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[其他] 合成孔径声纳成像

研究发现合成孔径声纳( SAS) 成像压缩中的旁瓣干扰成为了当前声纳技术的瓶颈,文中通过空间 变迹法( SVA) 实现了旁瓣抑制和主瓣分辨率优化改进,在一维距离测试中验证了算法优化能够较好的实现旁 瓣抑制,在 SVA 二维成像验证优化得到: 和原始成像经过对比二维图像抑制低于-30d; 三维视图 SVA 图像表 明整体成像有着不错的分辨率,包络也相对平滑; 采用多次迭代的方法能得到更加精确的 SAS 方位向分辨率, 攻克了受限的物理分辨率问题。上述研究成果对于声纳系统分辨率的改进具有明显的理论和实际意义。
synthetic aperture sonar imaging compression the sidelobe interference becomesthe bottleneck of the current sonar technology. In this paper, through the space variable method implements the side lobe suppression and main lobe optimization. (2020-04-16, PDF, 514KB, 下载3次)


[其他] 大规模MIMO系统研究进展

随着无线通信技术的快速发展和智能手机的迅速普及,人们对数据传输速率提出了更高的需 求。为进一步提高数据传输速率,通过增加基站天线数目构建大规模MIMO系统,是一种高效而相对 便捷的方式。大规模MIMO系统能深度发掘空间维的自由度,使得基站能够利用同一时频资源服务于 多个用户。本文探讨了大规模MIMO系统的导频污染问题及解决方案、适用于大规模MIMO系统的 信道模型以及低复杂度的传输技术与实现方法三项关键技术。与现有MIMO系统相比,大规模MIMO 系统能显著提高频谱效率、能量效率和系统的鲁棒性能。作为第五代移动通信(5G)最具潜力的研究内 容之一,大规模MIMO无线通信技术已引起国内外的广泛关注,但相关研究工作尚处在起步阶段,还有 大量的技术难点需要进一步突破。
so that the base station can use the same time-frequency resources to serve Multiple users.In this paper, pilot frequency pollution of large scale MIMO system and its solution are discussed Channel model, low complexity transmission technology and implementation method are three key technologies.Large scale MIMO compared to existing MIMO systems The spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency and robust performance of the system can be significantly improved.As the fifth generation mobile communication (5G) has the most potential within the research (2020-03-10, PDF, 414KB, 下载9次)


[其他] 数学分析(第2卷).(俄罗斯)卓里奇

If you want to understand the metric space, topological space, compact, uniform continuity, mapping, operator, measure set up on the basis of the modern concept of axiom ZF, please refer to the book, this book can be used as a real variable, complex, functional, field theory, mathematical physics equations, probability theory, differential geometry, pre course, expansion very strong. (2017-12-19, PDF, 21004KB, 下载10次)


[其他] 数学分析(第1卷).(俄罗斯)卓里奇

Zorich's mathematical analysis tells you in detail and clearly that mathematical analysis is the entry of all higher mathematics, and the direction of signal processing is much harder. (2017-12-19, PDF, 30404KB, 下载7次)


[其他] CANape-标定、测量和诊断工具

The Chinese explanation of CANape software is very helpful to understand the use of CANape software. (2017-12-04, PDF, 1240KB, 下载36次)


[其他] ROS机器人程序设计

ROS是一个机器人软件操作平台,前身由斯坦福大学(Stanford Artificail Intelligence Laboratory)所研发。它提供一些标准操作系统服务,目前主要支持Ubuntu操作系统。ROS可分为两层,低层是操作系统层,高层是实现不同功能的软件包。
ROS is a robot software operating platform, the predecessor by the Stanford University (Stanford Artificail Intelligence Laboratory) research and development. It provides standard operating system services and currently supports the Ubuntu operating system. ROS can be divided into two layers, the lower layer is the operating system layer, and the top level is software package that implements different functions. (2017-07-04, PDF, 35751KB, 下载36次)


[其他] Hammersley-Clifford_Theorem

Of Markov random fields and Gibbs random field theory of the relationship between the articles, there are strict reasoning. Hope to useful (2011-03-08, PDF, 79KB, 下载60次)


[其他] 1

Phase space reconstruction is the first step in nonlinear dynamics, phase space reconstruction is the most important parameters of embedding dimension and delay time select (2010-12-23, PDF, 1850KB, 下载16次)
