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[其他] 1

网站配置系统: 含有添加删除网站关键词 可直接后台点击查看关键词排名情况 友情链接管理系统 : 任意添加删除 搜索引荐提交 : 对个人认为SEO可用到的好的网站的提交接口 搜索引擎蜘蛛来访记录 : 包括 百度搜索 谷歌搜索 雅虎搜索 集中搜索网 狗狗搜索 搜狗搜索 搜搜搜索 必应Bing 中搜 有道搜 索 广告配置 : 任意加网站的广告位 即时更新代码 后台显示关键词 : 可控制网站后台显示的关键词 (主要是给客户看 如果没有排名过要求的最好不要写在这里) 管理员帐号:admin 管理员密码:admin357
Website configuration system: contain add delete website keywords can directly click back to see keywords ranking. Friendship link management system: arbitrary add and delete Search recommendation submission: submit the interface to a good website that SEO personally thinks is available. Search engine spider visit record: Baidu search Google search YAHOO search centralized search network dog search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search must be Bing search channel search Cable Ad configuration: instant updating code for advertising sites with arbitrary website addition Background Display Key Words: Controllable Web Background Display Key Words (mainly to show customers that if there is no ranking requirements do not write here) Administrator account: admin Administrator password: admin357 (2018-08-07, ASP, 721KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

Asai file upload system, a ASP file, 20KB, pure ASP without component upload program, support arbitrary extension of the name of the file custom upload, can control upload size, upload to the specified folder, whether to cover upload, or not rename, can use ASPJPEG components into a variety of miniature, add water print and other operations, use The unique cache prestorage mechanism can quickly and steadily preserve local images. (2018-07-27, ASP, 11KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

食物营养成分查询可查询一千多种食物的营养成分,程序简洁,支持模糊查询。如查询百合,可得到百合、百合(干)、百合(脱水)这三种不同食物的营养成份含量,主要指标包括食物中的热量、脂肪、蛋白质、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、胆固醇、维生素A、胡罗卜素、钙、硒等含量。 主要食物分类包括:谷类、薯类淀粉、干豆类、蔬菜类、菌藻类、水果类、坚果种子、畜肉类、禽肉类、乳类、蛋类、鱼虾蟹贝、婴幼儿食品、小吃甜饼、速食食、软饮料、酒精饮料、糖蜜饯类、油脂类、调味品类及其它食物。
Food nutrition inquiries can query more than one thousand kinds of food nutrients, simple procedures, support fuzzy queries. For example, the content of three different foods, such as lily, Lily (dry) and Lily (dehydration), can be obtained. The main indexes include the contents of heat, fat, protein, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, cholesterol, vitamin A, carotene, calcium and selenium in food. The main food classification includes: cereal, potato starch, dried bean, vegetable, fungus and algae, fruit, nut seed, animal meat, poultry meat, milk, eggs, fish and shrimp crab shellfish, infant food, cookies, fast food, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, molasses, oils, flavoring categories and other foods. (2018-07-23, ASP, 158KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

欢迎您使用泽许搜索,聚合版本,该版本是聚合搜索小偷程序加自动收录功能。网站后台目录是admin和manage.用户名admin密码123456可以自己修改密码 主要功能: 1推广功能 2收录功能 3后台流量统计 4手机版
You are welcome to use zhe search to aggregate the version, which is a function of aggregated search thief program and automatic collection. The website backstage directory is admin and manage. username admin password 123456. You can modify your password yourself. Main functions: 1 extension function 2 collection function 3 backstage flow statistics 4 mobile phone edition (2018-07-23, ASP, 126KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

稳网IDC业务管理系统主要针对机房营运商,大型IDC极主机租用托管服务商。 非虚拟主机管理系统。只针对服务器租用托管机柜机房类营运商。 系统功能强大。简单明了。根据客户到期时间自动排序在前提醒。 稳网IDC业务管理系统能满足中小IDC企业需求。 管理帐号和密码都为:admin
Stable network IDC business management system is mainly for machine room operators, large IDC host hosting rental service providers. Non virtual host management system. Hire a trustee cabinet operator only for the server. The system is powerful. It's simple and clear. Reminders are automatically sorted according to customers' expiration time. Stable network IDC business management system can meet the needs of small and medium-sized IDC enterprises. The management account and password are all: admin (2018-07-20, ASP, 82KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 合并排序提取

