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[OpenGL] Qt_OpengL_3D_Terrain

维地形显示和网格剖分,导入三维地形数据,显示地形并实现交互功能。 2.1 数据的准备; 地形数据的,通过petrel等地质建模软件,eclipse油藏模拟软件,导出地形的数据,然后通过软件读取地形数据。
3D terrain display and grid subdivision, import the 3 d terrain data, according to the terrain and implement interactive function 2.1 data preparation Terrain data, through the petrel geological modeling software, such as the eclipse reservoir simulation software, the export of terrain data, and then read terrain data by software (2016-12-19, Visual C++, 37150KB, 下载375次)


[OpenGL] 3dsnail

This is our group with opengl 3d snail do a small program, program wasd to control the camera move around, qe control the pitch angle, zx control up and down movement, ijkl plus alt keys to control the snail to move, Mouse click to move the snail on the ground to change points, and adds a turn around the y-axis point source, the two different materials added snails. Right menu has a corresponding reset, exit, etc. (2013-11-07, Visual C++, 3586KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] GrabCut

实施GRABCUT源代码 由贾斯汀塔尔博特jtalbot@stanford.edu 。 放置在公共领域, 2010年 代码最后更新:2006年 弗拉基米尔·洛夫( vnk@cs.cornell.edu ) , 2001年使用GRAPHCUT实施。 要求: OpenGL的, GLUT和OpenCV的库来编译和运行。 用法: grabcut.exe <ppm文件名 使用鼠标拖动矩形围绕前景部分显示的图像。 然后使用下面的按键 1 :显示图像 2 :显示GMM组件分配。红色的色调是前景元件 绿色背景组件。 3 :显示N-链接的权重。白色是一个大型的平均N -链接周围的像素重量,黑色是较低的平均N-链路重量。 4 :显示T -链接的权重。红色部分是前景T-链路重量,绿色分量为背景的T链接权重。 “” (空格键) :显示/隐藏计算alpha遮罩。 O :运行一步GRABCUT细化算法 R :运行GRABCUT细化算法收敛。 L :再次运行果园布曼聚类算法。 (在初始化过程中自动运行)。 逃生:停止细化算法(后按 R ) Q 退出。
GrabCut implementation source code by Justin Talbot, jtalbot@stanford.edu Placed in the Public Domain, 2010 Code last updated, 2006 Uses Graphcut implementation by Vladimir Kolmogorov (vnk@cs.cornell.edu), 2001. Requires: OpenGL, GLUT, and OpenCV libraries to compile and run. Usage: grabcut.exe <ppm filename> Use mouse to drag a rectangle around the foreground portion of the displayed image. Then use the following keys 1 : Show image 2 : Show GMM component assignment. Red shades are foreground components green are background components. 3 : Show N-link weights. White is a large average N-link weight around a pixel, black is a low average N-link weight. 4 : Show T-link weights. Red component is foreground T-link weight, green component is background T-link weight. (space bar): Show/hide the computed alpha mask. o : Run one step of the GrabCut refinement algorithm r : Run the GrabCut refinement algorithm to convergence. l : Run the Orchard- (2013-04-21, Visual C++, 35KB, 下载47次)


[OpenGL] Three-dimensional-technique

将三维技术应用到发型设计领域是一个具有独创性的设想,详细介绍了三 维发型设计系统的实现过程,通过在系统中运用OpenGL 技术并与其它建模技术灵活地结合起来, 使该系统具有强大的交互性和三维空间立体设计功能
The application of the three-dimensional technology to the field of hair styling is an ingenious idea, detailed 3D Hair Design system implementation process, by using OpenGL technology system and the flexibility to combine with other modeling techniques, the system has a powerful interactive three-dimensional and three-dimensional design features (2012-12-05, Visual C++, 523KB, 下载5次)


[OpenGL] spline

The resources include two compressed files, a dialog is generated by the mfc spline curve editing point and then picked up by the mouse, the routine is downloaded from the Internet, thanks to the author of the original work in this there is a based on the above example , can not exceed, by a pre-determined point, the calculated interpolation point, the OpenGL graphics display interpolation effect, the relatively simple example, there are many functions not used, there is no restriction conditions, to change the control point (0,0), ( 2,2). (2012-09-13, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载16次)



根据project要求,我将设计一款用来画折线的程序。 我将赋予我的程序以下功能: 1. 通过添加节点的方式绘制折线。 2. 移动已有折线节点。 3. 删除已有折现节点。 4. 清空屏幕。 5. 在折线的一段中插入一个新的节点(加分)。 这些功能被分配在3种状态中: 1. 待选择(初始状态) a) 选择节点 b) 插入节点 c) 清空屏幕 d) 进入绘制模式 2. 已选择节点 a) (待选择状态所以功能) b) 移动选中节点 c) 删除选中节点 d) 取消选择节点 3. 绘制状态 a) 结束绘制模式 b) 添加节点 c) 插入节点 d) 绘制新折线 e) 清空屏幕
For painting, you can paint their own (2011-12-14, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载5次)


