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按分类查找All Java书籍(40) 
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[Java书籍] learn-java

布鲁斯·埃克尔(BRUCE Eckel)编写的java书籍(java思维第4版)。本报告包含我编写的程序,涵盖了有关j…,
java book written by BRUCE Eckel (Thinking in Java 4th Edition) . this repo contains programs which I have written covering topics about j…, (2022-05-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] monkeylangj

这是托尔斯滕·鲍尔(Thorsten Ball)的《猴子编程语言》(Monkey Programming Language)的Java实现,该语言出自他的名著《在围棋中编写口译员》(Writing An Interpreter in Go。,
This is a Java implementation of Thorsten Ball s Monkey Programming Language from his great book Writing An Interpreter in Go., (2021-06-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] thinking-in-java-exercises

布鲁斯·埃克尔(Bruce Eckel)的著名Java书籍《Java思维第四版》(Thinking in Java 4th edition)中的练习解决方案,
My solutions for exercises from famous Java book "Thinking in Java 4th edition" by Bruce Eckel, (2018-06-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] pl-projects

继鲍勃·尼斯特罗姆(Bob Nystrom)的优秀著作《打造口译员》(Crafting Interpreters)之后。,
Following along with Bob Nystrom s excellent book, Crafting Interpreters., (2019-04-06, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] Thinking-in-Java-Solutions

布鲁斯·埃克尔(Bruce Eckel)《Java思考》(Thinking in Java)一书中的练习我的解决方案。,
My solutions to exercises from Bruce Eckel s Thinking in Java book., (2018-01-17, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] 2019阿里最新Java编程规范

《Java开发手册》是阿里巴巴集团技术团队的集体智慧结晶和经验总结,经历了多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断完善,公开到业界后,众多社区开发者踊跃参与,共同打磨完善,系统化地 整理成册。现代软件行业的高速发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高,因为不仅是编程知识点,其它维度的知识点也会影响到软件的最终交付质量。
The java development manual is the collective wisdom crystallization and experience summary of Alibaba Group's technical team. It has experienced many large-scale first-line actual combat tests and continuous improvement. After it was made public to the industry, many community developers actively participated in it, polished it together, and systematized it into a volume. The rapid development of modern software industry requires more and more comprehensive quality of developers, because not only the programming knowledge points, but also the knowledge points of other dimensions will affect the final delivery quality of software. (2020-04-25, Java, 1259KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] 数组

Personal teaching, Java array source code, one dimensional array, two dimensional array, diagram, class content, homework (2018-07-20, Java, 382KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] [Java程序员修炼之道].(英)埃文斯&(荷)费尔堡

It covers the latest features of JAVA7, and comprehensively interprets the application of Groovy, Scala and clojure on JVM. (2018-04-01, Java, 47985KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] 数据结构

简单的数据结构相关的项目,是高级程序设计语言中得概念,是数据的取值范围和对数据进行操作的总和。数据类型规定了程序中对象的特性。程序中的每个变量、常量或表达式的结果都应该属于某种确定的数据类型。例如,C语言中的整型变量,其取值范围为某个区间上的整数(区间大小因计算机而异),定义在其上的操作为 加 减 乘 除和取模等算数运算。
Simple data structure related items,is the concept of high-level programming language, which is the sum of data value and the operation of data. The data type specifies the characteristics of the object in the program. The results of each variable, constant, or expression in a program should belong to a certain type of data. For example, in C integer variable, which ranges from an integer on the interval (interval size for computer varies), defined on the operation and modulo arithmetic add, subtract, multiply and divide. (2017-06-20, Java, 6KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] java_program

Java classic project, steps are detailed: World War II aircraft, flying birds, Tetris, data mining system DMS (2017-02-24, Java, 45787KB, 下载11次)


[Java书籍] Javamianshi

Ashley standalone machine ah hair sprinkled link local and imported fine junk card to play slightly on Oscar (2014-06-04, Java, 481KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] mobile-application-JavaaC-Sharp

