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[C#编程] cSharp

Includes Tetris, Snake game preparation, warehouse management information system staff work management information system, a complete rental management system source code, have been tested and can work properly. With a description of the database and run (2011-04-27, Others, 1219KB, 下载44次)


[C#编程] timesync

在IEEE - 1588系统中, LXI设备把它们的时钟与一个公共意义上的时间(网络中最精确的时钟)相同步。通过对时钟的同步, LXI仪器 就能在规定时间开始(或停止)测量/激励,同步测量或输出它们的信号,而不需要触发线,并为所有事件和数据加时戳。
In the IEEE- 1588 System, LXI device clock them with a public sense of the time (the network the most accurate clock) phase synchronization. Through the clock synchronization, LXI instruments can be in a specified time start (or stop) measurement/incentive, synchronous measurements or output their signals without the need for the trigger line, and for all the events and data plus timestamp. (2008-09-07, Others, 337KB, 下载108次)
