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[Python编程] FronteiraEficiente

Este código em Pythonéum脚本para a lise de portfólios financeiros que usa dados históricos de a es brasileiras listadas na B3 para calcular a fronteira efficient e identifier o portfólio理想com base noíndice de Sharpe。O script utiliza bibliotecas como NumPy,Pandas,Matplotlib e yfinance para coletar e processar dados financeiros脚本利用图书馆como NumPy.潘达斯,Matplot lib e y yfinance para coletar e processar dados financeiros。
Este código em Python é um script para análise de portfólios financeiros que usa dados históricos de a es brasileiras listadas na B3 para calcular a fronteira eficiente e identificar o portfólio ideal com base no índice de Sharpe. O script utiliza bibliotecas como NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib e yfinance para coletar e processar dados financeiros. (2024-05-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] Canadian-Information-Security-Datathon

Given a large dataset of social media accounts, we were tasked with the open-ended goal of searching for signs of Foreign Interference in Canada and presenting our findings via a data-driven story tailored for a broad audience (2024-03-06, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] SpamDetector

垃圾邮件检测模型使用多项式朴素贝叶斯分类器将其预测为两个不同的类别:垃圾邮件或火腿。使用的库:Pandas、NLTK、Matplotlib pyplot模块、Countvector等。
Spam Detection Model Using Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier to predict them into two different categories : Spam or Ham. Libraries Used : Pandas, NLTK, Matplotlib pyplot module, Countvectorizer etc. (2024-03-04, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] CodeProtector

一机一码加壳程序!One Activation Code For One User! Use this to protect your code from being pirated! It can also help you limit the activation time of users. Note that, it can only be used to protect python code.
One machine, one code, shell program! One Activation Code For One User! Use this to protect your code from being pirated! It can also help you limit the activation time of users Note that, it can only be used to protect python code (2024-03-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] PCA_Clustering_Young_People_Survey

该项目利用主成分分析(PCA)和K-means聚类算法来降低维度,并在年轻人偏好和特征的调查数据集中找到有意义的聚类。它包括数据预处理、PCA计算和使用Python库(如Pandas、NumPy、Matplotlib和Scikit learn)的聚类分析。
This project utilizes Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and K-means clustering algorithm to reduce dimensionality and find meaningful clusters in a survey dataset of young people s preferences and traits. It includes data preprocessing, PCA computation, and cluster analysis using Python libraries like Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn. (2024-02-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] DBN_toolbox

An encapsulated Python toolbox for training and evaluating the (Dynamic) Bayesian Network. It is designed for the research purposes in Cornell Design and Augmented Intelligence Lab(DAIL). (2024-02-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] sentiment-analysis-of-text-using-naive-bayes

在正面和负面评论的数据集上使用朴素贝叶斯算法探索情感分析。该项目演示从头开始的动手实现,并将结果与Python库进行比较。在Google Colab上用Python开发。
Explore sentiment analysis using Naive Bayes algorithm on a dataset of positive and negative reviews. This project demonstrates hands-on implementation from scratch and compares results with a Python library. Developed in Python on Google Colab. (2024-01-02, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] WorldBank_Data

2006年,汉斯·罗斯林(Hans Rosling)在TED上发表了一篇题为“你所见过的最好的统计数据”的演讲。在演讲开始时,他展示了一个他制作的动画,以揭穿对当今世界的一些误解。我喜欢看到这种可视化,并用我知道的工具(即Python、Pandas、Numpy、Seaborn和Matplotlib)复制它。
In 2006, Hans Rosling gave a TED talk titled The best stats you ve ever seen. At the beginning of the talk, he showed an animation he made to debunk some misconceptions about today s world. I enjoyed seeing this visualisation and reproduced it with the tools I know (i.e. Python, Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn and Matplotlib). (2023-12-30, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] RU-CourseSniper

Found my old laptop and decided to write a small script that would infinitely loop over the Rutgers course schedule page and send you a message in case one of your desired courses opened up. Such course snipers already exist but I wanted to write my own as an exercise in web scraping with python. (2023-12-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] mafioso_code_explanation_companion

Train a Language Model capable of explaining Python code and providing explanations with a fun twist inspired by Hollywood mafia classics such as “The Godfather”, “Casino”, and “Goodfellas. (2023-12-22, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] -Cancer-Classification-with-Naive-Bayes-in-Python

This project showcases the development of a Naive Bayes classifier to distinguish malignant from benign breast cancer tumors using Python and Scikit-learn. The model, trained on a comprehensive dataset, demonstrates the practical application of machine learning algorithms in medical diagnostics. (2023-12-21, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] rfmpy

Calculate RFs and time to depth migration to examine the Moho depth variations for the broader European Alpine region. Codes used in publication: https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-15-2117-2023 (2023-12-07, Python, 0KB, 下载2次)


[Python编程] pygameTetris

Featured game: Tetris made by tutorial. My friend Nick and I made a new block (U-Block) and debug the code to add more features to the game. (2023-09-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] Portfolio

Bienvenido a mi个人投资组合en GitHub!阿基安康特拉斯una muestra de mis proyectos,人权和经验...,
?Bienvenido a mi portfolio personal en GitHub! Aquí encontrarás una muestra de mis proyectos, habilidades y experiencia en el mundo de la programación y el desarrollo. (2023-09-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] EnergySystemModelling

Resources for the Energy System Modelling course by Tom Brown at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2020)., (2022-11-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] SanMap

Tools for using Google Maps with the map of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The project contains a projection for the San Andreas map and a tool to generate map tiles. (2017-07-10, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] bashful

Use a yaml file to stitch together commands and bash snippits and run them with a bit of style. Why? Because your bash script should be quiet and shy-like (...and not such a loud mouth). (2022-03-20, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] blackhat-python3

贾斯汀·塞茨(Justin Seitz)的《黑帽Python》(Black Hat Python)一书的源代码。代码已经完全转换为Python3,重新格式化...
Source code for the book "Black Hat Python" by Justin Seitz. The code has been fully converted to Python 3, reformatted to comply with PEP8 standards and refactored to eliminate dependency issues involving the implementation of deprecated libraries. (2023-06-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] Capricornus

Capricornus is a GUI graphical vulnerability detection tool based on wxpython, which includes basic memo, base64 encryption and decryption, batch vulnerability and single vulnerability detection functions. Currently contains CVE_ 2022_ 35914, CVE_ 2022_ 36804, etc. day, 1d (2022-10-16, Python, 9KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] python快速教程+代码

The files include the python fast course e-book, python interesting code, and some Python implementation code and running results, including flag generation, Tetris, two-dimensional code generation, aircraft war and so on. (2018-05-11, Python, 32376KB, 下载27次)
