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[Windows编程] ALU

4 ALU design, logisim, plus contains an unsigned, unsigned subtraction, AND, OR (2016-11-17, Windows_Unix, 3KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] standardinfo-Eof

Minifilter 进行驱动层次的加解密的一个验证Demo,用来精准的获取文件的信息! 1、正确地初始化链表,加入各个文件名链表节点。(获得写锁) 2、只会在PreCreate中获取文件的名称!(如果不成功,则再也不关心NCB!) 3、在PreCreate中,遍历名称的链表。如果有匹配项,则调用相应的PostCreate。绑定相应的上下文。 4、PostCreate中对:目录的准确识别。FltIsDirectory()
PostCreate Uses FltIsDirectory() (2016-06-05, Windows_Unix, 83KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] VMP2012-7-20

VMP脱壳步骤 个人总结的一个VMP脱壳步骤 个人在学习脱VMP加壳的过程中总结的一个步骤。按照这个步骤,包括VMP1.6—2.0在内应该有70 -80 能脱壳。脱不了的也别问我,我也刚开始学习。我还想找人问呢
VMP shelling stepPersonal summary of a VMP shelling step Individuals in the study off the VMP packers process are summarized in a single step. In accordance with this step, including VMP1.6-2.0 should be 70 -80 of shelling. Can not get by Do not ask me, I just started learning. I m also looking people ask. (2012-08-04, Windows_Unix, 14KB, 下载138次)



一、 概况 1. NAND 闪存的种类 2. NAND 闪存的框架 3. 非全页的编程(Partial Page Programming) 4. 从NAND 启动(Booting From NAND) 二、 NAND 闪存的可靠性问题 1. 坏块管理(Bad Block Management,BBM) 2. 坏块管理算法的规范 (BBM Algorithm Specification) 3. 6 个工厂编程的坏块管理的要素(Six BBM Factory Programming Elements) 1) 坏块的替换策略(Bad Block Replacement Strategy,BBR) 2) 分区(Partitioning) 3) 纠错码(Error Correction Codes ,ECC ) 4) 备用区的使用(Spare Area Placement,SAP) 5) 未用好块的格式(Free Good Block Formatting) 6) 动态元数据(Dynamic Metadata) 4. 系统举例 5. 通用的工厂编程坏块管理方案(Universal Factory Programming BBM Scheme) 6. 第三方和客制化的坏块管理方案(Third-party and Custom BBM Schemes) 三、 对Managed NAND 编程(Programming Managed NAND) 四、 NAND 的序列号(Serializing NAND) 五、 结论
I. Overview 1. NAND type flash memory 2. NAND flash memory framework 3. Non-full-page programming (Partial Page Programming) 4. From the NAND boot (Booting From NAND) Second, NAND flash memory reliability problems 1. Bad block management (Bad Block Management, BBM) 2. Bad block management algorithm specification (BBM Algorithm Specification) 3.6 factory-programmed elements of bad block management (Six BBM Factory Programming Elements) 1) bad block replacement policy (Bad Block Replacement Strategy, BBR) 2) partition (Partitioning) 3) error-correcting code (Error Correction Codes, ECC) 4) the use of spare area (Spare Area Placement, SAP) 5) the format is not good use of the block (Free Good Block Formatting) 6) The dynamic metadata (Dynamic Metadata) 4. System Example 5. GM s factory-programmed bad block management program (Universal Factory Programming BBM Scheme) 6. Third-party and custom bad block management program (Third-party and Custom BB (2011-03-24, Windows_Unix, 2076KB, 下载85次)


[Windows编程] TheArtOfUnpacking_EN

TheArtOfUnpacking 英文版 本文主要目的是介绍壳常用的反逆向技术,同时也探讨了可以用来躲过或禁用这些保护的技术及公开可用的工具。这些信息将使研究人员特别是恶意代码分析人员在分析加壳的恶意代码时能识别出这些技术,当这些反逆向技术阻碍其成功分析时能决定下一步的动作。第二个目的,这里介绍的信息也会被那些计划在软件中添加一些保护措施用来减缓逆向分析人员分析其受保护代码的速度的研究人员用到。当然没有什么能使一个熟练的、消息灵通的、坚定的逆向分析人员止步的。
english version of the art of unpacking (2009-07-20, Windows_Unix, 415KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] TheArtOfUnpacking_CHS

脱壳的艺术(the art of unpacking)中文版 本文主要目的是介绍壳常用的反逆向技术,同时也探讨了可以用来躲过或禁用这些保护的技术及公开可用的工具。这些信息将使研究人员特别是恶意代码分析人员在分析加壳的恶意代码时能识别出这些技术,当这些反逆向技术阻碍其成功分析时能决定下一步的动作。第二个目的,这里介绍的信息也会被那些计划在软件中添加一些保护措施用来减缓逆向分析人员分析其受保护代码的速度的研究人员用到。当然没有什么能使一个熟练的、消息灵通的、坚定的逆向分析人员止步的。
Chinese version of the art of unpacking (2009-07-20, Windows_Unix, 522KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] pediy

  《加密与解密》(第二版)   汇集国内顶尖软件调试论坛(看雪论坛)众多密界一流好手,展示软件调试最核心!浓缩了这3年来国内加密与解密技术的发展,非常值得收藏!   本书全面揭示Windows平台的加密与解密技术!采用循序渐进方式,从基本的跟踪调试到深层的拆解脱壳,从浅显的注册码分析到加密算法及商用软件保护,这520页的一部书,几乎囊括了Windows软件保护的绝大多数内容。   看完这本书,解密不再神秘。不论是解密爱好者还是软件编程者都应该好好去看看。全国新华书店发行!   与之配套的《加密与解密---续集》也会在随后的几个月内推出!两本书内容互补、并不重复,组合阅读会令你的加解密水平有一个质的飞跃!!!
"Encryption and Decryption" (second edition) Bring together the best forum software debugging (see Ice Forum) large dense-class industry players to display the software debugging the core! Concentration of this 3-year domestic encryption and decryption technology, a very worthy collection! This book reveals the Windows platform for a comprehensive encryption and decryption technology! Step-by-step manner, from basic debugging to track the dismantling of deep shell, from the simple analysis of the key to the encryption algorithm and business software protection, which a book of 520, almost covers the vast majority of Windows software to protect content. After reading this book, decryption is no longer mysterious. Whether or decryption software programming enthusiasts should have to see. Xinhua Bookstore national issue! Compatible with the "encryption and decryption sequel---" will be launched within the next few months! The contents of two books complement each other, not dup (2009-05-22, Windows_Unix, 2003KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] JMYJM

《加密与解密》配套代码 本书讲述Windows环境下的加密与解密技术。这本书采用循序渐进方式,从基本的跟踪调试到深层的拆解脱壳,从浅显的注册码分析到商用软件保护,这500多页的一部书,几乎囊括了Windows下的软件保护的绝大多数内容。 本书内容丰富,不论是加解密爱好者还是软件编程者都应该好好看看。自出版以来,得到海内外读者的高度赞誉,是致力于加密与解密研究的专业或非专业人员一本难得的好书。
"encryption and decryption of" complementary code book on the environment of Windows encryption and decryption technology. This book adopting a gradual approach, from basic to the deep trace debug the dismantling of shelling, The license from the simple analysis of the business software protection, which more than 500 pages of a book. Of all the Windows software to protect the vast majority of content. The book is rich in content, both encryption and decryption lovers or software programming has to be a good look. Since publication, readers at home and abroad to be highly praised it is committed to the encryption and decryption of the professional or research professionals a rare books. (2006-02-10, Windows_Unix, 315KB, 下载295次)
