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[其他] Electronics_and_Communication_Engineering_ITU

You can find the documents, assignments and projects of some of the courses given in Electronics and Communication engineering at Istanbul Technical University here. (2024-03-07, VHDL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Electronics_and_Communication_Engineering_ITU

You can find the documents, assignments and projects of some of the courses given in Electronics and Communication engineering at Istanbul Technical University here. (2023-06-28, VHDL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] calc

简易计算器支持简单的四则运算(支持负数),在此基础上,添加了连续运算功能。 1、计算器通过矩阵键盘模拟按键输入,并通过数码管显示。 2、计算器有“0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、+、-、*、/、C、=” 共16 个按键。 3、计算器不支持输入负数,运算结果支持负数但不支持小数。 4、操作数1、操作数2 及运算结果最大支持8 位。其中,操作数1 和运算结果的位数包括 符号位“-”。 5、操作数1 和操作数2 的默认值为0。 6、计算器支持连续运算,允许在输入操作数2 后按下运算符,或者得出运算结果后按下运 算符。 7、当运算结果溢出时,数码管显示8 个F。 8、当操作数1 或者操作数2 的长度溢出时,蜂鸣器会响。
Simple calculator supports four simple operations (negative number) (2020-02-04, VHDL, 14KB, 下载0次)


[其他] MATCH

基于VHDL的篮球计时计分器设计 包括24秒倒计时,12分钟倒计时,休息时间,加时赛,计分
Design of Basketball Timing Scorer Based on VHDL (2019-04-24, VHDL, 3616KB, 下载1次)


[其他] csacsacsac

聚星娱乐总代【768-078】距离中国最遥远的国家 你知道是哪里吗?,帜挪韶纳此,刘亦菲妈妈素颜证件照曝光 皮肤白皙美貌惊人,吓呈章锥蜗,塔利斯卡恒大薪水或达1000万欧 远超曼联报价,捕酪咨乇蕴
vdzvxczxgxvzfbvxcbxcvbxvcvxcbgffbxbxcv (2018-06-30, VHDL, 1KB, 下载0次)


[其他] chr62000P_LabVIEW_32

撒爱上大声地阿斯达四大四大十大大实打实adcsd a
asdasd vasdvafsdacfsectsrsere (2018-05-22, VHDL, 766KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 24进制计数器

This program can count the input clock signal periodically, and add one (binary in form) when the CLK's rising edge is received each time. (2018-05-05, VHDL, 330KB, 下载0次)


[其他] kebenchengxu

The small program of some textbooks. Includes 3 -8 decoder, 4 1 selector, 6 elevator, line 8 Line 8 line -3 encoder, -3 priority encoder, 8 choose 1, BCD-7 segment display decoder truth table, half adder, Moore state machine, digital frequency meter, digital clock, synchronous counter, sequence detector design. Sequence signal generator, general state machine etc.. (2018-02-26, VHDL, 40KB, 下载3次)


[其他] LAB7

? 1. Core加減器燒錄置板子照片(加法.減法)及測試結果。 ? 2. 透過 Clock Wizard產生50Mhz、10Mhz及5Mhz頻率,並將測試結果上 傳。 3. 嘗試將Clock 及 加減模組同時引用,並透過frq選擇頻率,並將測試結果上傳。 module myAdder (a, b, out, cout, mode, clk, frq, clko ); Input [3:0]a, b; Input clk, mode; //1: adder; 0:sub Input [1:0]frq; Output [3:0]out; Output cout, clko; Clok instance_name // INST_TAG_END ------ End INSTANTIATION Template --------- Assign clko = frq > 1 ? CLK_OUT3 : (frq > 0)? CLK_OUT2 : CLK_OUT1; myAdder your_instance_name ( ); // INST_TAG_END ------ End INSTANTIATION Template --------- endmodule
module myAdder (a, b, out, cout, mode, clk, frq, clko ); Input [3:0]a, b; Input clk, mode; //1: adder; 0:sub Input [1:0]frq; Output [3:0]out; Output cout, clko; Clok instance_name // INST_TAG_END ------ End INSTANTIATION Template --------- Assign clko = frq > 1 ? CLK_OUT3 : (frq > 0)? CLK_OUT2 : CLK_OUT1; myAdder your_instance_name ( ); // INST_TAG_END ------ End INSTANTIATION Template --------- endmodule (2018-01-07, VHDL, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他] DE0-Nano_My_First_Fpga_v1.0

DE0-Nano My First Fpga
DE0-Nano My First Fpga (2017-09-19, VHDL, 1434KB, 下载1次)


[其他] maikuanceliang

能够对输入的脉冲信号用10HZ时钟进行计数,输出计数结果。系统有三个状态:准备测量状态、测量状态、测量完毕状态。在准备测量状态下,测量结果显示为全零,内部计数器不计数,仅当待测脉冲按键SW12被按下时(按下后,输入到FPGA引脚的为低电平)进入测量状态。在测量状态下,只要待测脉冲按键一直按下,则内部计数器一直加计数并同时显示计数结果,这个结果用两个数码管L7,L8指示,从“00”到“FF” (如果计数超出量程即超出“FF”,则需锁存一个溢出信号让溢出指示灯D29亮)。仅当待测脉冲按键松开时进入测量完毕状态。在测量完毕状态下,测量结果保持不变,此时再按待测脉冲按键不起作用,仅当按下复位信号SW1时系统进入准备测量状态(同时要将显示结果清零)。
maikuanceliang measurement (2009-07-16, VHDL, 25KB, 下载2次)


[其他] adder17

Adder 17 to achieve the use of a 16-bit CLA, and a one-bit full adder composed of a binary input and binary output of the adder 17, and 16-bit adder to make use of four CLA pose. Multiplier in the booth design frequently used. Modules will enable beginners to a more thorough understanding of the call. (2009-05-14, VHDL, 2KB, 下载9次)


[其他] kav7.0key080418

Kaspersky 2009 version of the password, including many, most can use to March 18, 2009 (2008-11-30, VHDL, 7KB, 下载3次)


[其他] bcd

The realization of bcd code and binary code conversion function between, less than 9 am the same, higher than the 6 function plus 9:00 (2008-06-11, VHDL, 7KB, 下载28次)


[其他] Example-3-1

该程序是用quartus II作为开发工具,用verilog语言编写,实现全加器功能的实例。对初学者很有意义
The program is used as a quartus II development tools, using Verilog language, the realization of full-adder function example. Meaningful for beginners (2008-05-29, VHDL, 1KB, 下载5次)