[OpenGL] 6-DOF-simulation-platform

六自由度平台是各种飞行及航海等领域操作模拟器的重要组成部分,可由数字计算机实时控制提供俯仰、偏航、滚转、升降、纵向和横向平移的六自由度瞬时运动仿真。仿真的基础是建立不同类型载体的运动特性关系,即力→加速度→速度→位置、力矩→角加速度→角速度→姿态,另外还要计入多种影响因素,才能使运动仿真平台较真实地模拟实船的运动,在实验室中最大限度地对运动系统、预报软件等进行测试及完善。 近年来,为保证平台运动控制精度,人们开发并使用了很多种传感器,但尚无针对液压并联六自由度平台运动特性的专用测试设备,多借用捷联惯导测试组合进行评估和分析,但角速率量不能直接反映运动特性,而且它与力矩间复杂而不确定的映射关系,使控制复杂化。基于此本文提出研制了基于并联六自由度运动仿真平台的运动综合测试系统。 与一般载体运动测量不同,六自由度平台运动仿真及操纵系统需要的可能是平台任一点处的运动参数,这些参数是由平台特征点的加速度矢量推算而来,因此要求特定点处测得的线加速度与角加速度其作用点及作用轴线应完全重合,传感器基准坐标要明确,并且对各维灵敏度及维间耦合系数等指标有严格要求。对于这种线加速度和角加速度信号的复合测量技
The 6-DOF motion platform is very important in flight and navigate simulators.The 6-DOF transient motion simulation, such as pitching,yaw,roll and parallel movement in three directions will realized by digital computer controlling,. Motion simulation is based on the motion characteristic of different carriers, such as force->acceleration->velocity->position, moment->angular acceleration->angular velocity->pose, in addition, some infection should be calculated. So the motion sim (2011-09-30, Visual C++, 4237KB, 下载291次)


[OpenGL] polygon

An interactive OpenGL application that allows users to use the mouse to create and delete the two-dimensional polygonal objects and many other function. (2009-12-24, Visual C++, 660KB, 下载120次)



DEM的规则格网存储结构是一个二维点阵,由于其高度与宽度已知,因此可以用一个一维数组p[n]进行管理,设原点的平面位置为(0, 0),DEM的长度与宽度分别为s和t,则任意一点(i,j)的高程值为p[i×t+j]。规则格网的这种简明结构,事实上已经对DEM数据进行了很好的组织,因此将格网数据读入内存,而无需使用其它任何结构进行管理,直接对读入的DEM数据块进行处理,生成格网面。 利用bitmap将DEM位图中的数据读入到程序数组中,其中规则网格将区域空间切分为规则的格网单元, 每个格网单元对应一个数值, 在计算机实现中则是一个二维数组, 每个格网单元或数组的一个元素, 对应一个高程值。很自然地, 我们可以把数字位图与规则网格模型联系起来, 把位图的灰度值与高程值对应起来,添加纹理表面。
err (2008-04-26, Visual C++, 325KB, 下载280次)


[OpenGL] tymatrix

将投影变换矩阵存储到一个一维数组中,与函数glFrustum,glOrtho,gluPerspective的相应参数相同,并比较当前投影矩阵和用所设计的函数所得结果。在屏幕上输出两个矩阵并进行比较。可使用glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, ...)获得当前投影矩阵。
projection matrix storage to a one-dimensional arrays, and functions glFrustum. glOrtho, gluPerspective same as the corresponding parameters, and to compare the current projection matrix, and the use of design as a function of the results. On the screen two output matrix and compared. Use glGetFloatv (GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX. ...) access to current projection matrix. (2006-06-12, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载23次)


[OpenGL] ShowBall

这个程序是用OpenGL和glaux在Visual Studio .Net的开发环境中创建的. 该程序包含的功能有: 1. 对键盘的输入作出响应 2. 3D物体的旋转动画 3. 创建窗口显示 4. 创建全屏显示 5. 3维贴图 该程序适用于初学OpenGL, 尤其是初学glaux的程序员. 读码愉快!
this procedure is OpenGL and glaux in Visual Studio. Net development environment created. The program contains functions : 1. the keyboard input to respond to two. 3D objects rotating animation 3. four create window displays. creating five full screen display . three-dimensional mapping of the procedures applicable to beginners OpenGL, especially when a glaux programmers. happy reading! (2006-05-08, Visual C++, 73KB, 下载17次)


[OpenGL] B样条曲线反求_OpenGL环境--数据点加入输出点列

own series of the three non-uniform B-spline curves Reverse : Given a data set, reverse control, vector nodes, according to a given accuracy, sub-parameters range, discrete B-spline curves, the output discrete points out, a virtual reality curve. This algorithm including Chandpur-examination Riggs algorithm, nodes vector algorithm, Reverse control points, and the insertion technology nodes. right engaging graphics friends comparison as a useful reference. (2005-08-23, Visual C++, 956KB, 下载722次)