第一部分介绍手机 MIDP 程序的基础,包括J2ME 核心类、用户界面、事件处理;第二部分是MIDP 高级编程,包括多线程、I/O 及网络编程、数据库、多媒体及GAME API 编程等;第三部分是移动应用的深入话题,包括扩展类库、与服 务端联合搭建移动应用、XML 及Web Service、短信编程等,并介绍了各种移动平台下的开发方式。
The first part introduces mobile phone MIDP program, including the J2ME core classes, user interface, event handling the second part of the MIDP high-level programming, multi-threaded, I/O And network programming, database, multimedia and GAME the API programming, etc. The third part is the in-depth topic in the mobile applications, including the expansion of the class library, and service Service-side joint to build mobile applications, XML and Web Service, SMS programming and development under a variety of mobile platforms. (2012-05-16, Java, 5371KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] Java2API

本书明确而详尽地阐述了Java平台安全性,探究了Java安全结构的内幕。本书首先概述了计算机和网络安全概念并解释了Java安全模型,并在此基础上,详细描述了Java 2平台中新增加的许多安全结构方面的措施,同时对Java安全性的实施提出了使用指导,描绘了如何定制、扩展和精化安全结构以及成功实现的技术细节。本书为建立安全、有效、强大和可移植的Java应用程序和applet提供了重要的信息,对于致力于研究Java平台的专业人员是一本必不可少的参考书。
this book gives us a thorough look on the safety of java and shows a detailed explainaion of java 2. (2010-04-20, Java, 4453KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] jisuanqi

这是一个计算器小程序,用java applet实现,能够进行加,减,乘,除,四则运算,并且还有音乐。
This is a small calculator program with the java applet to achieve, to carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication, addition, four operations, and there are music. (2010-03-27, Java, 3KB, 下载57次)


[Java书籍] 025888-01

本光盘包含了本书各章中出现的所有程序的源代码。 1. 如果是Java程序,可以直接通过javac加java命令运行。 2. 如果是JSP类型的程序,可以参照本书描述的方式运行。
The CD-ROM contains the various chapters of this book appear in the source code for all programs. 1. If the Java program can be added directly through the java command to run javac. 2. If it is JSP types of procedures, can refer to the manner described in this book run. (2009-05-12, Java, 17342KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] karel-the-robot-learns-java

Title karel-the-robot-learns-java, the United States Department of Computer Science at Stanford University' s Materials (2009-03-30, Java, 229KB, 下载41次)


[Java书籍] The_Art_And_Science_Of_Java

书名The Art And Science Of Java,美国斯坦福大学的经典书目,喜欢它的语言风格
Title The Art And Science Of Java, Stanford University, the United States the classic titles, like its language style (2009-03-30, Java, 2046KB, 下载26次)


[Java书籍] Hibernate

其中的内容涉及Hibernate 的使用,以及一部分笔者实际咨询项目中的 经验积累,另一方面,大部分是笔者在Hibernate 的官方论坛中与众多 技术专家交流所得。 既来于斯,则归于斯。希望能聊有所用。
The contents of which involved the use of Hibernate, as well as practical advice as part of the project the author of accumulated experience, on the other hand, the majority of writers in the Hibernate official forums with many technical experts share. Both come in Sri Lanka, then attributed to Sri Lanka. Hope to chat some use. (2008-11-02, Java, 531KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] jbuilder_bookforguild

书名: Jbuilder开发人员指南 英文原书名: Borland Jbuilder for Windows 95,Windows 98,&Wnidows NT Developer s Guide 作者: 宝兰-英博思公司 译者: 魏伟 陈维军 张烨 页码: 447 定价: ¥88.00 出版社: 机械工业出版社 出版日期: 2001-1-1
Title : Jbuilder Developer's Guide English title : Borland Jbuilder for Windows 95, Windows 98, (2006-06-17, Java, 18194KB, 下载165次)


[Java书籍] Java2平勰媉全憀术

本书明确而详尽地阐述了Java平台安全性,探究了Java安全结构的内幕。本书首先概述了计算机和网络安全概念并解释了Java安全模型,并在此基础上,详细描述了Java 2平台中新增加的许多安全结构方面的措施,同时对Java安全性的实施提出了使用指导,描绘了如何定制、扩展和精化安全结构以及成功实现的技术细节。本书为建立安全、有效、强大和可移植的Java应用程序和applet提供了重要的信息,对于致力于研究Java平台的专业人员是一本必不可少的参考书。
this book clear and detailed exposition of the Java platform security, to explore the structure of the Java security insider.JavaJava 2Javasecurity structure and the successful realization of the technical details. The book for the establishment of safe, effective, powerful and portable applications and Java applet provides important information for the Java platform devoted to the research of professionals is an indispensable reference book. (2005-05-31, Java, 4454KB, 下载2次)
