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[压缩解压] B

一维可压缩黏性流动是气体动力学中最经典的黏性流动问题,对它采用迎风型 差分算法进行数值求解。
One-dimensional viscous compressible gas flow dynamics of the most classic viscous flow problems, use it upwind difference algorithm for numerical solving. (2016-12-09, Visual C++, 124KB, 下载3次)


[压缩解压] SmartPInstallPMaker

解压缩 文档,很好,好像是俄罗斯的软件,我也不知道,挺好用,不过注册码好像过期了
Decompress document, well, like a Russian software, I do not know, very easy to use, but registration code seems to have expired (2013-01-01, Visual C++, 3527KB, 下载1次)


[压缩解压] 61IC_H4231

PAV (H265) 是 音视频 压缩解压 协议,非常不同于H264/MPEG4,ZPAV (H265) 的基本算法 是 小波,多级树集合群,广义小波,数学形态小波,...... ZPAV (H265) 基本算法 : 1,图象与声音分解与合成 :小波 ; 2,图象与声音前处理 :小波子带零交叉降噪,目标纹理处理,语音处理 ; 3,速率控制 :小波子带熵速率控制 ; 4,量化与反量化 :小波子带熵量化与反量化 ; 5,低频分量和高频分量的降维 :小波子带邻域交叉降维 ; 6,运动矢量和量化表的分解与合成 :广义小波 ; 7,位面编码 :数学形态小波,多级树集合群,嵌入零树,位面降维 ; 8,位流编码 :算术编码,熵编码 ; 9,运动估计 :宏块最优决策,运动矢量预测 ; A,运动搜索 :钻石,大钻石,小钻石,方形 ; B,图象与声音后处理 :低通滤波,断点重构,宏块平滑 ; C,误码纠错 :矢量仿真,帧间仿真 。
The PAV (H265) is the audio and video compression and decompression protocol, is very different from H264/MPEG4 ZPAV (H265) algorithm is a wavelet, multi-level tree collection group, and generalized wavelets, mathematical morphology, wavelet, ... ZPAV (H265) algorithm: 1, image and sound decomposition and synthesis: wavelet 2, image and sound processing: wavelet sub-band zero-crossing noise, target texture processing, speech processing 3, the rate control: wavelet subband entropy rate control 4, quantization and inverse quantization: Wavelet subband entropy quantization and inverse quantization 5, the dimensionality reduction of the low frequency component and high frequency components: the wavelet subbands neighborhood cross-dimensionality reduction 6, the decomposition and synthesis of the motion vector and quantization tables: generalized wavelet 7, bit-plane coding: the mathematical form of wavelet multi-level tree collection group, embedded zerotree, bit plane (2012-03-07, Visual C++, 4713KB, 下载35次)


[压缩解压] RELcode

RLE全称(run-length encoding),翻译为游程编码,又译行程长度编码,又称变动长度编码法(run coding),在控制论中对于二值图像而言是一种编码方法,对连续的黑、白像素数(游程)以不同的码字进行编码。游程编码是一种简单的非破坏性资料压缩法,其好处是加压缩和解压缩都非常快。其方法是计算连续出现的资料长度压缩之。
Run-length encoding (RLE) is a very simple form of data compression in which runs of data (that is, sequences in which the same data value occurs in many consecutive data elements) are stored as a single data value and count, rather than as the original run. This is most useful on data that contains many such runs: for example, simple graphic images such as icons, line drawings, and animations. It is not useful with files that don t have many runs as it could greatly increase the file size. (2012-02-20, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载15次)


[压缩解压] Decompress

tar, zip, tgz, gz compressed files, such as add compression library, unzip into memory, lib library project (2009-04-04, Visual C++, 178KB, 下载35次)


[压缩解压] Compresser

一种二值图象无损压缩算法 南京理工大学电光学院 【摘 要】利用稀疏矩阵和差分编码对二色图像进行压缩保存,在通过图像的0,1矩阵建立,矩阵一维化,差分量化编码,写文件来压缩。在电子档案存储,CAD制图信息化存储有极高的应用价值。 【关键字】计算机 二值图像 稀疏矩阵 无损压缩 编码
A binary image lossless compression algorithm for electro-optic Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering College 【Abstract】 using sparse matrix and differential coding of the second color image compression preservation, through the establishment of images 0,1 matrix, matrix of one-dimensional, differential quantization encoding and writing to compressed files. In the electronic file storage, CAD drawing information storage high application value. 【Keywords】 computer Sparse binary image lossless compression encoding (2009-01-20, Visual C++, 19373KB, 下载46次)


[压缩解压] Minium_Spanning_Tree(Kruskal)

最小生成树问题 问题描述:若要在n个城市之间架设通讯网络,只需要架设n-1条线路即可。如何以最低的经济代价建设这个通讯网,是一个网的最小生成树问题。 设计要求:利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求网的最小生成树;以文本形式输出生成树中各条边以及它们的权值。
The issue of minimum spanning tree problem Description: n To set up a communication network between cities, only need to set up n-1 lines can be. How to minimize the economic costs of building the communications network is a network of minimum spanning tree problem. Design requirements: the use of Kruskal algorithm for minimum spanning tree network to the text of the various forms of output spanning tree edges and their weights. (2009-01-09, Visual C++, 192KB, 下载58次)


[压缩解压] paser_code

Compiler Principle Experiment intermediate code generation (quaternion-style), in Canada Experimental Report (2008-12-26, Visual C++, 107KB, 下载94次)


[压缩解压] LZ77

Previous study solutions for cryptographic algorithms, has analyzed the LZ77 algorithm, but I studied the existence of examples of compressed file size limit, so working to improve its algorithm to support file compression and decompression. (2008-11-01, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载41次)


[压缩解压] compress_folders

huffman compression program, which realizes folder access and compressing rate is the same to rar when compressing text file (2005-07-31, Visual C++, 1990KB, 下载122次)
