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[Python编程] FronteiraEficiente

Este código em Pythonéum脚本para a lise de portfólios financeiros que usa dados históricos de a es brasileiras listadas na B3 para calcular a fronteira efficient e identifier o portfólio理想com base noíndice de Sharpe。O script utiliza bibliotecas como NumPy,Pandas,Matplotlib e yfinance para coletar e processar dados financeiros脚本利用图书馆como NumPy.潘达斯,Matplot lib e y yfinance para coletar e processar dados financeiros。
Este código em Python é um script para análise de portfólios financeiros que usa dados históricos de a es brasileiras listadas na B3 para calcular a fronteira eficiente e identificar o portfólio ideal com base no índice de Sharpe. O script utiliza bibliotecas como NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib e yfinance para coletar e processar dados financeiros. (2024-05-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] CodeProtector

一机一码加壳程序!One Activation Code For One User! Use this to protect your code from being pirated! It can also help you limit the activation time of users. Note that, it can only be used to protect python code.
One machine, one code, shell program! One Activation Code For One User! Use this to protect your code from being pirated! It can also help you limit the activation time of users Note that, it can only be used to protect python code (2024-03-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] DBN_toolbox

An encapsulated Python toolbox for training and evaluating the (Dynamic) Bayesian Network. It is designed for the research purposes in Cornell Design and Augmented Intelligence Lab(DAIL). (2024-02-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] RU-CourseSniper

Found my old laptop and decided to write a small script that would infinitely loop over the Rutgers course schedule page and send you a message in case one of your desired courses opened up. Such course snipers already exist but I wanted to write my own as an exercise in web scraping with python. (2023-12-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] pygameTetris

Featured game: Tetris made by tutorial. My friend Nick and I made a new block (U-Block) and debug the code to add more features to the game. (2023-09-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] blackhat-python3

贾斯汀·塞茨(Justin Seitz)的《黑帽Python》(Black Hat Python)一书的源代码。代码已经完全转换为Python3,重新格式化...
Source code for the book "Black Hat Python" by Justin Seitz. The code has been fully converted to Python 3, reformatted to comply with PEP8 standards and refactored to eliminate dependency issues involving the implementation of deprecated libraries. (2023-06-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] Capricornus

Capricornus is a GUI graphical vulnerability detection tool based on wxpython, which includes basic memo, base64 encryption and decryption, batch vulnerability and single vulnerability detection functions. Currently contains CVE_ 2022_ 35914, CVE_ 2022_ 36804, etc. day, 1d (2022-10-16, Python, 9KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] Python基础教程-第3版

Python 是一门开源免费、通用型的脚本编程语言,它上手简单,功能强大,坚持「极简主义」。 Python 类库(模块)极其丰富,这使得 Python 几乎无所不能,不管是传统的 Web 开发、PC 软件开发、Linux 运维,还是当下火热的机器学习、大数据分析、网络爬虫,Python 都能胜任。 这套 Python 基础教程不是教科书,不会玩弄概念,而是力求口语化和通俗化,让读者尽快入门。 如果有小朋友出于兴趣学习 Python,请引导他阅读本教程的前半部分,这是基础,可以降低学习成本;如果你想全面掌握 Python 编程,胜任企业中的实际项目开发,那你应该按部就班学习本教程的所有章节。
Python is an open source, free, general-purpose scripting language. It is easy to use, powerful and adheres to "Minimalism". Python class library (module) is extremely rich, which makes Python almost omnipotent, whether it is the traditional web development, PC software development, Linux operation and maintenance, or the current hot machine learning, big data analysis, web crawler, Python is competent. This set of Python basic course is not a textbook, will not play with concepts, but strive to be colloquial and popular, so that readers can get started as soon as possible. If a child is interested in learning python, please guide him to read the first half of this tutorial, which is the foundation and can reduce the learning cost; if you want to master Python Programming comprehensively and be competent for the actual project development in the enterprise, you should learn all the chapters of this tutorial step by step. (2020-11-30, Python, 9251KB, 下载3次)


[Python编程] python快速教程+代码

The files include the python fast course e-book, python interesting code, and some Python implementation code and running results, including flag generation, Tetris, two-dimensional code generation, aircraft war and so on. (2018-05-11, Python, 32376KB, 下载27次)
