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[多媒体编程] IcePlayer

A Music Player using QT5 and VS2013 有比较炫的界面和一些播放功能: 网络歌词、专辑图片获取(保存在歌曲目录下,文件名与歌曲同名) 拖拽加歌现在可以一次性添加多首,且可以自动识别文件类型,只添加mp3文件 拖动播放进度条时,松开鼠标才更新播放进度,不会再有刺耳的声音啦~ 播放器内字体更换为微软雅黑 播放列表显示效果优化 桌面歌词显示效果、拖动效果优化
A Music Player using QT5 and VS2013 (2016-03-04, Visual C++, 397KB, 下载3次)


[多媒体编程] Account

一个与银行账户相关的管理程序。银行的所有账户都可以存款和取款。 存款能够产生一定的利息,查询和取款交易要缴纳一定的手续费。 派生类: SavingAccount 和 CheckingAccount; SavingAccount:继承 Account 的成员函数;构造函数接收两个参数:存 款初始值( initialBalance)和利率( rate);增加一个数据成员:利率(interestRate), 增加 public 类型的成员函数用于计算利率(calculateInterest())。 CheckingAccount:构造函数应接收到两个参数,一个是存款初始值 (initialBalance ), 一 个 是 手 续 费 (fee ); 增 加 一 个 数 据 成 员 : 手 续 费 ( transactionFee);重新定义成员函数 credit()和 debit(),以便能够从存款余额中 减去手续费,要求成员函数通过调用基类的成员函数来更新存款数目
A bank account and related administrative procedures. All bank account deposits and withdrawals can be. The deposit can produce a certain interest, inquiries and withdrawal transaction to pay a certain fee. Derived classes: SavingAccount and CheckingAccount SavingAccount: Account inherited member function constructor accepts two parameters: Store Section initial value (initialBalance) and interest rates (rate) add a data member: Interest rate (interestRate), Increase public type of member function is used to calculate the interest rate (calculateInterest ()). CheckingAccount: constructor should receive two parameters, one is the initial value of the deposit (InitialBalance), one is the fee (fee) add a data member: Fee (TransactionFee) redefine member functions credit () and debit (), to enable the free balance Minus fees, requires member function to update the number of deposit by calling the base class member function (2015-07-12, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载4次)


[多媒体编程] 1

多媒体大作业1、抽取MPEG文件的关键帧 2、用JPG解码算法还原为BMP 3、可以指定任意一个时刻(精确到秒)的若干关键帧,输入时间,获得该时间点一秒内的所有I帧 4、实现MPEG-1 5、若有能力实现MPEG-4,分数加15分 6、将该算法用C++实现,制作成DLL,可供其他程序方便快捷调用,加10分
Multimedia big job 1, MPEG file to extract key frame 2, reduced to BMP 3 with JPG decoding algorithm, you can specify any one time (accurate to second) of a number of key frames, enter the time, I get all the time within one second frame 4, to achieve MPEG-1 5, if the ability to achieve MPEG-4, scores 15 points plus 6, the algorithms C++ achieve, made into a DLL, convenient and calls for other programs, plus 10 points (2015-07-01, Visual C++, 434KB, 下载13次)


[多媒体编程] player

本代码是一个实现万能播放器 万能转码 视频质量调节的程序,已支持的视频格式有,标准视频格式(FFMPEG所支持),大华,海康,H3C,汉邦,黄河,恒忆,科达,朗驰,东方网力,万家安,天地伟业。 可扩展性高,在有视频厂商SDK的情况下,可接入, 兼容性高,解决多厂商SDK冲突不能同时加载的问题;稳定性高,用子进程处理播放以及转码等,未知错误下,不会引起主进程退出。 因程序有些大,删除了部分,需要完整版的,请加QQ :453578188 昵称:lkai.y
This code is a universal player to achieve universal transcoding video quality adjustment procedures have been supported video formats, the standard video format (FFMPEG supported), UOB, Kang, H3C, parti, Yellow River, Numonyx, Branch Da, Long Chi, LONDON force, 10,000 security, Albert world. Scalability is high, there is the case of the video maker SDK, you can access, high compatibility, multi-vendor SDK to solve the conflict can not be loaded question stability is high, the process of dealing with a child playing and transcoding, etc., under unknown error , does not cause the main process exits. Due process, some large, removed some, need the full version, please add QQ: 453578188 Nickname: lkai.y (2013-06-13, Visual C++, 12472KB, 下载124次)


