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[FlashMX/Flex源码] Easy-to-learn-Flash-action

Flash animation abroad is quite wonderful, some non flashers are beyond imagination, and we found some quite beautiful and very representative of the animation in the vast network in the following sections, I will animation production an introduction to the early birds who inspire, but also to start a discussion, please veterans who have to pay more criticism and (2013-03-28, CHM, 882KB, 下载3次)


[人物传记/成功经验] The-Churchill-biography

Churchill is a legend of a life is extremely rich in content. The book more systematic comprehensive introduction to the main story of the Churchill lifetime while also sought representation through history, people confined to political or partisan bias their misunderstanding Discrimination for readers who worked human extricate himself from the fascist nightmare made ​ ​ a special contribution to the generation of the famous British can have a more profound understanding of the essence. (2012-12-15, CHM, 275KB, 下载4次)


[其他] PowerBuilder

免费归免费,希望大家(尤其站主)在转载该电子图书时还是要要保留版权和广告信息信息,保持该电子图书的完整性,同时也希望广大网友监督。因为,你的支持才能使我公司长久发展,才能有以后更多、更精彩的内容陆续免费发表。下面是我公司近期免费电子图书出版计划: 1、适合初学者的《一个项目就用了这么多函数》。该电子图书列出了一个小型项目用到的所有函数(大约78个),以及这些函数非常细致的解释。该电子图书的目标是:让初学者能够抓住重点,不被PB的600多个函数吓跑。该电子图书本着‘不是精品不发表’,避免重复出版。 2、《经典MIS框架程序分析》给出一些非常经典的MIS程序框架例程及分析。目的在于让PB学习者尽快的掌握架构设计,制作出比较精美、实用的PB应用程序,从而体会到编程的乐趣。 希望大家支持我公司的出版计划,可以到我公司论坛上发表你的建议和意见,以便我们出版免费电子图书的这项工作更有意义。同时也希望广大网友支持和宣传我公司。我公司的网址是http://www.study01job.com/,希望大家经常过去坐坐,我们是很好客的。我公司的主要业务包括: 1、PowerBuilder专业培训。 2、专业网站制作和PB应用软件开发。
pb help pb11.5 studystudystudy (2011-12-05, CHM, 454KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] DebuggingMicrosoft.NETApplications

图书简介 传统上,性能调整工具,测试应用程序和调试代码一直非常昂贵,难以学习,难以使用。虽然微软的Visual Studio以前的版本,包括调试器和其他代码,改进工具,Visual Studio 2005的介绍具有强大的和有用的工具,开发人员和流程,确保高质量的代码。在本指南中,对提高代码,约翰罗宾斯,退出后,专家级的信息的特点他以前调试的书籍目前实际操作,为工作如何使用调试,测试和调节功能,开发实用的建议,专家在Visual Studio 2005。除了一个熟练的调试和指导科学概述指令,本指南还具有共同的,现实世界的发展问题的办法。各种技能水平的开发人员将能够使用这本书,以帮助改善他们的调试了解,调试工具,调整和测试! ,包括如何有效地运用测试资源管理器,企业绩效工具,和WinDbg。
Book Description Traditionally, tools for performance tuning, testing applications, and debugging code have been expensive, hard to learn, and difficult to use. While previous versions of Microsoft Visual Studio- have included debuggers and other code-improvement tools, Visual Studio 2005 presents developers with robust and useful tools and processes to help ensure top-quality code. In this guide, an expert on improving code, John Robbins, steps back from the expert-level information that characterized his previous debugging books to present hands-on, practical advice for working developers on how to use the debugging, testing, and tuning features in Visual Studio 2005. In addition to an overview of the science of debugging and expertly-guided instruction, this guide also features solutions to common, real-world development problems. Developers of all skill levels will be able to use this book to help improve their understanding of debugging, debugging tools, tuning, and testing! , i (2010-03-15, CHM, 4291KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] RobinLiwarsinguigu

