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[Redis] java-sdk

java-sdk,一些常用的java sdk和工具类(日期工具类,分布式锁,redis缓存,二叉树,反射工具类,线程池,对称 非对称 分段加解密,json序列化,http工具,雪花算法,字符串相似度,集合操作工具,xml解析,重试Retry工具类,Jv...
Java sdk, some commonly used java sdks and tool classes (date tool class, distributed lock, Redis cache, binary tree, reflection tool class, thread pool, symmetric and asymmetric segmentation encryption and decryption, json serialization, http tool, snowflake algorithm, string similarity, collection operation tool, xml parsing, retry retry tool class, Jv (2023-05-14, Java, 59KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] r-mall

r-mall,小R商城 h5 后端,基于SpringBoot + JWT +Redis +MongoDb+RocketMQ实现的,主要包括首页,分类,购物车,下单,优惠券,目前商品的加购下单及微信的支付已经打通,有问题可以访问主页咨询我哦
R-mall, small R mall h5 backend, based on SpringBoot+JWT+Redis+MongoDb+RocketMQ implementation, mainly including homepage, classification, shopping cart, ordering, coupons. Currently, the addition and ordering of products and WeChat payment have been connected. If you have any questions, please visit the homepage to consult me (2023-05-14, Java, 411KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] easy

easy,开源的Java开发脚手架,工作经验总结,springboot,springcloud,基于tk- mybatis代码反向生成,基于redis(redisson)注解形式加分布式锁等,计划将用该脚手架抄袭jeesite和ruoyi还有基于...
Easy, an open-source Java development scaffold, work experience summary, spring boot, spring cloud, reverse code generation based on tk - mybatis, and distributed locks added in the form of Redis (Redisson) annotations. The plan is to use this scaffold to plagiarize Jeesite and Ruoyi, as well as (2023-05-14, Java, 408KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] smart-cloud

smart-cloud,基于springboot && springcloud的脚手架,支持服务合并部署与拆分部署、接口加解密签名、日志数据 脱敏、接口数据mock、接口文档自动生成、请求幂等校验、接口日志&&sql日志切面打印、分表分库分布式事务、国际化语言等
Smart cloud, based on springboot&&springcloud scaffolding, supports service consolidation deployment and split deployment, interface encryption and decryption signature, log data desensitization, interface data mock, interface document automatic generation, request idempotence verification, interface log&&sql log aspect printing, table and sub database Distributed transaction, international language, etc (2023-05-14, Java, 1138KB, 下载0次)
