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按分类查找All android开发(33) 
按平台查找All kotlin(33) 

[android开发] Nativo

Nativo es una aplicacion movil desarrollada en android para el aprendizaje de idomas nativos como el aimara y el quechua idomas que se hablan en paises como玻利维亚、秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、阿根廷和智利
Nativo es una aplicacion movil desarrollada en android para el aprendizaje de idiomas nativos como el aimara y el quechua idiomas que se hablan en países como Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador, Argentina y Chile (2024-03-10, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] compose_tetris

Not only Android, Compose Multiplatform Write an Android+Desktop Tetris(不止 Android,用 Compose Multiplatform 实现一个 Android + Desktop 平台的俄罗斯方块)
Not only Android, Compose Multiplatform Write an Android+Desktop Tetris (2023-12-31, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] RiyadAl-Qulub

Riyad Al-Qulub是Android应用程序,旨在帮助穆斯林的日常生活
Riyad Al-Qulub is Android application designed to assisting Muslims in their daily wirds (2023-12-23, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Muslim-s_habit-Quran-Azan-Azkar-

This App is about Muslims habit for( reading Quran , Alarming for Azan , Reading Azkar) , i have applied this Technology : (Kotlin , MVVM , Room db , Coroutines , Calendar , Alarm Manager , BroadcastReceiver , Navigation Component ) (2021-12-14, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] inter-rapidisimo-test

该存储库在Kotlin中托管Android 7.0(努加特)Android Native的应用程序。为InterRap...的测试开发的应用程序...,
This repository hosts an application in Kotlin for Android Native from Android 7.0 (Nougat). Application developed for a test at InterRapidismo. (2023-09-21, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] MyMaps

My Maps是一款用户友好的Android应用程序,是斯坦福大学CS194A Android开发课程的一部分。此应用程序允许用户记录...,
My Maps is a user-friendly Android app developed as part of Stanford s CS194A Android development course. This app empowers users to document and save various places they have visited around the world. (2023-09-06, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Tetris

This is a classic Tetris game for Android, featuring addictive gameplay and retro graphics. Players can enjoy endless hours of fun, as th…, (2023-09-03, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] DolarPy-Android-Kotlin

Obtain the dollar exchange rate in guaraníes in more than 10 locations. Obtaining the information from a webService, based on the web: dolar.melizeche.com. Application made with kotlin applying MVVM architecture. (2023-08-20, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] BCA-Mate

It is an All in one Android Application for BCA Students of UIC Department, Chandigarh University. Get all Notes, Mentor Details, CR List and many more. (2023-08-19, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] zapp-android-kotlin

Exercises and related solutions for the course "ZAPP - Android Development with Kotlin" at the University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg., (2022-04-25, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] unipi-app

This app was developed for University of Piraeus (UoP) as a useful tool for the students. Kotlin | MVVM | Dagger2 | DataBinding | Retrofit | Room | XML | Jsoup | Glide (2022-05-04, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] domestic-roots-mobile

Android and iOS libraries that provide Russian Domestic Root Certificate support, including certificate transparency timestamps validation. (2023-01-26, kotlin, 3375KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] translate-ui-android-kotlin-library

Librería para-crear apps en differential lenguajes。Por ahora solo estápreparda para ingls,espa ol y euskera。拉斯我...
Librería para crear apps en diferentes lenguajes. Por ahora solo está preparada para inglés, espa?ol y euskera. Las instrucciones para Android Studio son muy simples, clonamos el repositorio y después de ello, hacemos en nuestro proyecto de Android que queremos importar el módulo. (2018-02-02, kotlin, 154KB, 下载0次)
