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[云计算] ajcloudserver

????????????最优安全计划:采用VPN+跳板机系统+工作服务器/工作VPS组合,提供顶级数据和网络安全保障。 ??CDN服务:支持无限抗攻击、非绕美、本地抗和国内加速,免实名可测试,享受极速网络和强大防御。 ??云服务器:提供香港、新加坡、美国云服务器,免实名可测试,轻松实现全球业务快速部署。 ??国内免备案服务器:免实名不可测试,适合各类国内业务,无需备案即可快速上线。 ??高防服务器:免实名可测试,提供强力防护,确保您的业务稳定运行。 ??显卡服务器:香港、美国、国内显卡服务器,免实名可测试,支持高性能计算和图形处理。 ??海外专线服务器:免实名可测试,提供稳定快速的国际连接,助力全球业务. ??游戏盾:无视攻击,免实名支持 (2024-06-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] -

物理机是什么? 物理机是什么? 物理机,也称为“裸机服务器”,是单租户计算机服务器,意味着特定的物理服务器指定给单个用户。 物理服务器的资源和组件不在多个用户之间共享。 每个物理服务器包括内存、处理器、网络连接、硬盘驱动器和用于运行程序和应用程序的操作系统(OS)。 由于裸机服务器包含强大的处理组件,因此其规模很大。 AJCDN全球服务器,高防CDN加速,国内海外节点 云服务器,物理机,大带宽 香港新加坡台湾美国 CN2,大陆优化,国际线路 防DDOS,CC攻击 免实名+可测试,满意再合作 值班客服,24小时营业 欢迎询问~飞机:@ajcdn015
What is a physical machine? What is a physical machine? A physical machine, also known as a "bare metal server", is a single tenant computer server, meaning that a specific physical server is assigned to a single user. The resources and components of the physical server are not shared among multiple users. Each physical server includes memory, processor, network connection, hard disk drive and operating system (OS) for running programs and applications. As bare metal servers contain powerful processing components, their scale is very large. AJCDN global server, advanced anti CDN acceleration, domestic and overseas node ECS, physical machine, large bandwidth Hong Kong Singapore Taiwan US CN2, mainland optimization, international line anti DDOS, CC attack free real name+testable, satisfactory cooperation on duty customer service, 24-hour business welcome to inquire~aircraft: @ ajcdn015 (2024-05-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] CMPE180B

一个数据驱动的web应用程序,利用Google Cloud的BigQuery来分析和可视化芝加哥地区的犯罪数据。发现模式、热点和预测见解,以增强社区安全计划并为战略干预提供信息。
A data-driven web application leveraging Google Cloud s BigQuery to analyze and visualize crime data in the Chicago area. Discover patters, hotspots, and predictive insights to empower community safety initiatives and inform strategic interventions. (2024-05-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ETL-Yu-Gi-Oh-Duel-Links

ETL sobre mazos de la comunidad hispanohablante del videojuego Yu Gi哦!决斗链接para usarlo mediante reports de llegadas al rango KOG del mes y 1ra。拉斯科帕斯法斯KC
ETL sobre mazos de la comunidad hispanohablante del videojuego Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links para usarlo mediante reportes de llegadas al rango KOG del mes y 1ra. fase de las Copas KC s (2024-04-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] 77553322AHST-blogger

Reklam Medya Ajans Teknoloji Geli tirici雷克拉姆·梅迪亚·阿贾恩斯·特克诺洛基·格里·蒂里奇77553322AHST.github.com
Reklam Medya Ajans Teknoloji Geli tirici 77553322AHST.github.com (2024-02-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] 77553322AHSTZaman-Company-com-

Reklam Medya Ajans Teknoloji Geli tirici雷克拉姆·梅迪亚·阿贾恩斯·特克诺洛基·格里·蒂里奇77553322AHST.github.com
Reklam Medya Ajans Teknoloji Geli tirici 77553322AHST.github.com (2024-01-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)



在金奈维萨卡帕特南的btech-mtech项目中实施用于安全数据共享的ACCOUNTABLE PROXY RE-ENCRYPTION项目…
implementation of the project ACCOUNTABLE PROXY RE-ENCRYPTION FOR SECURE DATA SHARING , btech mtech project in visakhapatnam, chennai, … (2023-12-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)



implementation of the project CRYPTCLOUD+: SECURE AND EXPRESSIVE DATA ACCESS CONTROL FOR CLOUD STORAGE , btech mtech project in visakha… (2023-12-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] SpaceMAP

A novel dimensionality reduction method based on space geometry and hierarchical manifold approximation. It can handle both clustered and continuous datasets with both local and global structure preserved. (2021-10-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Hadoop_EC2-MapReduce-Demo

一组Hadoop MapReduce程序,用于查找维基百科文章标题中最常见的第一个单词。旨在在标准Amazon上运行...,
A set of Hadoop MapReduce programs for finding the most common first word in Wikipedia article titles. Designed to run on standard Amazon EC2 Hadoop Cluster. (2012-04-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] serverless-cloud-design

Serverless Cloud Architecture I created in Swinburne University of Technology s Cloud Computing Architecture unit, (2023-08-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] analytics-engineering-prototype

Analytics Engineering with dbt on Bigquery. This project implements the use of Analytics Engineering Best practices to build a dimensional data model, using dbt (data build tool) and BigQuery. (2023-07-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Gauntlet

Guides, Articles, Podcasts, Videos and Notes to Build Reliable Large-Scale Distributed Systems., (2023-06-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] openapi-directory

Web API维基百科。OpenAPI 2.0 3.x格式的REST API定义目录,
Wikipedia for Web APIs. Directory of REST API definitions in OpenAPI 2.0 3.x format, (2023-07-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] finops-open-cost-usage-spec

Establish vendor neutral cross-cloud measures for key cost & usage dimensions metrics. These measures and their deriv… (2023-02-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Security-Information-and-Evenet-Management

Security-Information-and-Evenet-Management,Technology:Amazon Web Services (AWS)-Cloud Computing Services Imperva: Cyber Security New Relic. Splunk. (2020-03-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Top-10-Cloud-Computing-Papers

Top-10-Cloud-Computing-Papers,"Science advances one funeral at a time."― Max Planck (2020-10-08, Others, 3314KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Doris-zeng

Doris-zeng,名企 Director Expert 职位: 90-300万! 职位一、SRE运维负责人(总监级别,带团队):可对标阿里p7 p8的人选,北京 广州 职位二、基础设施运维负责人(总监级别,带团队):可以对标阿里p7 p8...
Doris Zeng, Director Expert of a Famous Enterprise Position: 900000-3 million! Position 1. SRE Operations Manager (Director level, leading team): Candidates who can benchmark Alibaba P7 P8; Position 2. Infrastructure Operations Manager (Director level, leading team): Candidates who can benchmark Alibaba P7 P8 (2019-09-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] technology-binghe

Technology binghe, which mainly includes the articles on [Glacier Technology] WeChat official account, is the author of Glacier, "Massive Data Processing and Big Data Technology Practice", and "MySQL Technology Complete: Development, Optimization and Operation and Maintenance Practice". It aims to share various programming languages, development technologies, distributed and microservice architectures, distributed databases, Distributed transaction, cloud natives, big data and cloud computing technologies (2023-03-01, Others, 194KB, 下载0次)
