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[推荐系统] ald-Texas-Ranger-A-Story-of-Frontier-Reform_66849

Captain Bill McDonald, Texas Ranger A Story of Frontier Reform by Albert Bigelow Paine is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github., (2021-12-15, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] us-And-the-Beginnings-of-Educational-Reform_58483

威尔·西摩·门罗(Will Seymour Monroe)的《夸美纽斯和教育改革的开端》(Comenius And the Beginnings of Educational Reform)是一本古腾堡计划(Project Gutenberg)的书,现在是关于Github。,
Comenius And the Beginnings of Educational Reform by Will Seymour Monroe is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github., (2018-12-21, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] A-Tract-on-Monetary-Reform_65278

约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的《货币改革论》(Tract on Monetary Reform)是一本古腾堡计划(Project Gutenberg)的书,现在是关于吉图布的。,
A Tract on Monetary Reform by John Maynard Keynes is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github., (2021-05-11, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] olly-Reforming-HerselfA-Comedy-in-Four-Acts_27271

琼斯的《多莉改造自己》(Dolly Reforming Herself)《四幕喜剧》(Four Acts),亨利·阿瑟(Henry Arthur)是古腾堡计划(Project Gutenberg)的一本书,现在讲述的是Github。,
Dolly Reforming HerselfA Comedy in Four Acts by Jones, Henry Arthur is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github., (2018-10-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] As-Revealed-in-the-Writings-of-Gerrard-Win__17480

The Digger Movement in the Days of the CommonwealthAs Revealed in the Writings of Gerrard Winstanley, the Digger, Mystic and Rationalist, Communist and Social Reformer by Berens, Lewis Henry is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. (2018-10-19, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] l

《我的时代故事》,第二卷(共3卷),她是谁;斯卡吉尔的《年轻的改革者》(The Young Reformers),威廉·皮特(William Pitt)是一本古腾堡计划(Project Gutenberg)的书,现在讲述的是Github。,
Tales of My Time, Vol. II (of 3)Who Is She; The Young Reformers by Scargill, William Pitt is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github., (2018-10-08, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] er-reformer-of-orthography-and-typography-__60542

Geofroy Tory画家和雕刻师;第一台皇家印刷机;奥古斯特·伯纳德(Auguste Bernard)在弗朗索瓦一世(Franois I.)统治下的拼写和印刷术改革者是...,
Geofroy Tory Painter and engraver; first royal printer; reformer of orthography and typography under Fran?ois I. by Auguste Bernard is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. (2019-10-28, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)
