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按平台查找All Dockerfile(426) 

[Docker] composer-php

Docker图片基于官方阿尔卑斯山图片,PHP fpm和作曲家。此图像将帮助您使用不同的PHP版本构建和测试PHP项目。它包含分析和测试PHP项目所需的必要工具(xdebug、phpunit、phpstan、psalm、phpcs、PHP-cs-fixer、phpmd、phpcpd和rector)。
Docker image based on official alpine image, PHP-fpm and composer. This image will help you to build and test your PHP projects with different PHP version. It contains a necessary tools you need to analyse and test your PHP project (xdebug, phpunit, phpstan, psalm, phpcs, php-cs-fixer, phpmd, phpcpd and rector). (2024-04-08, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] stan-cmdstanr-gpu-docker

A Docker image to run Stan, cmdstanr, and brms for Bayesian statistical modelling. GPU support using OpenCL is available., (2023-10-04, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] alice-lg

"No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time." - Lewis Carroll, Alice s Adventures in Wonderland (2021-06-14, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] minlaxz

DRF作为Gunicorn提供的后端,Nginx Proxy plus与Docker一起部署,hmm还包括SSL TLS,让我们加密。,Nex(奈克斯)...
DRF as backend served by Gunicorn with Nginx Proxy plus deployed with Docker, hmm also SSL/TLS of let s encrypt., Next JS as frontend. (2023-01-13, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] sample

库伯内特斯ポケットリファレンスのサンプルコンフィギュレーション コードです。
Kubernetesポケットリファレンスのサンプルコンフィギュレーション コードです。 (2019-10-20, Dockerfile, 61KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] dpys

docker爬虫框架,现在都9102年了,搞事必须docker化 本包是以python:3.5为镜像,集成了scrapy框架,其他内容看后续需要再继续加 爬虫讲究的是策略,比如IP代理,抓包前加载渲染等,欢迎讨论
Docker crawler framework, which is 9102 years old, must be docked. This package is based on python: 3.5 as the image, and integrates the sketch framework. Other content needs to be added in the future. It focuses on strategies, such as IP proxy, loading and rendering before packet capture. Welcome to discuss (2019-06-04, Dockerfile, 2KB, 下载0次)
