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[编译器/解释器] chomsky

乔姆斯基四种文法的判断实现 本代码为未学习语法分析时所写,可以完成简单的给定一部分字符串判断其是否可由该文法推导出来
Analyzing the four grammar Chomsky realized the code for not learning grammar written analysis can be accomplished simply a given part of the string to determine whether it can be deduced that the grammar (2016-01-07, Visual C++, 608KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] bianyi

用C语言采用模拟DFA算法编写一个扫描器(词法分析器)用来识别: 由任意个a或b开始后接aa再自加或自减1的字符串,即正规式r=(a|b)*aa(+|-)1描述的语言L(r)。
Simulated DFA algorithm in C language to write a scanner (lexical analyzer) is used to identify: followed by any one of a or b aa longer self plus or decrement a string, the regular expression r = (a | b )* aa (+ |-) 1 described in the language L (r). (2012-10-17, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载13次)


[编译器/解释器] bianyiyuanli

编译原理的课程设计:PL/0 扩充 1.扩充赋值运算:+= 、-=、++ 和 –   2.扩充语句 REPEAT    <语句序列>    UNTIL <条件> 其中,<条件>是循环条件,即条件不成立时,重复执行循环体的< 语句序列>;条件成立时,循环结束。 3.增加一维数组类型(增加了6条指令)
Compiler theory course design: PL/expansion 1. Expansion assignment operator:+ =,- =,++ and- 2. Expansion statement that the REPEAT < statement sequence> UNTIL < condition> which < condition> is cyclic conditions, ie, the conditions are not set up Repeat the body of the loop < sequence of statements> conditions are true, the loop ends. (3) increase the one-dimensional array of type (6 instructions) (2012-06-30, Visual C++, 157KB, 下载5次)


[编译器/解释器] pl0

本程序基于PL0源码, 完成以下内容: (1) 增加单词:保留字 ELSE,REPEAT,UNTIL,RETURN 运算符 +=,-=,++,-- (2) 修改单词:不等号# 改为 <> (3) 增加条件语句的ELSE子句 (4) 扩充赋值运算:+= 和 -= (5) 扩充语句 REPEAT <语句序列> UNTIL <条件> 其中,<条件>是循环条件,即条件不成立时,重复执行循环体的< 语句序列>; 条件成立时,循环结束。 (6) 增加运算:++ 和 --。 (7) 增加类型:① 字符类型; 。 (8) 扩充函数:① 有返回值和返回语句;。 (9) 增加一维数组类型(增加指令)。 (10) 扩充for语句 for(<语句>{,<语句>} 条件 表达式) <语句> (11) 扩充赋值运算符*=和-= (12) 增加可以识别单行注释”//”和多行注释”/********/” (13) 增加编译器的可视化界面 (14) 增加显示出错代码及原因
This program is based on the the PL0 source, Complete the following: (1) to increase the word: reserved word ELSE, REPEAT, UNTIL, RETURN Operator+ =,- =,+,- (2) modify the words: inequality# changed <> (3) increase in the ELSE clause of conditional statement (4) expand the assignment operator:+ = and- = (5) expansion of the statements REPEAT <Sequence of statements UNTIL <condition> Conditions which, <> is the loop condition, ie, when the condition does not hold, repeat the loop body <sequence of statements> conditions are true, the loop ends. (6) increase in computing:++ and-. (7) increase the types: (1) character type (8) expansion function: ① the return value and return statement (9) increase in one-dimensional array type (increase instruction). (10) expansion of the for statement for (<statement> {<statement>} conditions expression) <Statement> (11) to expand the assignment operator* (2012-05-10, Visual C++, 119KB, 下载37次)


[编译器/解释器] PL0_C

此为广工09级编译原理课程设计,与往届是有区别的 1. 课内实验(考试前交报告) 对PL/0作以下修改扩充: (1)增加单词:保留字 ELSE,FOR,STEP,RETURN 运算符 +=,-=,++,--,&,|,! (2)修改单词:不等号# 改为 <> (3)增加条件语句的ELSE子句,要求:写出相关文法,语法图,语义规则。 2. 课程设计 基本内容(成绩范围:“中”、“及格”或“不及格”) (1)扩充赋值运算:+= 和 -= (2)扩充语句(Pascal的FOR语句): ①FOR <变量>:=<表达式> STEP <表达式> DO <语句> ②FOR <变量>:=<表达式> STEP <表达式> DO <语句> 其中,语句①的循环变量的步长为1, 语句②的循环变量的步长为-1。 (3)增加运算:++ 和 --。 选做内容(成绩评定范围扩大到:“优”和“良”) (1)增加类型:① 字符类型; ② 实数类型。 (2)扩充函数:① 有返回值和返回语句;② 有参数函数。 (3)增加一维数组类型(可增加指令)。 (4)其他典型语言设施。
A.Curricular experiment (before the examination of reports submitted) Modify the expansion of the PL/0 to make the following: (1) increasing word: reserved word ELSE, FOR, STEP, the RETURN Operator+ =,- =,++,-, &, |,! (2) modify the words: inequality# changed <> (3) increase in the conditional statement ELSE clause: Write the related grammar, syntax diagrams, semantic rules. Two. Curriculum design The basic content (score range: "", "pass" or "fail") (1) expansion of the assignment operator:+ = and- = (2) expansion of the statement (Pascal FOR statement): ① The the FOR <variable>: = <expression> the STEP <expression> DO <statement> ② the FOR <variable>: = <expression> the STEP <expression> DO <statement> Among them, the loop variable of the statement (1) step 1, Statement ② loop variable step size to-1. (3) increase the operator:++ and-. Optional content (Grading extended to: "excellent" and "good") (1) incr (2012-04-13, Visual C++, 56KB, 下载45次)