[多媒体编程] EmussicChordfx

Two and string features extract music (wav format): chromagram tonalcentroid. 12 Witt characteristics which chromagram equal temperament came the tonalcentroid added on the basis of the equal temperament and chord structure (five-degree circle) to the six-dimensional information. (2012-09-15, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载6次)


[多媒体编程] LRC

说明: 1、本程序在vc6.0环境下调试成功 环境:需安装千千静听到默认路径下,同时安装vc6.0环境 2、本程序完成功能: 完成irc格式歌词的文件读取、解析、链表创建等, 同时在屏幕上将解析出的歌词进行实时显示 3、输入歌名前要加路径但无需扩展名 例如:要播放D盘下的歌曲文件里的《简单爱》 就要输入:D://歌曲//简单爱 播放本工程下音乐文件的歌曲输入:音乐//xx(歌名) 4、只能播放mp3格式的歌曲
Description: 1, the the program vc6.0 environment successful commissioning Environment: the need to install thousands of static heard on the default path, while install vc6.0 environment 2, the process is complete: Documents to complete the irc format lyrics read, parse, linked list to create Parse out the lyrics on the screen will display real-time 3, enter the song title to add the path but without extension For example: you want to play the D drive of the song "Simple Love" Necessary to enter: D ://song// Simple Love Songs to play music files under the project type: music// xx (song) 4, can only play mp3 format songs (2012-04-10, Visual C++, 34763KB, 下载5次)


[多媒体编程] DoubanRadio

豆瓣电台客户端有点大,自己做了个小豆瓣电台,这是源代码 简单介绍下: 1、创建工程时使用MFC单文档,View选那个HTMLVIEW 2、View的InitialUpdate中浏览豆瓣电台http://douban.fm/radio,顺便把窗口大小改变下 3、加个右键置顶的系统菜单项
Douban radio client a bit large, a small Douban own radio station, which is the source code for a simple under: 1, creating a project using MFC Single Document, View select the HTMLVIEW 2, View the InitialUpdate browse Douban radio http:// douban.fm/radio, to change the way the size of the window under the 3, plus a right-top system menu item (2011-05-04, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载45次)


[多媒体编程] stanford_DVC_source_code

斯坦福Girod他们做的Wyner Ziv理论下的分布式视频编解码器,里面包含了一个ldpca的码字表。
Girod Stanford Wyner Ziv they make the theory of distributed video codec, which contains a code word table ldpca. (2008-05-28, Visual C++, 49994KB, 下载251次)


[多媒体编程] VGAPlayer

本播放器用于播放.vga格式的课件(大量西北工业大学的课件都是这种格式) 为了更好的使用本播放器,请注意以下几点: 1)视频文件(*.asf)必须和课件文件(*.vga)在同一个目 录下 2)同一节课具有相同的名字,例如01.asf对应01.vga, 反之亦然。 3)如有任何意见或建议请发邮件至dgx_lsyd3@163.com 或加QQ:259177377
The player used to play. Vga courseware format (a large number of Northwestern Polytechnical University courseware is in this format) In order to better use of the player, please note the following: 1) the video file (*. asf) must be and courseware documents (*. vga) in the same directory 2) the same class with the same name, for example, 01.asf corresponding 01.vga, and vice versa. 3) If you have any comments or suggestions, please e-mail dgx_lsyd3@163.com or QQ: 259177377 (2007-12-01, Visual C++, 388KB, 下载6947次)


[多媒体编程] filter

Can read wav format audio files, and read the audio signal to increase the window, filtering, and display the waveform before and after filtering (2007-11-01, Visual C++, 1899KB, 下载100次)


[多媒体编程] AudioIn

with MIC recording procedures, although there are many at this programming on the article, but this is my summing up of many other specialty increase their efforts summed up, and I hope to help you a bit. (2005-05-01, Visual C++, 91KB, 下载285次)
