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按分类查找All 2D图形编程(33) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(33) 

[2D图形编程] bianjiegenzong

Boundary tracking algorithm to achieve the input binary image, the boundary tracking, output boundary pixel information stored in one-dimensional array. (2011-03-30, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载18次)


[2D图形编程] DCT_ColorSegmentation

本文件包含有DCT转换(一维DCT转换,二维DCT转换),彩色图像(RGB)的segmentation。代码用visual c++编写,可以直接运行。
This file contains one dimensionaland two dimensional DCT transformation and color based image segmentation. Algorithms developed in the environment of visual c++, can be run directly in visual 2008. (2010-12-01, Visual C++, 5412KB, 下载16次)


[2D图形编程] DIPDemo

The image processing used to achieve the basic methods, including histogram equalization, geometric transformation, spatial filtering, two-dimensional fast Fourier transform, image restoration, image compression, edge detection methods. (2010-04-06, Visual C++, 5966KB, 下载11次)


[2D图形编程] BarcodeXActiveX

BarcodeX ActiveX控件 能产生几乎所有类型的条形码。它可以和数据源绑定,用于数据库报告。条形码可以导出为位图,元文件,剪贴板等。支持的条形码格式有:EAN-13、 EAN-8、EAN-2、EAN-5、UPC-A、UPC-E、Code39、Code39 Ext、Code93、 Code 128、EAN-128、ISSN、ISBN、Plessey、Code11、Code25、Code25 Int.、Codebar 甚至PDF417 2维条形码
barcode activex (2009-07-21, Visual C++, 1133KB, 下载53次)


[2D图形编程] Digitalprocessing

These source involved in the two-valued digital image transformation, threshold transform, Fourier transform, the gradient sharpening, basic operations, such as Laplacian sharpening. (2008-12-29, Visual C++, 898KB, 下载3次)


[2D图形编程] bezier

Bezier curves have written procedures, the main bands or more functions, press the left mouse button plus control point, right of the control points of the wheel mouse or bands used. (2008-08-27, Visual C++, 31KB, 下载43次)


[2D图形编程] TuBao

achieve a two-dimensional point set of convex hull algorithm, which uses quick sort. (2007-02-13, Visual C++, 27KB, 下载279次)


[2D图形编程] lessonresouse

程序代码说明 P0301:数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 P0302:二维离散余弦变换的图像压缩 P0303:采用灰度变换的方法增强图像的对比度 P0304:直方图均匀化 P0305:模拟图像受高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声的影响 P0306:采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤波 P0307:采用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值滤波 P0308:图像的自适应魏纳滤波 P0309:运用5种不同的梯度增强法进行图像锐化 P0310:图像的高通滤波和掩模处理 P0311:利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)低通滤波器对受噪声干扰的图像进行平滑处理 P0312:利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)高通滤波器对图像进行锐化处理
code P0301 : digital image data matrix display and Fourier Transform P0302 : two-dimensional discrete cosine transform image compression P0303 : using gray transform method to enhance the contrast of the image P0304 : histogram equalization P0305 : simulation images by Gaussian white noise and pepper noise impact P0306 : using 2D median filtering function medfilt2 right by the Salt and Pepper noise filtering images P0307 : MATLAB functions filter2 of noise interference filter images mean P0308 : Image Adaptive Filter WEI Na-P0309 : using five different gradient Enhancement Act for image sharpening P0310 : images of high-pass filtering and mask handling P0311 : use Butterworth (Butterworth) low-pass filter on the noise in the image smoothing P 0312 : Butterworth (Butterworth) high-pass filt (2006-07-11, Visual C++, 654KB, 下载494次)


[2D图形编程] digitalimagedealing

VC do image processing procedures, including tensile contrast, Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, and so on Wiener filter. (2006-04-10, Visual C++, 438KB, 下载37次)


[2D图形编程] BallModel

a good use vc programming examples and achieve a three-dimensional rotating ball, Mathematics and Computer Science Image's close ties to the limits. (2005-09-06, Visual C++, 1900KB, 下载32次)


[2D图形编程] faction

use fractal and chaos theory, generate very attractive two-dimensional graphics. A number of parameters can control graphics. (2005-06-10, Visual C++, 1201KB, 下载84次)


[2D图形编程] 第五章 图象正交变换

图像处理课件-5 图像正交变换,包括:图像得傅立叶变换,拉普拉斯变换等
Image Processing Software-5 image orthogonal transformation, including : image in Fourier transform, such as Laplace Transform (2005-06-02, Visual C++, 352KB, 下载31次)


[2D图形编程] 第四章 图象运算

图像处理课件-4 图像得运算,包括:二维图像间得加,减,乘,除运算,逻辑与,或,非,异或运算
Image Processing Software-4 images in computing, including : two-dimensional images in between, plus or minus, multiplication and addition operations, logic and, or, not, XOR (2005-06-02, Visual C++, 2868KB, 下载27次)