[编译器/解释器] SLR1

在VC下打开LRTrans1.dsp,阅读工程LRTrans1,LRTrans1为一个加、乘(适当扩充可为四则)运算表达式的SLR语法分析器,规定其文法如下: 文法3: (0) S ->E (1) E->E+E (2) E->E*E (3) E->(E) (4) E->i 经分析其SLR(1)分析表如下(分析表按“操作符运算优先级和运算符的结合率”方法解决冲突——*优先集高于+,*和+的结合率均为左结合)
In the VC to open LRTrans1.dsp, read the works LRTrans1, LRTrans1 as a plus, by (the appropriate expansion for 4) expression is the SLR parser, the provisions of the grammar as follows: Grammar 3: (0) S' -> E (1) E-> E+ E (2) E-> E* E (3) E-> (E) (4) E-> i by the analysis of the SLR (1) of the table as follows (of the table by " operation Fu operator precedence and operator binding rate " method of conflict resolution priority set higher than the+--*,* and+ binding rate for both left-associative) (2010-07-02, Visual C++, 13KB, 下载11次)


[编译器/解释器] LL1

LL分析器 2、 在VC下打开LL1.dsp,阅读工程LL1,LL1为一个加、乘法(适当扩充可为四则)运算表达式的LL1预测语法分析器,规定其文法如下: E->TE’ (1) E’->+TE’ (2) E’->ε (3) T->FT’ (4) T’->*FT’ (5) T’->ε (6) F->(E) (7) F->i (8) 程序设计思路见课本P76,词法分析器调用接口为lex(),LL1分析表构造过程参考LL1程序实现方法,练习:修改文法和程序使支持减、除运算
LL parser 2, the VC open the LL1.dsp, read the works LL1, LL1 is a plus, multiplication (appropriate expansion for 4) expression is forecast LL1 parser, provides the grammar as follows: E-> TE ' (1) E' -> + TE ' (2) E' -> ε (3) T-> FT' (4) T' -> * FT ' (5) T' -> ε (6) F-> (E) (7) F-> i (8) programming ideas, see textbooks P76, call the lexical analyzer interface lex (), LL1 of table construction process of reference LL1 program implementation method, practice: grammar and procedural changes to support the reduction of , in addition to computing (2010-07-02, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载27次)


[编译器/解释器] MITSUBISHI_Compiler

一、该工程已基本完成PLC编程器的功能。 二、还需完成的功能有: 1。助记符程序分段时,不需加(;***)符号。 2。写助记符程序时,加行号。 3。助记符程序编辑器,还要加上光标位置显示。 4。元器件地址需用数据库进行管理。 5。使助记符程序与梯形图程序之间能互相切换。 6。还需补充MSP、MRD、MPP、MC、MCR等语句。
A, the project has basically completed the PLC programmer functions. Second, the function needs to be completed are: 1. When sub-mnemonic processes, without added (***) symbols. 2. Write a mnemonic program, plus line number. 3. Mnemonic program editor, but also with the cursor position display. 4. You need to use the database management component addresses. 5. Mnemonic processes and procedures to make ladder to switch between each other. 6. Must be added the MSP, MRD, MPP, MC, MCR, etc. statements. (2009-09-28, Visual C++, 5633KB, 下载65次)


[编译器/解释器] pl0compiler

pl0 文法 编译器 (1)扩充一维整型数组。 扩充var数组:VAR <数组标识名>(<下界>:<上界>)〈下界〉和〈上界〉可用常量标识名。 (2)扩充条件语句的功能使其为:IF<条件>THEN<语句>[ELSE<语句>] (3)增加repeat重复语句: REPEAT<语句>{ <语句>}UNTIL<条件>
pl0 compiler grammar (1) the expansion of one-dimensional array of integers. Var array expansion: VAR < array identification name> (< lower bound> : < upper bound> ) < lower bound " and" upper bound> of available constants logo. (2) the expansion of the function of conditional statements as to: IF < condition> THEN < statement> [ELSE < statement> ] (3) an increase in repeat repeat statement: REPEAT < statements> ( < statements> ) UNTIL < condition> (2009-04-28, Visual C++, 668KB, 下载80次)


[编译器/解释器] PL0hhh

编译原理的课程设计,对PL0进行扩充完成内容如下:1. 基本内容: (1)增加单词:保留字;运算符 (2)修改单词:不等号# 改为 <> (3)增加条件语句的ELSE子句 (4)扩充赋值运算:+= 和 -= (5)扩充语句(Pascal的FOR语句) 2. 选做内容: (1)增加运算:++ 和 --。 (2)增加类型:① 字符类型; ② 实数类型。 (3)增加一维数组类型(可增加指令)。 (4)其他典型语言设施:case语句;repeat语句。
compiler theory of curriculum design, right PL0 expansion completed as follows : 1. Basic elements : (1) increase the words : reserved word; Operators (2) Revise the words : re# sign of inequality (2007-06-13, Visual C++, 104KB, 下载91次)