访问功能页面后: 第一步:复制Excel表1二维表(单元格无回车制表符,关联列放第一列后)复制得下边。 第二步:复制Excel表2二维表(单元格无回车制表符,关联列放第一列后)复制得下边。 第三步:点查询页面的按钮(合并、排序、提取)。 第四步:得到的结果复制到Excel新表编辑,比如第一列内容不是1的行,分析处理。 处理异常行完成后,可以删除新加的辅助列:第一列。
After accessing the function page: The first step is to copy the Excel Table 1, the two-dimensional table (the cell has no carriage return tab, and the associated column puts the first column) to copy it down. The second step: copy Excel Table 2 two-dimensional table (cell without enter tab, associate column after putting the first column) copied below. The third step: click the button on the page to query (merge, sort, extract). The fourth step: copy the result to Excel new table editor, for example, the first column content is not 1 rows, analysis processing. After processing the exception line, you can delete the newly added auxiliary column: the first column. (2018-06-06, ASP, 628KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 7pv-20160201-1

1):游戏发布类型分极力精品,固顶精品[24小时套黄] ,全天精品,套黄,通宵,精品套白通宵,连体广告!  2):游戏分类支持各种游戏类型,具体操作,基本设置→游戏类型上有说明。自由设置,随您选择做哪款游戏的发布网,或者全部的游戏可以一起做;  3):首页游戏显示天数支持今天,明天,后天,大后天几天时间,以及昨天,前天!  4):套黄游戏跟随时间轮换显示,随机排序!(随机不影响多行重复连体广告的功能) --  5):通宵游戏在网站配置中自由设置时间段,只需选择通宵即可显示在套黄底部!  6):只有通过审核但未套黄,未通宵,未精品的游戏将显示在免费游戏管理中!  7):支持会员发布系统,可连体广告发布,智能游戏广告发布!  8):支持自动采集游戏(只限服务器架设使用),文章自动采集插件,文章万能采集插件!  9):支持后台批量一键修改游戏开服时间!  10):支持游戏天数精品置顶(全天套黄、精品固定可包日,包月,包年)  11):支持会员在线充值即时到账功能(支持网银,支付宝,微信充值功能)  12):支持游客发布文章、软件、游戏功能(需要管理审核方可发布成功)  13):支持支持图片广告、文字广告期限发布,到期自动下架功能
gfhfhdfhdfhgdfhdfhdghdhdfhdhhd (2018-05-17, ASP, 7946KB, 下载3次)


[其他] lkj

kdshfsdgljsldjg ls lkjdgljoijlhgldglhdglshghsalgh lashgl (2011-04-12, ASP, 928KB, 下载1次)


[其他] CRM

CRM(Customer Relationship Management),即客户关系管理。CRM的主要含义就是通过对客户详细资料的深入分析,来提高客户满意程度,从而提高企业的竞争力的一种手段。优客CRM是由业务家园经过前期对业务员的了解分析,不断地对客户研究分析,并综合对比国内现有的CRM,研发出的一套高效人性的CRM系统。优客CRM采用先进的.NET技术,封装代码,使其能高效稳定的运行,成为公司业务、客户、财务、团队、FAQ等管理的必备工具。
CRM (Customer Relationship Management), the customer relationship management. The main meaning of CRM is the customer detailed information on in-depth analysis to increase customer satisfaction, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises as a means. CRM is excellent customer service to their homes early on the salesman' s understanding through analysis of continuous research and analysis on the client, and comprehensive comparison of domestic existing CRM, developed a set of efficient human CRM system. Excellent customer CRM advanced. NET technology, package code, so that it can be highly efficient and stable operation of a business, customer, financial, team, FAQ and other management tool. (2010-04-08, ASP, 3668KB, 下载12次)


