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[分形几何] MDIFractal

第1章 分形   1.1 分形的定义   1.2 分维 第2章 迭代函数系统   2.1 压缩映射   2.2 迭代函数系统(IFS)   2.3 拼贴定理 第3章 一般图像的分形压缩方法   3.1 图像的表示方法与图像的均方误差   3.2 分形压缩的简化方法   3.3 压缩实例   3.4 问题与改进方向
Chapter 1 Fractal 1.1 Fractal Fractal Dimension 1.2 definitions in Chapter 2 Iterated Function System 2.1 Mappings 2.2 Iterated Function System (IFS) 2.3 collage theorem in Chapter 3 of the general fractal image compression method 3.1 Image Representation and image of the mean square error 3.2 Fractal Compression 3.3 Compression simplified method of example 3.4 with improvements in the direction of (2008-10-31, Visual C++, 150KB, 下载78次)


[分形几何] fractal123

Hailed as the nature of fractal geometry (Fractal) theory, modern mathematics is a new branch, but its essence is a new world outlook and methodology. It's chaotic dynamical systems theory cross combining complementary. It recognizes that the world may in part under certain conditions. , In the course of a particular aspect (shape, structure, information, function, time, energy, etc.), compared with the overall performance of the similarity, It recognizes the space dimension of the changes can be both discrete can be continuous, and thus expand their horizons. (2006-04-11, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载27次)
