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按分类查找All 数值算法/人工智能(313) 
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[数值算法/人工智能] juzhenyunsuanqi

【问题描述】已知A和B为两个n*n阶的对称矩阵,求这两个对称矩阵的转置、之和与乘积。 用三元组表存储稀疏矩阵并实现转置。 【基本要求】 输入时,对称矩阵只输入下三角形元素,压缩存储存入一维数组。 对输入的对称矩阵A和B进行显示。 求对称矩阵A和B的转置矩阵。 求对称矩阵A和B的之和。 求对称矩阵A和B的乘积。 输入一个稀疏矩阵,用三元组表存储起来。 实现稀疏矩阵的显示。 实现稀疏矩阵的转置。
[Problem Description] Known A and B are two n* n symmetric matrix of order, seeking both symmetric matrix transpose, the sum and product. Matrix transpose and implement triples table stores sparse. Requirements】 input, only the input triangle symmetric matrix elements, compression and storage into the one-dimensional array. Symmetric matrices A and B inputs for display. Find transposed matrix A and B are symmetric matrix. Find symmetric matrix and A and B are. Symmetric matrix product A and B. Enter a sparse matrix, stored triples table. Achieve sparse matrix display. Achieve sparse matrix transpose. (2013-12-30, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] matrix

矩阵(二) 编写C++程序完成以下功能: (1)假定矩阵大小为4×5(整型); (2)矩阵空间采用new动态申请,保存在指针中; (3)定义矩阵初始化函数,可以从cin中输入矩阵元素; (4)定义矩阵输出函数,将矩阵格式化输出到cout; (5)定义矩阵相加的函数,实现两个矩阵相加的功能,结果保存在另一个矩阵中; (6)定义矩阵相减的函数,实现两个矩阵相减的功能,结果保存在另一个矩阵中; (7)动态申请三个矩阵:A1、A2、A3; (8)初始化A1、A2; (9)计算并输出A3 = A1加A2,A3 = A1减A2; (10)释放矩阵空间。
Matrix (two) write C++ program performs the following functions: (1) assuming matrix size of 45 (integer) (2) matrix spaces using new dynamic applications, stored in the pointer (3) define the matrix initialization function, you can Enter the matrix elements from cin (4) defines the output function matrix, the matrix format the output to cout (5) defines a function of matrix addition, to achieve the function of two matrices and stores the result in another matrix (6) Define the matrix subtraction function, the realization of the function of two matrices subtraction result is stored in another matrix (7) for the three matrices Dynamic: A1, A2, A3 (8) initialization A1, A2 (9) calculate and output A3 = A1 plus A2, A3 = A1 minus A2 (10) release matrix space. (2013-09-06, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Box

一个立方体Box可以视为在一个矩形Rectangle的相互正交的长length和宽width的基础上增加一维与length和width相互正交的高height而生成的。 定义具有继承关系的矩形类Rectangle和立方体类Box。两个类中除了具有共同的属性length和width,还具有相同的接口(公有成员函数)Area(计算矩形面积立方体面积),Perimeter(计算矩形周长或立方体周长),Diagmonal(计算矩形对角线或立方体对角线的长度),GetLength(获取长度属性),GetWidth(获取宽度属性),SetLength(设置长度属性)和SetWidth(设置宽度属性)。除此之外,立方体类Box还需要增加height属性和接口函数Volume(计算立方体的体积),GetHeight(获取高度属性)和SetHeight(设置高度属性)。(不需要考虑构造函数)
Box can be viewed as a cube in a mutually orthogonal rectangle Rectangle long length and width width based on the increase with the length and width one-dimensional orthogonal generated high height. Define a rectangle with the Rectangle class inheritance and cube class Box. Two classes in addition to having common attributes length and width, but also has the same interface (public member function) Area (calculated area of ​ ​ a rectangle cube area), Perimeter (calculate rectangular perimeter or circumference cube), Diagmonal (calculated rectangle diagonally lines or cube diagonal length), GetLength (for length attribute), GetWidth (for width attribute), SetLength (set the length attribute) and SetWidth (set the width property). In addition, the cube class Box also need to increase the height property and interface functions Volume (calculated volume of a cube), GetHeight (for height attributes) and SetHeight (set the height property). (No need to consider the constructor) (2013-06-30, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[数值算法/人工智能] SA_Ex