[其他] WorkYi_Person_100213

是一款基于微软.NET平台,使用 C# + MSSQL2000数据库独立开发和构架的一个强大的人才系统。易维人才管理系统采用三层架构模式开发,功能易于进行扩展和二次开发,可面向中小站点提供网站建设解决方案
Is a based on Microsoft. NET platform, using C#+ MSSQL2000 database independent development and architecture of a strong talent system. Yi-dimensional talent management system uses the three-tier architecture model development, function is easy to extend and secondary development of the site could provide sites for the construction of small solutions (2010-02-25, ASP, 2380KB, 下载3次)


[其他] asp2008525

感谢您使用ASP服务器2.0v。该软件是由中国门户网开发的 一套强大的ASPWEB服务器,使用这个软件的您完全可以抛弃 体积庞大的WINNT,WIN2000服 务器系统及漏洞百出的IIS了。 现在你可以在任何一个系统上调试和发布您的ASP程序了。 目前测试通过的操作系统为:Windows 98;Windows 98 SE;Windows ME;Windows NT+IE4 Windows 2000; Windows XP;Windows .NET Server。现在完全支持ACCESS ,SQL数据库! 操作说明 1. 安装ASP服务器2.0v。 2. 把您的ASP程序COPY到安装目录中的Web的目录下即可。
Thank you for using ASP server 2.0v. The software is developed by the Chinese portal ASPWEB a powerful server, using this software, you can discard bulky WINNT, WIN2000 server system and the flaws in IIS has. Now you can debug on any one system and publish your ASP program. The current test of the operating system: Windows 98 Windows 98 SE Windows ME Windows NT+ IE4 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows. NET Server. Now fully supports ACCESS, SQL database! Instructions 1. Install ASP server 2.0v. 2. Put your ASP program COPY to the installation directory of the Web directory can be. (2009-12-23, ASP, 1690KB, 下载5次)


[其他] tianxialiao

The world voice chat program! If the client has the server I would like to add server-side! I you break QQ130000379 (2009-11-08, ASP, 16600KB, 下载175次)


[其他] 798

安装帮肋 1,修改siteconfig/conn.asp的数据库链接地址 3, 统计器js/tj.js 4, 上传程序进入后台 ---- 全局----站点信息 5, 生成所有要求生成的HTML 升级部份 1,添加分类五格显示更为美光 2,添加网址推荐颜色 3,添加 我要报错 功能 4,最新首页模板 5,网址生成静态页面 6,带完整的天气API接口 7,添加购物和影视搜索功能 后台安全解答:修改:siteconfig/conn.asp找到sessionvar="admin&^j*fsdf"//修改里面的值,如:sessionvar="这是值" 如果不是在根目录 修改siteconfig/conn.asp的数据库链接地址(如果你网站不是放在根目录下,要写上子目录的名字,子目录前面要加个 / 比如:你的网站在00子目录下,那么就应该这样"/00/Data/#798dh_data.mdb") 后台地址:admin/login.asp 用户名:admin 密 码: admin888 演式地址:http://www.798dh.com 下载地址:http://www.798dh.com/ym/798.rar 交流论坛:http://bbs.798dh.com
failed to translate (2009-10-28, ASP, 3214KB, 下载76次)


[其他] xuexi10

欢迎使用网页设计 在线学习系统 本系统主要特点如下: 1.本系统采用学号加密码登录,可接受外部注册。 2.教学内容模块可由教师后台管理。 3.保存学生学习进度。 4.多种交互方式。 5.提供在线考试模块,同时能够进行补考,成绩查询等功能。 6.网页设计教学内容部分精心挑选,并进行了较好的分类。 本系统运行环境 windows 98 +PWS windows 2000+IIS windows XP+IIS 最佳分辨率:1024*768 要求IE流览器版本不低于5.0 要系统未在NETSCAPE流览器下测试过,建议您使用IE流览器。 如果在线学习者较多时,建议转成Sql server 数据库 本系统可自由使用,没有任何限制。 QQ:86214492 本系统学生测试帐号为122005001 密码为:123 老师测试帐号为:teacher 密码为:123
Welcome to Web Design Online Learning System The main features of the system are as follows: 1. The school system increases its password, acceptable external registration. 2. Teaching content management modules can be teachers in the background. 3. To preserve the progress of student learning. 4. A variety of interactive ways. 5. Provides an online test module, at the same time to carry out make-up, the functions of query results. 6. Web Design part of carefully selected educational content and a better classification. The system operating environment windows 98+ PWS windows 2000+ IIS windows XP+ IIS Best Resolution: 1024* 768 Require IE browser version is not less than 5.0 To the system does not under the NETSCAPE browser tested, we recommend that you use the IE browser. If more time online learners, it is recommended to switch into a Sql server database Are free to use the system without any restrictions. QQ: 86214492 Students test the system (2009-04-14, ASP, 874KB, 下载27次)


