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[其他游戏] GAME

MFC可视化编程 其中包括一些小游戏的开发源代码,对游戏基础开发有一定的帮助与了解 1 扫雷 2 贪吃蛇 3 推箱子 4 俄罗斯方块 5 拼图 6 连连看
MFC visual programming, including some small game development source code, based on the development of the game will certainly help and understanding minesweeping Snake Tetris Sokoban 4 5 Puzzle 6 lianliankan (2013-05-17, Visual C++, 9665KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] Tetris

This application implements the basic function of tetris, through game Settings can choose play area size, level and square, and select the grid background and background music, etc., and has function of start, pause the game box game is over. Interface can prompt a square and display the scores. (2013-04-17, Visual C++, 3725KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] S

The Joseph born persons dead game of the effect is: 30 passengers with multiply a boat, because seriously overloaded, plus the wind high waves big, dangerous extreme therefore the captain told passengers, only the whole ship half of the travelers put into the sea, the remaining people to be spared the victims. Helpless, everyone had to agree with this approach, and it was agreed that 30 personal circle, the first person, in turn reported the number, the number to the first nine people, put him into the sea, and then from the next number count to the 9th, and then into the sea, and so on, until the remaining 15 passengers. Asked what position the position will be dropped to the sea. (2012-12-17, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] Tetris-c-source-code

俄罗斯方块(Tetris, 俄文:Тетрис)是一款风靡全球的电视游戏机和掌上游戏机游戏,它由俄罗斯人阿列克谢·帕基特诺夫发明,故得此名
Tetris (Tetris, Russian: Тетрис) is a popular global TV game consoles and handheld game consoles game, its invention by the Russian people 阿列克谢帕基特 Ivanov, it was this name (2012-10-30, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] XiaG

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas cheat, message communication API between the demonstration trip, you can be you want to use the cheat as SendGameCode parameters write, run the game to start it after 5 seconds ( which do not press any other key), you can also better changes! (2012-08-01, Visual C++, 26KB, 下载9次)


[其他游戏] Awesome-Tetris

本程序用C++编程语言实现了Windows控制台下俄罗斯方块这一游戏。用户进入游戏主界面后,经由键盘输入,可以控制游戏进程。 其特色在于,以模块化的结构,多文件的实现程序的功能。整个程序的终极目标——“俄罗斯方块”的功能,被拆分成了包括主函数在内的13个函数模块。整个项目由4个.CPP文件和6个.h头文件组成(其中有4个文件是External Dependencies),共583行。
The program in C++ programming language to implement the Windows Control Panel under the Tetris game. User to enter the main game interface, through keyboard input, you can control the game process. Which feature a modular structure, the realization of multi-file program functions. The ultimate goal of the program- " Tetris" function, including the main function is split into 13 functions, including modules. The entire project by the four. CPP file and 6. H file form (of which there are four files is External Dependencies), a total of 583 lines. (2011-06-30, Visual C++, 1085KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] shengsiyouxi

Two-way game of life and death of Joseph in Joseph living and the dead on the basis of the game, forward reverse count after count, then a positive count. Specifically described as follows: 30 visitors with a boat ride, because of severe overload, combined with wind, big waves, dangerous extreme so the captain told the passengers, and only half of the whole ship into the sea of ​ ​ tourists, the rest can be survived. Helpless, we can only agree with this approach, and 30 people agreed to form a circle, starting from the first individual, report the number of clockwise turn, the number to 9, put him into the sea, and then the next number from the beginning of his , counter-clockwise to the number 5, will he put the sea, then the number of his next anti-clockwise, the clockwise to the number 9, then he put into the sea, and so on, until the remaining 15 passengers so far. Q. What position is the position of the sea will be dropped. (2011-06-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载14次)


[其他游戏] game

guessing and betting number game The user starts with 100 dollars, and is able to bet and guess until they quit or have no more money. In each turn, they are asked for a bet. If they enter 0, then the program should give a farewell message and quit. The bet must be positive and within their available balance, If they enter incorrectly, the program should set the bet to their balance and tell them this. Once a bet is entered, they must pick a number between 1 and 10 (you do not need to errorcheck or correct this). This guess is then compared to a number the computer randomly generates each time (also between 1 and 10). If the guess is correct, the user wins the amount of their bet. If the guess is incorrect, the user will lose their bet divided by 5 and multiplied by the distance from the correct number- e.g. if the bet is 50, the computer’s number is 5 and the user guesses 7, then the user will lose 20 dollars( 50/5* (7-5) = 20 ). However, they should not lose more than their balanc (2010-04-06, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] SkyBlue_Rect

