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[控制台编程] TaskDistribution

算法设计与分析中的任务分配问题。 用回溯法解该问题时,用完全n叉树表示解空间。可行性条件select 剪去不满足行、列约束的子树。递归方法 backtrack(1)实现对整个解空间的回溯搜索;backtrack(i)搜索解空间中的第i层子树,sum记录当前已找到的可行方案 数。在算法backtrack中,当i>n时,算法搜索至叶子结点,当前已找到的可行方案数sum加1;当i<=n时,当前扩展结点 Z是解空间中的内部结点。该结点有x[i]=1,2,...,n共n个儿子结点。对当前扩展结点Z的每一个儿子结点,由select方法 检查其可行性,并以深度优先的方式递归地对可行子树搜索,或剪去不可行子树。
Algorithm design and analysis of task allocation problem. When the solution of the problem using backtracking, with a completely n-tree represents the solution space. Feasibility cut does not meet the conditions select rows, columns, constraints subtree. Recursive method backtrack (1) to achieve the entire solution space backtracking search backtrack (i) the search of the solution space of the i-layer sub-tree, sum the number of records feasible solutions currently found. In the algorithm backtrack, when i> n, the algorithm searches to leaf node, the current program has been found feasible to add a number of sum When i < = n, the current expansion node Z is an internal node in the solution space. The node has x [i] = 1,2, ..., n of n son nodes. For each son node Z' s current expansion node, check its feasibility by the select method, and depth-first manner subtree recursively search for feasible or infeasible cut subtree. (2013-11-28, Java, 2KB, 下载8次)


[控制台编程] guiji

INS trajectory generator can generate different locations and ships swing conditions rotating gyroscope and accelerometer data, inertial navigation systems for research (2013-08-29, Visual C++, 1059KB, 下载87次)


[控制台编程] lab5_2

实现客户机(CLIENT)类。定义私有字符型静态数据成员ServerName。保存其服务器 名字;私有整型静态数据成员ClientNum,记录已经的客户数量;定义静态函数ChangeServerName()改变服务器名称,此外定义两个分别获取两个私有数据成员的函数。此外,需要提供构造函数,其功能为对静态数据成员ClientNum的值进行自增,也既是每当构造一个CLIENT对象,静态数据成员ClientNum加1。在头文件client.h中定义类,在文件(client.Cpp)实现类.在文件test.cpp中测试这个类,观察相应的成员变量取值的变化情况。
failed to translate (2013-05-03, Visual C++, 365KB, 下载7次)


[控制台编程] TextQueryExpend

C++primer第四版中的扩展文本查询,支持&|~ 注意输入查询条件的时候操作符与字符串之间要加空格。例如:~ it | ~ is 表示匹配既不含"it"又不含"is"的所有行。input.txt为查询文本。
The C++ primer fourth edition extended text queries, supported & | ~. attention to the input query spaces between the operator and the string. For example: ~ it | ~ is match contains neither the "it" contains "is" all rows. input.txt for the query text. (2012-12-20, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载6次)


[控制台编程] 1002Husband-and-wife-

在中国,形容夫妻恩爱的词汇中,大家用的比较多的就是“夫妻相”。所谓“夫妻相”,就是两个人看上去比较般配,长相、身材等某些方面有一定的相似度。本题则另辟蹊径,从人的姓名维度,以字母重复个数来寻找最具“夫妻相”的人。题目中预先给定一组女士的姓名拼音。输入男士的姓名拼音(拼音中间可以有空格,字母全部小写),依预先给定姓名拼音的先后遍历所有姓名,输出字母重复数最多的女士姓名。 规则1:如果字母重复数最多的女士有多位相同,则以最先匹配的女士做为最具“夫妻相”的人选。 规则2:人名中的相同字母,按重复一次处理。例如:li ling 与li lei 重复的字符个数为2,而不是4。
In China, to describe the vocabulary of the loving husband and wife, we used a relatively large number of " husband and wife. Certain aspects of the so-called " husband and wife, two people seem a good fit, looks, body, etc. have a certain similarity. This question another way, the dimension of the person' s name with a letter repeating the number to find the most " couples" . A group of women' s full name is the title given in advance. Enter the name of the man' s alphabet (Pinyin middle spaces, all lowercase letters), according to a pre-given name spelling has to traverse all the names, the name of the lady repeated the number of output letters. Rule 1: If the letter repeated the largest number of ladies many of the same, while matching the first lady as the most " couples" candidate. Rule 2: the same letter in the names, according to repeat the process. For example: li ling li lei-repeat number of characters is 2 instead of 4. (2012-07-18, Visual C++, 680KB, 下载27次)