 李彦宏   本书描绘了1994年以来在硅谷这个世界闻名的美国高科技产业区,几家著名大企业(微软、网景、太阳、圣言、美国在线……)间展开的商业竞争。这里有围绕浏览器的明争暗斗;有网景从创业到被兼并的风风雨雨;有Java的异军突起;上网服务的你争我夺和美国在线的种种商业手段;有在联邦法院内微软和对手们的唇枪舌战;有比尔·盖茨、巴克斯代尔、曼克尼里等精英人物的精彩表现,最后,作者还向您展示了硅谷的成功之路。.   本书无论对于政策研究者、企业决策者、风险投资家、银行总裁、经理董事,还是对于信息总管、技术开发人员,均为难得的滋补佳肴,乃至于网络新媒体的观潮人或普通平民百姓也是饭后茶余的有趣读物。..   本书采用了章回小说的形式,但并不是小说,而是真实的激烈商战,所涉及的人物都足用的真名。...
Li This book describes in Silicon Valley since 1994, the United States of this world-renowned high-tech industry zone, several well-known big companies (Microsoft, Netscape, Sun, Word, America Online ... ...) between the start of business competition. There is infighting surrounding the browser a Netscape merger from the start to be ups and downs a Java-dark horse Internet services, and the United States to scramble all the online business tools there in the Federal Court and the opponents within the Microsoft The war of words a Bill Gates, Barksdale, Manke Ni-ri and other elite brilliant performance, finally, the author shows you the Silicon Valley success. . This book both for policy researchers, enterprise decision-makers, venture capitalists, bank president, manager, director, or for information mains, technology developers, are rare nourishing food, and even the new Internet media, or ordinary civilians Guanchao people are also meal Chayu interesting reading. .. This bo (2009-10-01, CHM, 255KB, 下载27次)


[RFID编程] RFID_Essentials

射频确认((RFID)正迅速改变生意跟踪盘货和资产的方式.从对美国国防部沃尔-马特和特斯科,早期努力正已经展示好处,但是为RFID软件,融合和数据处理使目前一挑战平息下来.如果你是一个设计师把发展一RFID系统记在一开发者金色上的,这本书是给你的.广阔经验鼓励,比尔Glover和Himanshu Bhatt为你提供重要的关于这新兴技术的信息.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is rapidly changing the way businesses track inventory and assets. From Wal-Mart and Tesco to the US Department of Defense, early efforts are already showing benefits, but software, integration, and data processing for RFID still present a challenge. If you are a developer or an architect charged with developing an RFID system, this book is for you. Drawing on extensive experience, Bill Glover and Himanshu Bhatt provide you with essential information on this emerging technology. (2009-04-10, CHM, 1623KB, 下载24次)


[人物传记/成功经验] Einstein

爱因斯坦是当代最伟大的物理学家。他热爱物理学,把毕生献给了物理学的理论研究。人们称他为20世纪的哥白尼、20世纪的牛顿。   爱因斯坦生长在物理学急剧变革的时期,通过以他为代表的一代物理学家的努力,物理学的发展进入了一个新的历史时期。由伽利略和牛顿建立的古典物理学理论体系,经历了将近200年的发展,到19世纪中叶,由于能量守恒和转化定律的发现,热力学和统计物理学的建立,特别是由于法拉第和麦克斯韦在电磁学上的发现,取得了辉煌的成就。
Einstein is one of the most great physicists. He loves physics, put his life dedicated to the theoretical study of physics. People called him the 20th century, Copernicus, Newton, the 20th century. Einstein grew up in a period of drastic changes in physics, through his generation of physicists, as represented by the efforts of the development of physics has entered a new historical period. By Galileo and Newton set up the theoretical system of classical physics, we have taken nearly 200 years of development, to the mid-19th century, because of the law of conservation of energy and transformation of the discovery, thermodynamics and statistical physics set up, especially because of Faraday and Maxwell at Study on electromagnetic discovery, has achieved spectacular results. (2009-03-17, CHM, 244KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] JS

这是从网上下载下来的一个计算程序,能实现加、减、乘、除的计算。该程序接受 的是16进制数。 执行时,需在文件名后直接跟上计算表达式,如在命令提示符下执行结果如下:
This is downloaded from the Internet a computer program to achieve add, subtract, multiply, with the exception of the calculation. The program accepted 16 hexadecimal number. Implementation needs to be directly in the file name to keep up with the calculation of expression, such as in the command prompt implementation of results are as follows: (2007-12-12, CHM, 2KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] bijindianji