The classic Tetris game, the game can achieve the basic requirements of a good strong interactive human-computer interaction style, is a rare reference to learn the game programmer can load the music has break through the barrier function, play time records. (2010-03-14, Visual C++, 257KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] chuangame

游戏规则 目的:在本游戏中,你将作为一名裁缝,将尽可能多的纽扣穿成 一个闭合的路线。游戏初始有 15 个纽扣,随着时间的增 加,纽扣数目也增加,当达到70个时游戏即结束。 规则:只能在有纽扣的点穿线,且只能在水平方向或竖直方向穿 线。线可交叉,但有纽扣的点不能交叉连接。 秘诀:要尽可能使连线长且该连线上的纽扣数多。
Rules of the game Objective: In this game, you will serve as a tailor, will be wearing buttons as much as possible into a closed line. The initial game there are 15 buttons, as time increases, the number of buttons has also increased, when the reach 70, when the game to an end. Rules: only point in a button threading, and only in the horizontal direction or vertical direction of threading. Line to cross, but the point can not be cross-connect button. Tip: To the extent possible, to connect the connection on a long and a few more buttons. (2009-12-11, Visual C++, 108KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] tanchishe.rar

这几天玩手机的贪吃蛇玩得入了迷,想写个在电脑上玩,也当作为编程练习. 贪吃蛇游戏需求: 1.玩法:类似Nokia手机上...下次更新功能: 1.加进得分功能.蛇生吃一颗豆,得分为加一. 2.蛇速度随得分增长而生高. 3.加进键盘控制功能,用箭头...
The past few days playing phone Snake play into the fans, wanted to write a play on the computer, but also as a programming exercise. Snake game needs: 1. Play: similar to Nokia mobile phones ... the next update feature: 1. add scoring function. a raw snake beans, plus a score of 1. 2. snake scoring pace with the growth of high-sheng. 3. add keyboard control functions, with the arrow ... (2008-05-20, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] 24dot[1].tar

24点游戏脱胎于作者8年前设计的24点游戏DOS版,现新版本具有以下特色: > 1.允许自动抽牌或手动抽牌,答案结束电脑将尽可能给出该题所有的解答. > 2.允许通过多种方法改变游戏的界面:一是预置了7种换肤方案,二是游戏者可自行规定窗口的颜色 > 3.独创的电脑智能自学习功能,可吸收用户的算法扩充系统的“棋谱”(内置算法59*24=1416条). > 4.内置13个彩蛋,包含了许多有待你发现并激活的隐藏功能(如函数计算器、界面换肤、婚纱图片、控制计时、3D动画、鼠标右键、“作弊”设置等功能),大大增添游戏的趣味性! > 5.游戏过程真人原声支持 > 6.支持乘方,支持不同的计时方案,支持游戏目标值(如24)与选牌在100以内自然数的自定义。 > 7.提供键盘或鼠标输入的智能模糊支持功能(如全角与半角纠正,括号纠正、运算符号输入自动纠错),提供了功能键支持 > 8.独特的计分方案,用时越少,加分越高! > 9.支持不同时间级别的分级纪录功能 > 10.数据文件防病毒自动校验修复功能。经改进,现只需一个不到300K的主程序文件即可有声有色地运行本游戏(暂不支持网络对擂)。 > 福建师范大学化学与材料学院 曹阳
24 point game modeled on the author eight years ago designed 24 points DOS version of the game, is the new version has the following characteristics : gt; 1. Pumping licensing allows automatic or manual pumping license, the answer will be the end of the computer is possible that all the answers. Gt; 2. Through a variety of methods to allow change the game changed the interface : One is included in the seven Eurocargo programs, two games will be to decide the color of the window gt; 3. the original computer intelligent self-learning function, users can absorb the expansion of the algorithm "batter" (built-in algorithm 59* 24 = 1416). gt ; 4. built-13 Kolb, including many yet to be discovered and you activate hidden features (such as the calculator function, interface common. we (2005-07-14, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载29次)
