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[数学计算] SMART

SMART(Spectral energy distributions Markov chain Analysis with Radiative Transfer models)是一种开源工具,它实现了贝叶斯马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)方法,以仅使用辐射传输模型拟合星系的紫外-毫米光谱能量分布(SED)。
SMART (Spectral energy distributions Markov chain Analysis with Radiative Transfer models) is an open-source tool that implements a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to fit the ultraviolet to millimetre spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies exclusively with radiative transfer models. (2024-05-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Mathematics-and-Nature-1

Proved that Einstein s assumption of constant speed of light was a mistaken assumption based on ignorance of basic mathematics, pointed out the problem of quantum mechanics wave equations breaking the law of energy conservation, proved that LIGO s gravitational wave observation report was purely a lie, corrected the basic equations of ... (2024-05-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Breast-cancer-Detection-using-ML

This project aims to harness the power of machine learning to address the critical need for accurate and timely breast cancer detection. By combining KNN with Naive Bayes classification, we seek to develop a reliable tool that can assist healthcare professionals for detecting breast cancer more effectively. (2024-04-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Breast-Cancer-Classification-

This repository features ML models for tumor classification: Logistic Regression, KNN, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, and Ensembles. It distinguishes malignant from benign tumors, optimizes with preprocessing scaling, and provides a comparative report for accurate cancer diagnosis. (2024-04-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Movie-Genre-Classification

Movie Genre Classification using Multinomial Naive Bayes and n-grams involves predicting the genre of a movie based on its plot summary using a probabilistic model that handles text data and assumes independence among features within each genre category. (2024-04-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] smartchanneling

Online Disease Prediction System which allows users to identify diseases using the symptoms faced. (Used Multi-Nomial Naive Bayes ML Algorithm) Provide Latest Health News using News API Provide Payment Facilities with Paypal Payment Integration Covid-19 Data analysis (total, recovered, death cases). (2024-03-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Disease-Diagnosis-using-Bayesian-Filter

Disease diagnosis, a pivotal aspect of patient care, stands to benefit immensely from the integration of cutting-edge technologies. In this project, the focus is specifically on the application of Bayesian filtering, a sophisticated probabilistic modeling approach, to estimate the likelihood of a patient having a particular disease. (2024-03-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Linear-Regression-Schneider-Electric-

Linear Regression performed for Schneider Electric using renewable energy data collection from Texas. Methodologies utilized in this testing include Heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, Auto(Serial) correlation, Ordinary Least Squares, and more econometrics and statistical approaches. (2024-03-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] CyberIntel-CTF-2018-HackME-Challenge

这是2018年互联网在线CTF(Catch-The Flag)Open World黑客和反向工程挑战GitHub官方知识库。希望最好和好运-Cyber Intel团队(斯里兰卡)。
This is The GitHub Official Repository of The Cyber-Intel Online CTF (Catch- The-Flag) 2018 Open-World Hacking and Reverse Engineering Challenge. Hope For The Best and Good Luck - Team Cyber-Intel (Sri Lanka). (2018-01-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] UNB-Data-Challenge-Tableau

Created a visually appealing infographic and aesthetically pleasing dashboard to present insights about crime in Nunavut in accordance with the Canadian government s mandate to achieving their sustainable goal of Peace, Justice, and strong institutions. Rewarded with 1st place in the presentation round and 3rd place in the infographic round by (2021-05-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] bayesianstatisticsthefunway

这本书的主题,贝叶斯统计,帮助我们更好地推理关于不确定性,就像在学校学习逻辑帮助我们看到 日常逻辑思维中的错误。因为几乎每个人都要处理他们日常生活中的不确定性,正如我们刚才讨论的,这让观众因为这本书很广。数据科学家和研究人员已经在使用统计学将受益于更深入的理解和直觉工具起作用。工程师和程序员将学到很多关于他们可以更好地量化他们必须做出的决定
The subject of this book, Bayesian statistics, helps us get better at reasoning about uncertainty, just as studying logic in school helps us to see the errors in everyday logical thinking. Given that virtually everyone deals with uncertainty in their daily life, as we just discussed, this makes the audience for this book pretty wide. Data scientists and researchers already using statistics will benefit from a deeper understanding and intuition for how these tools work. Engineers and programmers will learn a lot about how they can better quantify decisions they have to make (2020-08-04, Others, 3338KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] spmv_csr

稀疏矩阵的DIA/ELLPACK/COO/CSR/HYB表示形式,以及各表示形式下的稀疏矩阵乘法(稀疏大矩阵*矢量)的CUDA实现。对于矩阵中每一行稀疏元素个数较统一的情况,ELLPACK表示最佳,其次是HYB(ELL+COO)。 CUDA™ 是一种由NVIDIA推出的通用并行计算架构,该架构使GPU能够解决复杂的计算问题。 它包含了CUDA指令集架构(ISA)以及GPU内部的并行计算引擎。 开发人员现在可以使用C语言来为CUDA™ 架构编写程序
Sparse matrix DIA/ELLPACK/COO/CSR/HYB representation, as well as the representation of the sparse matrix multiplication (large sparse matrix* vector)' s CUDA implementation. For each row of the sparse matrix representing the number of elements the case of unification, ELLPACK that the best, followed by HYB (ELL+COO). NVIDIA CUDA ™ is introduced by a general purpose parallel computing architecture that makes the GPU to solve complex computational problems. It contains the CUDA Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and the GPU parallel computing engine. Developers can now use the C language to write programs for the CUDA ™ architecture (2013-07-11, Others, 3206KB, 下载62次)


[数学计算] algebra_ch01-ch04

高等代数(北大版)课件(ch01-ch04) 非常详细的课件,基本涵盖了原书的所有内容。 (这一部分包含第一章到第四章) 第一章 多项式 §1.1 数域 §1.2 一元多项式 §1.3 整除的概念 §1.4 最大公因式 §1.5 因式分解定理 §1.6 重因式 §1.7 多项式函数 §1.8 复系数与实系数多项式的因式分解 §1.9 有理系数多项式 §1.10 多元多项式 §1.11 对称多项式 第二章 行列式 §2.1 引言 §2.2 排列 §2.3 n阶行列式 §2.4 n级行列式的性质 §2.5 行列式的计算 §2.6 行列式按一行(列)展开 §2.7 克兰姆(Cramer)法则 §2.8 Laplace定理 行列式的乘法规则 第三章 线性方程组 §3.1 消元法 §3.2 n维向量空间 §3.3 线性相关性 §3.4 矩阵的秩 §3.5 线性方程组有解判别定理 §3.6 线性方程组解的结构 第四章 矩阵 §4.1 矩阵的概念 §4.2 矩阵的运算 §4.3 矩阵乘积的行列式与秩 §4.4 矩阵的逆 §4.5 矩阵的分块 §4.6 初等矩阵 §4.7 分块乘法的初等变换及应用
advanced algebra (pku version) chapter 01-04 (2013-03-31, Others, 14805KB, 下载16次)
