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[软件工程] vb五子棋

Simple Gobang, 5 pieces of a piece of chess are standing up or diagonally linked into a line, that is, victory, and now does not support networking, only supporting one game player 1 to 1, plus a step of regret (2020-12-01, VBScript, 3KB, 下载2次)


[软件工程] QPSKcos_sin_rcosflt

QPSK modulation and demodulation, addition filter and matched filter are realized in the form of sinusoidal carrier. Detailed annotations are attached to the wave program, and the results of each phase of the modulation process are displayed. The simulation results show that the program is correct and download is highly recommended. (2019-08-13, matlab, 2KB, 下载11次)


[软件工程] withEGR

One-dimensional model of single-cylinder engine based on Boost platform is used to simulate EGR of hydrogen engine (2019-05-26, Others, 47KB, 下载0次)


[软件工程] 超像素

?简单的线性迭代聚类(simple linear iterative clustering,SLIC)。它是2010年Achanta,Radhakrishna等提出的一种思想简单、实现方便的算法,将彩色图像转化为LAB颜色空间和XY坐标下的5维特征向量,然后对5维特征向量构造距离度量标准,对图像像素进行局部聚类的过程。SLIC算法能生成紧凑、近似均匀的超像素,在运算速度,物体轮廓保持、超像素形状方面具有较高的综合评价,比较符合人们期望的分割效果。
Slic's super-pixel segmentation algorithm (2018-09-22, Python, 1301KB, 下载5次)


[软件工程] 订餐

Has a more complete function, has a full set of front desk plus background plus database (2018-06-24, Java, 4377KB, 下载0次)


[软件工程] 依仁测绘工具V1.0

整理了一个配合cass绘图的程序-依仁测绘工具,现在发出来,欢迎下载使用。 依仁测绘工具主要功能:等高线赋值;等高线区域快速加高程点;等高线区域智能加高程点;等高线检查;加密高程点;高程点Z值检查修改;高程点与等高线矛盾检查(点线矛盾检查);自动移高程点 ;自动移高程点注记; 填充符号抽稀;填充符号局部替换;填充符号局部删除;压盖填充符号移动;独立地物展绘;线性地物展绘;面积批量统计;长度批量统计;数据文件处理。 依仁测绘工具交流群: 650896184
inishing a Cass drawing program - according to the mapping tool, now, welcome to download. According to the main function of Surveying and mapping tools: contour assignment; and elevation contour; contour and contour elevation point intelligent; inspection; encryption elevation point elevation point; Z value revising; elevation point and contour (check point and line checking contradiction contradiction); automatic shift of elevation points; automatic shift elevation note; filled symbols sparsing; filled symbols locally replace fill symbols; partial deletion; gland filled symbols moving; independent object plotting; linear object plotting; area volume statistics; statistical data file processing batch length. According to the survey tool exchange group: 650896184 (2018-03-25, LISP, 7830KB, 下载20次)


[软件工程] zuoye111

Linear frequency modulated signal passing through Butterworth filter (2017-10-15, matlab, 211KB, 下载1次)


[软件工程] Object-oriented-

Object oriented ten design patterns: strategy pattern, singleton pattern, strategy pattern, factory pattern, state pattern, command pattern, adapter, decoration, facade pattern, template method plus code (2015-06-28, Java, 65KB, 下载5次)


[软件工程] bulk-EP0

三个哈萨克倒萨韩国撒谎的了 ,第三方供货商的开发公司登陆软航空局阿萨德哈斯勒克的感觉
It s very good (2012-05-16, Visual C++, 114KB, 下载5次)


[软件工程] UML

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual and a clear, build and document software system products in general visual modeling language. This book describes the basic concepts of UML, UML-depth understanding of peacekeeping provide a starting point, the full text is divided into 14 chapters. (2010-05-10, Others, 2457KB, 下载6次)


[软件工程] SoftwareEngineering

圣安德鲁斯大学 lan sommerville著 机械工业出版社出版 软件工程 中文版电子书
University of St Andrews lan sommerville the Mechanical Industry Publishing Software Engineering Chinese e-books (2009-09-23, Visual C++, 1969KB, 下载69次)


[软件工程] Data.Structures.and.Algorithm.Analysis.in.C

学习编程的好资料 初学者必备 拥有理论性加实践性
Good information for beginners to learn programming theory plus practical must-have (2009-09-17, Visual C++, 2074KB, 下载4次)


