48 hours using Unity for the GMTK gamejam. The theme was "Stuck together" and so my team developed a spin on tetris where you have to combine tetrinos before they appear on the board. (2021-11-14, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] DayzMapsLoader

Project is to allow users to download maps for the game DayZ from two different map providers: Ginfo and Xam. The downloaded maps are of high quality and can be used to create different stuff. Also personal library of knowledge. (2023-06-22, C#, 1752KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Tetris

俄罗斯方块 实现基本规则是移动、旋转和摆放游戏自动输出的各种方块,使之排列成完整的一行或多行并且消除得分
The basic rule of Tetris implementation is to move, rotate and place all kinds of blocks automatically output by the game, arrange them into a complete line or lines, and eliminate the score (2021-01-07, C#, 266KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] tetris

Tetris can achieve the basic functions of the game, the player obtained after the elimination of the box corresponding points. Players can set the rate of decline in the box to the game level. Players can choose to start the game, pause the game, quit the game. (2016-09-04, C#, 3364KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] GreedySnake2

C# prepared by the double Snake games. Turns Around control, control of snakes above and below, or through the other side of Snake-Body will be the offense, eat different colors of beans will be a boost. The procedure I have a lot of notes, I believe the newcomers help. Veterans should not read. (2006-04-10, C#, 53KB, 下载26次)