[控制台编程] fraction

定义和使用分数类fraction 描述: 1.自定义分数类fraction,使用该类可以完成分数的输入、分数的加、减、乘、除二目运算和一目减运算、分数的约分操作、分数的倒数运算、对两个分数进行六种比较运算、以及对分数的输出等操作。 2.将其中使用的普通函数尽量改写成运算符重载函数。如,可重载+、-、*、/、>、>=、<、<=、==、!=,以实现分数的各种运算。并且实现分数与整数的混合运算。 3.尽可能考虑程序的性能。
评分标准 1. 对两个类的成员合理地使用访问权限:1分 2. 实现分数与整数的混合运算:1分 3. 程序结构合理,布局清晰,正确地安排.h和.cpp:2分 4. 考虑程序的性能:1分 (2012-05-09, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载14次)


[控制台编程] 3_2

应用指针变量实现字符串的逆序显示:① +,-,*,/,^,| 分别代表加、减、乘、除、乘方、开平方。 ② 输入上述符号,输入则显示“你操作有误!”,然后退出程序; 如果输入正确,则提示用户输入相应的数据,然后进行计算并 显示结果。
Application of the reverse pointer for string variables showed: ①+,-,*,/,^,| representing addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power, square root. ② Enter the symbol, enter the show, " You made a mistake!" , And then exit the program if the input is correct, then prompt the user to enter the appropriate data and then calculates and displays the results. (2011-03-01, Visual C++, 266KB, 下载3次)


[控制台编程] fraction

1.自定义分数类fraction,使用该类可以完成分数的输入、分数的加、减、乘、除二目运算和一目减运算、分数的约分操作、分数的通分操作、分数的倒数运算、对两个分数进行六种比较运算、以及对分数的输出等操作。 2.改造上述分数类,将其中使用的普通函数尽量改写成运算符重载函数。如,可重载+、-、*、/、>、>=、<、<=、==、!=,以实现分数的各种运算。并且实现分数与整数的混合运算。 3.从分数类派生出一个用来描述整型的Integer类,完善整型类Integer,使其能完成整数的各种操作。为分数类fraction和整型类Integer各增加一个成员函数digit_number(),用来统计一个分数中数字字符的数量(如:13/34,数字字符的数量为4)和一个整数中的数字字符的数量(如:13345,数字字符的数量为5)。
1. Custom Class Score fraction, the use of such scores can be input, scores of add, subtract, multiply, with the exception of the second head and a head operation by operation, scores of some sub-operation, scores of通分operation, scores of the last operation of the two scores for the six comparison operators, as well as scores of operation of the output. (2009-06-11, Visual C++, 752KB, 下载59次)



一、 Seidel迭代法 算法8.2: 1. 输入矩阵A,右端项b ,初始迭代向量 X(0) ,维数n,容许误差ε ,最大容许迭代次数 N。 2. 置k=1. 3. 计算 X1=(b1-Σa1jxj(0))/a11 j=2,3,…….,n Xi=(bi-Σaijxj-Σaijxj(0))/aii, i=2,3,……,n-1 Xn=(bn-Σanjxj)/ann j=1,2,…….,n-1 4.若||X-X(0)|| <ε,输出X , 停机;否则,转步骤5。 5.若k<N,k+1=>k,X=>X(0),转步骤3;否则输出失败信息,停机
A, Seidel iteration algorithm 8.2:1. Input matrix A, the right side of b, the initial iterative vector X (0), dimension n, tolerance ε, the maximum allowed number of iterations N. 2. Home k = 1.3. Calculation of X1 = (b1-Σa1jxj (0))/a11 j = 2,3, ... ...., NXi = (bi-Σaijxj-Σaijxj (0))/aii, i = 2,3, ... ..., n-1Xn = (bn-Σanjxj)/ann j = 1,2, ... ...., n-14. If | | XX (0) | | <ε, the output X, downtime Otherwise, switch to step 5.5. If k <N,k+1=> k, X => X (0), to Step 3 Otherwise output failure message downtime (2006-05-18, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载1次)
