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按分类查找All NumPy(28) 
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[NumPy] Samsung_vs_apple_users

This is repository is inspired by @. I am using a database in order to learn data preparation with python and its tools; Pandas, numpy, sklean, seaborn and matplotlib. (2024-02-12, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[NumPy] Research-Project

该项目的目标是使用深度学习回归模型预测0至3分的路面质量分数,其中0分用于未磨损的道路,3分用于严重磨损的道路。使用加利福尼亚州湾区周围路面的实时视频和KITTI图像数据集进行训练和测试。Bokeh和Google Maps API用于可视化...
The goal of this project was to predict road surface quality score on scale of 0 to 3 with 0 for unworn roads up to 3 for heavily worn-out roads using deep learning regression models. Real time videos of the road surface around Bay Area, CA and KITTI image dataset was used for training and testing. Bokeh and Google Maps API was used for (2018-06-18, Jupyter Notebook, 20519KB, 下载0次)


[NumPy] Zomato-DataSet

The basic idea of analyzing the Zomato dataset is to get a fair idea about the factors affecting the aggregate rating of each restaurant, establishment of different types of restaurant at different places, Bengaluru being one such city has more than 12,000 restaurants with restaurants serving dishes from all over the world. , (2022-06-26, Jupyter Notebook, 491KB, 下载0次)


[NumPy] AutoDataPilot

This repository involves a series of operations, including data cleaning, normalization, scaling, feature selection, and dimensionality reduction, to transform the data into a clean and organized format that is suitable for analysis big data using pandas and numpy libraries in python. , (2023-03-10, Jupyter Notebook, 7KB, 下载0次)


[NumPy] breast-cancer-classification

This project is to test classification algorithms wrote from scratch in python using only numpy. Algorithms wrote in this project: KNN, Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes classifier. , (2017-07-23, Jupyter Notebook, 27KB, 下载0次)


[NumPy] stock-market-prediction-using-sentiment-analysis

stock market predictions using sentiment analysis, a deep learning project(data and news based on pakistani stock exchange and news(Dawn news)) , (2020-10-14, Jupyter Notebook, 4380KB, 下载0次)


[NumPy] Numpy_Exercise

NumPy is a computational library that helps in speeding up Vector Algebra operations that involve Vectors (Distance between points, Cosine Similarity) and Matrices. Specifically, it helps in constructing powerful n-dimensional arrays that works smoothly with distributed and GPU systems. It is a very handy library and extensively used in the (2022-03-15, Jupyter Notebook, 25KB, 下载0次)


[NumPy] Deep-Learning-Computer-Vision

我为斯坦福大学的CS231n(用于视觉识别的细胞神经网络)和密歇根大学的EECS 498-007 598-005(用于计算机视觉的深度学习)提供的作业解决方案,2020版。
My assignment solutions for Stanford’s CS231n (CNNs for Visual Recognition) and Michigan’s EECS 498-007/598-005 (Deep Learning for Computer Vision), version 2020. , (2021-04-04, Jupyter Notebook, 82069KB, 下载0次)
