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按分类查找All ICQ/即时通讯(38) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(38) 

[ICQ/即时通讯] reshensaibiaocheng

Calculated off the second channel calculation of the standard process warm-up match (2016-06-17, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] IM

This is a includes the server, client, web registration account IM software, modeled on the QQ IM product, which includes chat, send pictures, registration, retrieve your password, add friends and other functions exist (2014-07-20, Visual C++, 2437KB, 下载10次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] freeeim_FreeEIM

FreeEIM源代码,基于VC++的企业即时通讯软件源代码,类似聊天软件,存在问题:程序退出没有做资源释放。未解决问题:窗口停靠功能未实现好,把所有FreeEIM 改成同事通,当用户未添加到用户列表时,发信息无显示。发送文件的时候文件名太长了好像对方点“是”就没反应,只能点“否”。   还有就是应该加一个群聊功能,有群发不能群聊不是很好,有时候讨论事情不方便。向多个人发送文件时会出现EMMSGSender::SendMsgTo sento failed这样的错
FreeEIM source code, VC++ based enterprise instant messaging software source code, similar chat software, there is a problem: the program does not do exit the release of resources. Unresolved issues: window docking feature is not implemented well, changed all FreeEIM colleagues pass, when the user is not added to the user list, send the information no display. When the file name is too long to send the file as if each point "is" no response, only point "no." There is a group chat feature should be added, there is not mass group chat is not good, and sometimes discuss things inconvenient. Appears EMMSGSender :: SendMsgTo sento failed so wrong when sending files to more than one person (2014-07-02, Visual C++, 1254KB, 下载10次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] FreeEIM_VCPPqiye--jishi--tongxun

FreeEIM源代码,基于VC++的企业即时通讯软件源代码,类似聊天软件,存在问题:程序退出没有做资源释放。未解决问题:窗口停靠功能未实现好,把所有FreeEIM 改成同事通,当用户未添加到用户列表时,发信息无显示。发送文件的时候文件名太长了好像对方点“是”就没反应,只能点“否”。   还有就是应该加一个群聊功能,有群发不能群聊不是很好,有时候讨论事情不方便。向多个人发送文件时会出现EMMSGSender::SendMsgTo sento failed这样的错误。
FreeEIM source code, based VC++ enterprise instant messaging software source code, similar to the chat software, there is a problem: the program exits without doing resource release. Unresolved issues: window docking feature is not implemented well, changed all FreeEIM colleagues pass, when the user is not added to the user list, send the information no display. When sending files if the file name is too long each " Yes" no response, only to point " no." There is should be added to a group chat function, mass can not group chat is not very good, and sometimes discuss things inconvenient. When sending files to more than one person will appear EMMSGSender :: SendMsgTo sento failed such errors. (2013-10-27, Visual C++, 1256KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] message-prompt-window

用过QQ和MSN聊天工具的人都知道,只要好友上线,就会在托盘的位置处显示一个提示窗口,    可以是拉帘式的,或者是淡入淡出的形式出现;想想何不为自己的程式也加一个漂亮的提示窗口呢:)
Used QQ and MSN chat tools people know that as long as the friend on the line, will be displayed at the position of the tray a prompt window, The curtain can be pulled, or fade in the form think why not for their own programs also added a nice prompt window it :) (2013-08-10, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] 89

Single QQ, in the local registry QQ, add friends, send messages, to modify friends Remarks ...... (2013-07-24, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] MyODBC-standard-3.51.07-win

A member of a very good extraction software without adding QQ group! A member of a very good extraction software without adding QQ group! (2013-05-29, Visual C++, 769KB, 下载7次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] MFC_Chat_for_VC6.0

vc6.0 开发MFC聊天程序的详细步骤,每一步都有详细解释,按照步骤即可完成整个示例程序的开发,然后自己在加其他的功能
Vc6.0 MFC development chat program detailed steps, each step is explained in detail, according to the steps to complete the sample application development, and in other functions (2013-05-04, Visual C++, 807KB, 下载24次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Jmobberra

Customer care side of the full program, instant messaging jabberd for each other instant messaging between mobile phones, like qq chat, has been tested. (2012-07-27, Visual C++, 217KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chater

chater software, add friends according to the IPaddress. (2012-02-17, Visual C++, 67KB, 下载6次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] QQ

Mobile QQ protocol, version 1.4, you can log multiple numbers, batch add friends, send an announcement so batch function (2011-09-24, Visual C++, 141KB, 下载188次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ChatRoom

chatroom vc++ 编辑的 一个语音聊天加文字聊天的例子,拥有全部代码,客户端和服务端一体
A chatroom vc++ edit text chat voice chat with the example, has all the code, the client and the server (2010-06-01, Visual C++, 131KB, 下载23次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] baowb_365q

vc++开发的一个聊天室程序 包括客户端和服务器,语音部分待加
A chat program development of vc++, including the client and server, part of speech (2010-06-01, Visual C++, 3803KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] xuntongvideochat

A simple video chat rooms, can be used to open vocational services, which is described in detail (2008-09-21, Visual C++, 3039KB, 下载39次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] QQTool--VC

Add as Friend could not mandatory to chat with each other, since no longer have to bother to pull into a blacklist of (2008-03-25, Visual C++, 445KB, 下载23次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ChatRoom

simple procedures, incomplete version of the Notes is relatively small, because of the development time is more urgent, Therefore, the Notes have not too many. (2007-07-03, Visual C++, 130KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] HelloFriendV0.23

局域网内聊天传文件的软件,聊天采用udp,传文件采用tcp,功能还不够完善有什么问题希望大家跟我联系 加qq:6944025,一起探讨
LAN chat-document software, chat using udp Chuan documents tcp, functionality is still not perfect any problem with me hope that we increase qq Contact : 6944025, and together they explored (2006-05-25, Visual C++, 261KB, 下载34次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] VC聊天室程序待加音频部分

This is the VC process a chat room, audio part also need to be added (2006-01-04, Visual C++, 3791KB, 下载23次)
