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按分类查找All 按钮控件(28) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(28) 

[按钮控件] shubiaochengyuan

练习处理鼠标消息,包括拖曳,以此生成不同大小,不同颜色的气泡(圆形或椭圆形)。练习新加一个类,使用ColorDialog设置颜色,使用FileDialog实现File Save As和File Open功能等。
Practice handling mouse messages, including drag, in order to generate different sizes, different colors of bubbles (round or oval). Practice a new class ColorDialog set the color, use FileDialog File Save As and File Open function. (2013-01-06, Visual C++, 12284KB, 下载2次)


[按钮控件] 5833335RemoteTalk

Similar to the MSN, QQ information source code window. To the VCKBASE. QQ and MSN chat tools used people know, as long as friends on line, will be in the position of the tray at a prompt window, the curtain can be pulled or fade in the form think why not also add their own code a beautiful prompt it:) Just do it. (2011-12-21, Visual C++, 141KB, 下载5次)


[按钮控件] QQ2004.555

Similar to the MSN, QQ information source code window. To the VCKBASE. QQ and MSN chat tools used people know, as long as friends on line, will be in the position of the tray at a prompt window, the curtain can be pulled or fade in the form think why not also add their own code a beautiful prompt it:) Just do it. (2011-12-21, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载6次)


[按钮控件] flat_button3_demo

A very good key class that implements almost all the key functions and transparent, bitmap map, add icon, the button flat, plus links to the button, load the sound, etc., included instances of the program, I do use it when the project I want to achieve button effects. Great, highly recommended individuals! (2011-07-19, Visual C++, 30999KB, 下载12次)


[按钮控件] ColorButton

这是个很有趣的工程 就是把按钮加颜色 这在界面花哨方面很有帮助,大家都喜欢漂亮好看的界面 从一个按钮开始吧
This is a very interesting project which is to add the button in the interface garish colors that was helpful, we all like pretty nice interface, from one button to get started (2009-09-27, Visual C++, 240KB, 下载6次)


[按钮控件] Templetes

Use vc6.0 development, there is a round button, triangle button, the button graphics class, use the first with vc add button, and then type into these classes on the list (2009-09-11, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载15次)


[按钮控件] ListCtrl-Button

ListCtrl each line in the Sino-Canadian button control, button control of the lines changes (2008-03-20, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载863次)


[按钮控件] superbutton

with VC++6.0 write a button control classes, can achieve a plane button windowsXP style button, icon buttons, text plus icon buttons, hyperlinks, buttons, etc. (2007-01-29, Visual C++, 84KB, 下载259次)
