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[控制台编程] 1002Husband-and-wife-

在中国,形容夫妻恩爱的词汇中,大家用的比较多的就是“夫妻相”。所谓“夫妻相”,就是两个人看上去比较般配,长相、身材等某些方面有一定的相似度。本题则另辟蹊径,从人的姓名维度,以字母重复个数来寻找最具“夫妻相”的人。题目中预先给定一组女士的姓名拼音。输入男士的姓名拼音(拼音中间可以有空格,字母全部小写),依预先给定姓名拼音的先后遍历所有姓名,输出字母重复数最多的女士姓名。 规则1:如果字母重复数最多的女士有多位相同,则以最先匹配的女士做为最具“夫妻相”的人选。 规则2:人名中的相同字母,按重复一次处理。例如:li ling 与li lei 重复的字符个数为2,而不是4。
In China, to describe the vocabulary of the loving husband and wife, we used a relatively large number of " husband and wife. Certain aspects of the so-called " husband and wife, two people seem a good fit, looks, body, etc. have a certain similarity. This question another way, the dimension of the person' s name with a letter repeating the number to find the most " couples" . A group of women' s full name is the title given in advance. Enter the name of the man' s alphabet (Pinyin middle spaces, all lowercase letters), according to a pre-given name spelling has to traverse all the names, the name of the lady repeated the number of output letters. Rule 1: If the letter repeated the largest number of ladies many of the same, while matching the first lady as the most " couples" candidate. Rule 2: the same letter in the names, according to repeat the process. For example: li ling li lei-repeat number of characters is 2 instead of 4. (2012-07-18, Visual C++, 680KB, 下载27次)