模擬退火是一種通用概率演算法,用來在固定时间内寻求在一個大的搜尋空間內找到的最優解。 模擬退火來自冶金學的專有名詞退火。退火是將材料加熱後再經特定速率冷卻,目的是增大晶粒的體積,並且減少晶格中的缺陷。材料中的原子原來會停留在使內能有局部最小值的位置,加熱使能量變大,原子會離開原來位置,而隨機在其他位置中移動。退火冷卻時速度較慢,使得原子有較多可能可以找到內能比原先更低的位置。 模擬退火的原理也和金屬退火的原理近似:我們將熱力學的理論套用到統計學上,將搜尋空間內每一點想像成空氣內的分子;分子的能量,就是它本身的動能;而搜尋空間內的每一點,也像空氣分子一樣帶有「能量」,以表示該點對命題的合適程度。演算法先以搜尋空間內一個任意點作起始:每一步先選擇一個「鄰居」,然後再計算從現有位置到達「鄰居」的機率。 可以證明,模擬退火演算法所得解依機率收斂到全局最優解。
Simulated annealing is a generic probabilistic algorithm used in a fixed period of time to seek in a large search space to find the optimal solution. Simulated annealing terminology from metallurgical annealing. Heating the material after annealing is cooled at a specific rate through the purpose is to increase the grain size, and reduce defects in the crystal lattice. Atoms in the original material will remain in the internal energy of a local minimum position, heating energy increases, atoms leave the original position, and move randomly in other locations. Annealing cooling rate is slow, so that atoms are more likely to be found within a position lower than the original. The principle is also simulated annealing and metal annealing approximation principle: We will apply the theory of thermodynamics to statistical would imagine every point within the search space of air molecules molecular energy is the kinetic energy of its own while searching for space every point, like air (2013-06-11, Visual C++, 137KB, 下载6次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Cpp1

每个地区有一个编号(从 1 到 N) ,如果一个地区有军队的话,这些军队将组成一个军 团。指挥中心将发布的命令如下: U a b:将 b 地区军团的调到 a 地区,从而组成一个新的军团。为了便于管理,每次新加 入的军队将按顺序加入到 a 军团后面。数据保证 a 与 b 不相同。 I a x:将一支人数为 x 的军队调到 a 地区。为了便于管理,每次新加入的军队将加入到 a 军团前面。 D a x:将 a 地区中军队人数为 x 的调走。若不存在,则不执行。 Q a:询问 a 地区的具体军事信息(即按顺序输出该军团中每个军队的人数)
Each region has a number (from 1 to N), if a regional army, these troops will form a legion. The command center will command as follows: U ab: b region transferred to a region of the Legion to form a new legion. For ease of administration, and each new army sequentially added to the back of a Legion. The data to ensure that a and b are not the same. I ax: the armed forces of a number of x transferred to a region. For ease of administration, each new army will be added to the front of a legion. D ax: the number of troops in a region to the tune of x go. If there is not executed. Q a: ask a specific military information (that is, the number of each army sequentially output the Legion) (2012-09-17, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] A

双层停车场管理系统 (1)有一个两层的停车场,每层有6个车位,当第一层车停满后才允许使用第二层。(停车场可用一个二维数组实现,每个数组元素存放一个车牌号)每辆车的信息包括车牌号,层号,车位号,停车时间共4项。其中停车时间按分钟计算。 (2)假设停车场初始状态为第一层已经停有4辆车,其车位号依次为1—4,停车时间依次为20,15,10,5。即先将这四辆车的信息存入文件“car.dat”中( 数组的对应元素也要进行赋值 ) (3)停车操作:当一辆车进入停车场时,先输入其车牌号,再为它分配一个层号和一个车位号(分配前先查询车位的使用情况,如果第一层有空则必须停在第一层),停车时间设为5,最后将新停入的汽车的信息添加文件“car.dat”中,并将在此之前的所有车的停车时间加5。 (4)收费管理(取车):当有车离开时,输入其车牌号,先按其停车时间计算费用,每5分钟0.2元。(停车费用可设置一个变量进行保存),同时从文件“car.dat”中删除该车的信息,并将该车对应的车位设置为可使用状态(即二维数组对应元素清零)。按用户的选择来判断是否要输出停车收费的总计。 (5)输出停车场中全部车辆的信息。 (6)退出系统。
双层停车场管理系统 (2011-09-19, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] mm

