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[企业管理] SlnErpMedikal

Medikal Erp projemizin devam olan bu projede桌面projesini网络ve移动应用程序projesine d nütürdük。德波,斯托克...
Medikal Erp projemizin devam? olan bu projede desktop projesini web ve mobil app projesine d?nü?türdük. Depo, Stok ve Raporlama modullerini eklendi. Asp.Net Core Api ile entity framework kullanarak bir restfull servis haz?rland?. Katmanl? yap?da haz?rlanan bu servis ile veritaban?na eri?im sa?landi. React native ile olu?turulan uygulamada ayn? (2022-02-12, C#, 1729KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] haiyiERP20

最近有很多朋友都在交流学习C#这门技术,今天我就和大家分享我在公司短短几个月业余时间写的一个数据库管理系统和大家一起分享学习,本人也是刚学C/S开发的这个管理系统是c#语言VS2008+MSSQL2005开发,希望可以一起分享学习。 这套系统主要是根据ERP工作流程所写的一个系统,主要功能包括了销售管理、工程管理、采购管理、仓库管理、报表管理等功能,主要是根据五金模具公司所写的一套系统,这套系统是用了简单三层架构所写,写过一段时间的朋友应该看得懂的,如果你是刚学C/S的可以参考参考我这个系统,因为工作比较忙数据操作部分没有用存储过程来写,你可以自行修改成存储过程来处理数据。好了废话不多说了,应时间问题有兴趣的朋友可以直接和我索取源码我就不上传了。 有兴趣可以加我的群:25781228
Recently, a lot of friends in exchange of learning C# technology, today I would like to share in the company a few months spare time to write a database management system to learn and share with everyone, I also just started learning C/S developmentthis management system is the c# language VS2008+ MSSQL2005 development, and hope to share learning. The system is written under the ERP workflow system, the main functions include the functions of sales management, project management, purchasing management, warehouse management, report management, mainly written by a system based on metal mold company, which set system is a simple three-tier architecture written by a friend written some time should be able to understand, if you are just learning the C/S can refer to reference my system, because the data manipulation part of busy working with storage process to write, you can modify the stored procedure to process the data. Ado, should be a matter of time friends who are interested (2012-08-18, C#, 6242KB, 下载26次)
