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按分类查找All matlab编程(23) 
按平台查找All Fortran(23) 

[matlab编程] quick-hd_add_shot

add head to seismic data ,data to su or segy (2015-12-13, Fortran, 1KB, 下载8次)


[matlab编程] kriging_f77

克里金二维、三维插值。是斯坦福油气预测中心C.V. Deutsch写的。本网站上也有些人上传了代码,但是往往都不全,我从本网站下下来后没有一个可以正常使用;这个是我从作者原始网页上下载的程序,并将编译语句写成SHELL语句。我上传的这个程序,确保可以编译、运行、出结果。首先运行文件夹中的Compile编译然后运行exe执行。
Kerry Jiner Wei, three-dimensional interpolation. Stanford hydrocarbon prediction center CV Deutsch wrote. Some people on this site have uploaded the code, but often not the whole, I am from this site down after no one can normally use This is what I downloaded from the website of the original program and compile written statement SHELL statement. I uploaded this program to ensure that you can compile and run, the result. Compile to compile the first run in a folder and then run exe execution. (2014-03-11, Fortran, 548KB, 下载55次)


[matlab编程] DESIIR

利用双线性Z变换设计巴特沃斯和切比雪夫I型IIR数字滤波器,包括低通、高通、带通、带阻四种形式。使用者只需指定通带、阻带的边缘实际频率及相应的衰减,便可输出数字滤波器 的级联形式的各子系统分子、分母的系数,并输出其幅频和相频响
Bilinear Z transform design Butterworth and Chebyshev Type I IIR digital filters, including low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop four forms. Users simply specify the passband edge frequency stopband actual and corresponding attenuation subsystems can form molecular cascade output digital filter coefficients of the denominator, and the output of its magnitude and phase frequency response (2014-02-22, Fortran, 2KB, 下载19次)
