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[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Video-classification-

This document contains papers on the video classification method, first extract the video audio information and image information, and then stitching using PCA dimension reduction, and finally the use of joint Gaussian model for learning and classification (2016-04-26, Visual C++, 266KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Opencv_Quiz2

Extract the video file from the camera and display each image frame of gray-scale histogram and the one-dimensional RGB color histogram, and compare the histogram distance. There are four comparative method 11 achieved. (2009-12-12, Visual C++, 2918KB, 下载74次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VideoClass

摄像头实时显示类,用的是VFW接口,给大家参考一下咯…. 使用方法: 1. 包含头文件VideoShow.h和cpp文件VideoShow.cpp。 2. 在对话框中加一个静态文本控件CStatic,拖出一个适合大小的矩形。矩形不能太小,否则上面的图像将显得过小。 3. 改变其ID,比如将IDC_STATIC改为IDC_VIDEO,还可以设置一些矩形框的边框模式或者显示模式,比如设置成有边框,模式框架。 4. 在ClassWizard中为静态控件IDC_VIDEO生成一个成员变量m_video. 5. 找到定义m_video的地方,将CStatic改为CVideoShow.同时在相应的头文件上包含类的头文件:#include "VideoShow.h"。 6. 运行程序即可。
Real-time display camera category, VFW interface is used to refer to pyronaridine .... Usage: 1. VideoShow.h contains header files and cpp files VideoShow.cpp. 2. In the dialog box, add a static text control CStatic, out of a suitable size rectangle. Rectangle can not be too small, otherwise the image will appear above is too small. 3. To change their ID, for example, will IDC_STATIC changed IDC_VIDEO, can also set a number of rectangular box frame mode or display mode, for example, into a frame set, the framework model. 6. Running procedures. (2009-07-09, Visual C++, 89KB, 下载40次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VTiDemo-Vc

Victoria, as the video image acquisition source code VT610, development package Description: The initial or withdraw from the graphics card capabilities, set parameters, be free to change the image resolution, image features such as real-time storage, dynamic collection MPG4 files. (2007-01-31, Visual C++, 180KB, 下载83次)
