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[Flutter开发] GezifyAppJamG17

Oyun ve Vigulama Akademisi nin ilk app jam i i in Flutter ve Firebase kullan larak geli tirilmi bir rota ve gezi payla m uygulamas奥云ve维吾拉玛·阿卡德米西·尼尔克·伊尔克·app jam i i i in弗拉特ve Firebase
Oyun ve Uygulama Akademisi nin ilk app jam i i in Flutter ve Firebase kullan larak geli tirilmi bir rota ve gezi payla m uygulamas (2024-03-21, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] moslam

Islami app It consists of 5 screens: Quraan screen Hadeth screen Sebha screen Radio screen Settings screen using: Api provider statement shared prefrences Themes(light - Dark ) Flutter Localization(en - ar) (2023-12-14, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] Carpool-App-Frontend

The carpool app helps people find affordable rides within a selected region in Tunisia. This software is capable of various functionalities such as: login, sign up, manage rides; find rides or offer rides, consult the map, one to one chat, profile management and rating the driver and ride. (2023-09-14, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] flutter_google_play_movies_ui

a google play movies ui made with flutter. with the Hobbs & Shaw poster, (2023-09-12, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] NextBusSG

An app to show everything bus related in Singapore, including arrival times and a directory, (2020-06-26, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] PaySafe

Flutter Firebase应用程序,为新加坡的盲人和视力受损社区创建更具包容性和更安全的支付旅程。A...,
A Flutter-Firebase app to create a more inclusive and safer payment journey for the blind and visually-impaired community in Singapore. Also submission for Google Solution Challenge 2022. (2023-07-20, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] flutter-getting-started

...Flutter,谷歌支持的移动平台。首先,您将探索如何使用Flutter构建Hello World应用程序。Nex(奈克斯)...
Have you ever tried to create an app for IOS and Android, and looked for a fast, reliable, and single-code-base platform? If so, this project, Flutter: Getting Started, is the perfect tutorial for you. In this project you’ll learn how to build apps with Flutter, mobile platform backed by Google. First, you’ll explore how to build a Hello World (2018-12-16, Dart, 3457KB, 下载0次)