若一个数(首位不为零)从左向右读与从右向左读都一样,我们就将其称之为回文数。 例如:给定一个10进制数56,将56加65(即把56从右向左读),得到121是一个回文数。 又如:对于10进制数87: STEP1:87+78 = 165 STEP2:165+561 = 726 STEP3:726+627 = 1353 STEP4:1353+3531 = 4884 在这里的一步是指进行了一次N进制的加法,上例最少用了4步得到回文数4884。 写一个程序,给定一个N(2<=N<=10或N=16)进制数M,求最少经过几步可以得到回文数。 (十六进制数使用大写ABCDEF) 输入 N M M的位数小于10
If a number (the first non-zero) reading from left to right and from right to left the same time, we will call it a palindrome. For example: Given a decimal number 10, 56, will be 56 plus 65 (that is, to 56 read from right to left), received 121 is a palindrome. Another example: For the 10 number 87: STEP1: 87+78 = 165 STEP2: 165+561 = 726 STEP3: 726+627 = 1353 STEP4: 1353+3531 = 4884 step here is the band conducted a N in addition, the patients received at least step 4 with the palindrome 4884. Write a program that, given a N (2 < = N < = 10 or N = 16) hexadecimal number M, seeking at least after a few steps can be palindrome. (Hexadecimal number using uppercase ABCDEF) Enter the number of bits is less than 10 NM M output (2011-04-14, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] we

若一个数(首位不为零)从左向右读与从右向左读都一样,我们就将其称之为回文数。 例如:给定一个10进制数56,将56加65(即把56从右向左读),得到121是一个回文数。 又如:对于10进制数87: STEP1:87+78 = 165 STEP2:165+561 = 726 STEP3:726+627 = 1353 STEP4:1353+3531 = 4884 在这里的一步是指进行了一次N进制的加法,上例最少用了4步得到回文数4884。 写一个程序,给定一个N(2<=N<=10或N=16)进制数M,求最少经过几步可以得到回文数。
If a number (the first non-zero) reading from left to right and from right to left the same time, we will call it palindrome. For example: Given a 10-decimal number 56, will be 56 plus 65 (that is read from right to left 56), by 121 is a palindrome. Another example: For 10 decimal number 87: STEP1: 87+78 = 165 STEP2: 165+561 = 726 STEP3: 726+627 = 1353 STEP4: 1353+3531 = 4884 step here is to a N band in addition, the patients received at least step 4 with a palindrome 4884. Write a program that, given a N (2 < = N < = 10 or N = 16) hexadecimal number of M, after seeking at least steps can be palindromes. (2010-04-15, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载97次)


[数值算法/人工智能] ai1

带回溯的深度优先策略:解决经典野人传教士过河问题的求解:三个修道士和三个野人过河,船一次最多只能载两个人,在任何时候修道士的人数不能少于野人人数,否则野人会吃掉修道士。找出六个人顺利过河的所有方案。 采用带回溯的深度优先搜索策略,共定义了7种合法操作{2,0,0},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{0,1,0},{0,2,0},{0,1,1},{1,0,1}代表上船的人数,根据船所在位置决定在状态上是加或者减操作。扩展结点时按顺序应用操作,知道回溯到初始状态且所有操作用完,程序结束。
With a backtracking depth-first strategy: to solve the classic problem solving Savage missionaries across the river: three monks and three Savage across the river, the ship only contained a maximum of two people, the number of monks at any time not less than the number of Savage Otherwise, Savage will eat monks. Smoothly across the river to find six people to all programs. Used with a backtracking depth-first search strategy, a total of seven kinds of legal action defined (2,0,0), (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (0,1,0), (0 , 2,0), (0,1,1), (1,0,1) represents the number of people on board, according to vessel location decision is plus or minus state operation. Extension junction point, application and operation in order to know back to the initial state and all the operations used up, the process has been completed. (2010-01-14, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载23次)