[其他] mm345

A.增强采集功能,包括酷6,Mofile,优酷,56,土豆,新浪播客,六间房,偶偶,目前最强大的采集系统 B.修正了56白屏和土豆白屏的问题 C.增加了Bokecc播客的播放插件,酷6视频的播放插件,Mofile视频的播放插件 D.增加了后台的数据管理,使其能够按找播放器类型进行排序,以便于找到想要的数据 E.修正采集电视剧时,当天没更新数据时发生的错误
A. Enhanced acquisition functions, including Cool 6, Mofile, yoqoo, 56, potatoes, Sina podcasts, six rooms, dual dual, at present the most powerful acquisition system B. amended by 56 black and white black and white and potatoes of the issue of increasing C. the Bokecc podcast player plug-in, 6 Cool video plug-ins, Mofile video player plug-in D. an increase of the background data management to enable it to find a player by the type of sort, in order to find the desired data E . amended acquisition drama, the day did not update data when the error occurred (2008-05-03, ASP, 13429KB, 下载27次)


[其他] JYjob5.0professional

Plus margin of talent website system 5.0 Professional Edition. Function before and after Taiwan is very strong. (2008-04-10, ASP, 6024KB, 下载7次)


[其他] jbzjzdxt

疾病诊断专家系统,参考的论文有: 《模仿思维的医学专家系统》发表在中科院及中国计算机学会主办的《计算机研究与发展》1995年第4期,《用一维数据结构建立通用的轴承文件系统》发表《轴承》1995年第5期
disease diagnostic expert system, the reference papers are : "imitation thinking of the medical expert system" published in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Computer Society, the "computer research and development" 1995 No. 4. "Victoria with a common data structure of the building bearing File System" issued "Bearing the" 1995 No. 5 (2007-05-23, ASP, 98KB, 下载71次)


[其他] lastversion

an administrative site plus a propaganda website, we only study, arbitrary code can be copied, it prohibits the use of commercial use (2006-05-17, ASP, 9531KB, 下载6次)


[其他] xp163.com.7.1.29

可以做论坛,贴吧,留言簿,社区等等互动网站,可以生成html主页、html精华主页和精华贴子的第一页可以生成html,管理员可以在线添加吧主,添加屏蔽词语,屏蔽IP,屏蔽会员,管理员填加,删除贴吧,回收站管理,更改贴吧样式,可以选择html自动生成,贴子移动,清空回收站,分类,改名称等功能. 管理员/密码:admin/admin
can do forums, message boards, guest book, the community, etc. interactive Web site that can be generated html Home, html essence Home and essence of posting the first page can generate html, administrators can add it on-line owners, add the words shielding, shielding IP, shielding members, administrators fill Canada, affixed to delete it, Recycle Bin management, affixed it to change modes. html can choose automatic generation, mobile posting, emptied Recycling, classification, and rename functions. Administrator/Password : admin/admin (2006-02-15, ASP, 113KB, 下载193次)


[其他] ah下载

超简单的下载系统,与夜猫下载系统相似,去掉分类功能,增加了广告功能,在后台可以自由添加删除广告,后台管理帐号和密码采用了md5加密码,确保密码安全后台登录地址login.asp 帐号和密码均为ah
md5login.asp ah (2005-05-11, ASP, 53KB, 下载11次)