[软件工程] PPT-presentations

经典软件工程教材software engineering英文第八版课件,作者是英国圣安德鲁斯大学的ian sommerville.
Classical software engineering teaching slides for the eighth edition in English.the author,ian sommerville,is working in University of St Andrews of United Kingdom . (2009-07-12, PPT, 23026KB, 下载19次)


[软件工程] game

Several small game code, mine clearance, Gobang, the Russian box, mice and bowls, aircraft games, connect Gobang game, on-line basis (2009-05-22, Visual C++, 2828KB, 下载3次)


[软件工程] mypagram

基本步骤如下: A:在编辑系统中 1-在需要统计的图层新加一个字段准备存储分颜色属性 2-依据不同颜色参数给刚才准备的字段赋属性 B:在属性管理系统中 1-将属性导出成EXCEL表格或者dbf表格 2-在相应程序里分类统计
Basic steps are as follows: A: Edit the system at 1- required statistics at the new layer add a field ready storage sub-color property 2- based on parameters in different colors to the preparation of the field just given property B: property management system at one- will be exported into EXCEL spreadsheet property or dbf tables 2- in the appropriate program classification statistics (2009-03-14, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载2次)


[软件工程] parogram

基本步骤如下: A:在编辑系统中 1-在需要统计的图层新加一个字段准备存储分颜色属性 2-依据不同颜色参数给刚才准备的字段赋属性 B:在属性管理系统中 1-将属性导出成EXCEL表格或者dbf表格 2-在相应程序里分类统计
Basic steps are as follows: A: Edit the system at 1- required statistics at the new layer add a field ready storage sub-color property 2- based on parameters in different colors to the preparation of the field just given property B: property management system at one- will be exported into EXCEL spreadsheet property or dbf tables 2- in the appropriate program classification statistics (2009-03-14, Visual Basic, 70KB, 下载1次)


[软件工程] myparogram

基本步骤如下: A:在编辑系统中 1-在需要统计的图层新加一个字段准备存储分颜色属性 2-依据不同颜色参数给刚才准备的字段赋属性 B:在属性管理系统中 1-将属性导出成EXCEL表格或者dbf表格 2-在相应程序里分类统计
Basic steps are as follows: A: Edit the system at 1- required statistics at the new layer add a field ready storage sub-color property 2- based on parameters in different colors to the preparation of the field just given property B: property management system at one- will be exported into EXCEL spreadsheet property or dbf tables 2- in the appropriate program classification statistics (2009-03-14, Visual C++, 83KB, 下载2次)


[软件工程] danpianji

Singlechip. You want to learn, please? Inside with 15 examples--- plus keil Proteus simulation source code and circuit diagrams are not ... would like to learn to immune (2008-12-11, C/C++, 1182KB, 下载2次)


[软件工程] MySQL.Press.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd

MySQL.Press.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd.Edition--- kanshu3721 \ MySQL.Press.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd.Edition.Aug.2005.eBook- DDU. 3 the original abroad, ask for an increase in hours (2006-03-09, SQL, 1623KB, 下载10次)


[软件工程] 最后期限

亚马逊网上书店、巴诺书店最佳畅销书《最后期限》 汤姆·迪马可(Tom DeMarco)是大西洋系统行会(www.atlsysguild.com)的负责人之一,同时他也是多塞特家族出版社的三本畅销书(《人件》(将于今年4月在清华大学出版社引进出版),与蒂姆·利斯特合著的《软件艺术的状态》(Software State-of-the-Art),以及《为何软件开销那么大?》(Why Does Software Cost So Much?)和一套基础培训录像(与蒂姆·利斯特合作的《高产团队》)的作者。
Amazon online bookstore, Barno Bookstore, the best-selling novel "final deadline" Mudima soup can (Tom DeMarco) is the Atlantic system will be OK (www.atlsysguild.com), the head of one of his family is Dorset Press three best-selling book ( "people pieces" (to be held in April this year in the introduction of Qinghua University Press published), co-authored with Dimulishite the "state of the art of software" (Software State-of-the-Art), and "why so much software overhead?" (Why Does Software Cost So Much ) and a set of basic training video (Dimulishite cooperation with the "high production team") the authors. (2005-09-23, Visual C++, 83KB, 下载35次)