The main course design to the LED, loudspeaker and stepper motor control. Stepper motor is the working principle of electrical pulse signal into angular displacement of a Electromechanical Digital to Analog. Stepper motor rotation angular displacement input pulse is proportional to the number; stepper motor speed and input pulse proportional to the frequency; Stepper motor rotation direction and input pulse on winding increase on the order of-- (2007-01-03, CHM, 101KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] 电脑故障维修

the book include : maintenance of the basic principles and methods of repair and maintenance operation steps note, Common Faults judgment, plus electrical fault, started with the closure of such failure, disk failure, fault type shows, the installation type failure, operation and Application category failure, fault type LAN, Internet category fault, ports and peripherals fault, Music Video category failure, fault type compatible, hard disk basic knowledge, save a few drives, hard logic lock cleverest solution, Windows blue screen when the machine interpretation, the ultimate win2k registry changes Synthesis repair download movies for the whole slightly, 6.0 IE5.X @ options control Daquan, practical port Daquan (Chinese version) (2006-01-01, CHM, 140KB, 下载18次)


[电子书籍] 电脑软硬件故障维修判断指导大全

本书内容:第一部分 总则 第一章 电脑维修的基本原则和方法 第二章 电脑维修步骤与维修操作注意事项 第二部分 常见故障判断 第一章 加电类故障 第二章 启动与关闭类故障 第三章 磁盘类故障 第四章 显示类故障 第五章 安装类故障 第六章 操作与应用类故障 第七章 局域网类故障 第八章 Internet类故障 第九章 端口与外设故障 第十章 音视频类故障 第十一章 兼容类故障 第三部分 附录 硬盘基本知识 挽救硬盘的几个方法 硬盘逻辑锁巧解 WINDOWS蓝色当机画面解读 win2k注册表终极修改 下载影片修复合成全供略 IE5.X@6.0选项控制大全 实用的端口大全(中文版)
contents of the book : the first part of the first chapter general computer maintenance basic principles and methods of the second chapter computer maintenance operation and maintenance steps to note the second part of common fault judgment-- the first increase in Chapter category Fault start with the second chapter closed the third chapter category fault disk failures fourth category in Chapter 5 Chapter fault installation category Fault Chapter VI of the operation and application of Chapter VII category Fault LAN Fault category of Chapter VIII of Internet category fault Chapter IX port peripherals fault with the 10th chapter Music Video category fault Chapter 11 compatible Fault third category drives some basic knowledge of the Appendix to save hard disk drives in several ways logic loc (2005-05-04, CHM, 140KB, 下载52次)


[数学计算] 现代统计学与SAS应用

本书共分6篇,第1篇统计学基础知识与SAS软件应用技巧,介绍了统计学的基本概念和学习方法、试验设计入门、统计描述、SAS软件应用入门、编写SAS实用程序的技巧、单变量统计分析和利用SAS/GRAPH模块绘制常用统计图的方法。第2篇试验设计与定量资料的统计分析,介绍了与t检验、非参数检验和各种方差分析有关的试验设计和数据处理方法。第3篇试验设计与定性资料的统计分析,介绍了处理二维及高维列联表资料的各种统计分析 方法,包括卡方检验、Fisher的精确检验、典型相关分析、logistic回归模型和对数线性模型等内容。第4篇试验设计与回归分析,介绍了回归分析的种类和选用方法、简单直线回归、多项式回归、简单曲线回归、多元线性回归、协方差分析、直接试验设计及其资料的回归分析等有关内容。第5篇生存分析,介绍了生存资料的特点、生存时间函数和生存分析 方法的分类等基本概念;生存资料的非参数分析方法、COX模型分析方法和参数模型的回归分析方法。第6篇多元统计分析,介绍了主成分分析、因子分析、对应分析、聚类分析、判别分析、典型相关分析。
The book is divided into six, a statistically based knowledge and skills in SAS software applications, introduced the basic concepts in statistics and learning methods, experimental design entry, statistical description of SAS software application entry, to prepare SAS utility skills, single variable statistical analysis and use SAS/GRAPH mapping module commonly used statistical map. The first two experimental design and quantitative analysis of the statistical data, presented with t-test, non- parametric tests and the analysis of variance test design and data processing methods. The first three test design and qualitative information on the statistical analysis of two-dimensional processing and high-dimensional data table shown in the various statistical analysis methods, including chi (2005-03-24, CHM, 725KB, 下载351次)