[数值算法/人工智能] fft

FFT algorithm is the basic principle of DFT successive long sequence is broken down into shorter sequences of DFT. In accordance with the different extraction methods can be divided into the DIT-FFT (time taken) and the DIF-FFT (according to the frequency of extraction) algorithm. In accordance with the composition of different butterfly operations can be divided into base 2, base 4, base 8, as well as arbitrary factor (2n, n is an integer greater than 1), radix-2, Radix-4 algorithm is more commonly used. (2008-11-21, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载121次)


[数值算法/人工智能] vc91445348451251

课程安排,用拓扑排序实现 4、实现课程的拓扑排序。(选)(加) 问题描述:软件专业的学生要学习一系列课程,其中有些课程必须在其先修课程完成后才能学习,具体关系见下表: 课程编号 课程名称 先决条件 C1 程序设计基础 无 C2 离散数学 C1 C3 数据结构 C1,C2 C4 汇编语言 C1 C5 操作系统 C3 假设每门课程的学习时间为一学期,试为该专业的学生设计教学计划,使他们能在最短的时间内修完这些课程。
Curriculum, using topological sorting realize 4 courses realize topological sort. (Election) (Canada) Problem Description: Software professional students to learn a series of courses, some of which courses must be completed in its prevocational curriculum in order to learn the specific relationship between the table below: Course Code Course Title prerequisite program design based on non-C1 C2 Discrete Mathematics C1C3 data structure C1, C2C4 assembly language operating system C1C5 assumption C3 for each course of study time for one semester, the students test the design of teaching programs, so that they can in the shortest time possible to complete these courses. (2008-05-09, Visual C++, 130KB, 下载79次)


[数值算法/人工智能] 2fenfa

实 验2 二分法求解非线性方程的根 计机系 041班 姓名:刘文杰 学号:200410714102 【实验内容】 1、方法介绍 (1)输入区间端点值a、b,步长h,及精度控制量ε1,若|f(a)|< ε1,则a为原方程的一个近似根,若|f(b)|< ε1,则b为原方程的一个近似根。 (2)以h为步长,将区间[a,b]分为两个等距的小区间[a,c],[c,b]。如果f(a)<0,f(c)>0,则根在[a,c]中,将区间[a,c]再分半,分点为xi,若|f(xi)|< ε1,则xi是方程的一个根。 (3)精度控制,若|f(x1)|< ε1,则xi是方程的一个根,否则重复(2)。 2、使用说明 a:实数型,根之上界。 b:实数型,根之下界。 h:步长,实数型。 E:函数的精度,实数型。 ary:元素的一维数组,存放计算结果。 3、基本原理 对于非线性方程,在某个范围内往往有不止一个的根,根的分布情况同时也可很复杂,面对这种情况,通常先将所考察的范围划分成若干子段,然后判断哪些子段内有根,这项手续称作根的隔离。 将所求的根隔离开来以后,再在有根子段内找出满足精度要求的近似根。为此适当选取有根子段内某一点作为根的初始近似,然后运用迭代方法使之逐步精确化。
err (2007-12-17, Visual C++, 52KB, 下载8次)


[数值算法/人工智能] 校验码

校验码算法,可运行,加说明,例如:代码690123456789X1(共13位)校验码的计算 步骤 举例说明 1、自右向左编号 位置序号 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 代 码 6 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X1 2、从序号2开始求出偶数 9+7+5+3+1+9=34 位上数字之和(1) 3、(1)*3=(2) 34*3=102 4、从序号3开始求出奇数 8+6+4+2+0+6=34 位上数字之和(3) 5、(2)+(3)=(4) 102+34=128 6、用大于或等于结果(4) 且为10最小整数倍的数 130-128=2 减去(4),其差即为所 校验码X1=2
690123456789X113 1 3 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 X1, from the number two even get started 9 7 5 3 1 9 = 34 on the figures and (1), 3 (1)* 3 = (2) 34 3 = 102* 4, from the opening number 3 before sought odd 8 6 4 2 0 6 = 34 on the figures, and (3), 5 (2) (3) = (4) 102 34 = 128 6, with greater than or equal to the results (4) and as a 10 multiples of the minimum number 130-128 = 2 minus (4), the difference represents correcting code X1 = 2 (2005-06-06, Visual C++, 227KB, 下载166次)
