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[iPhone/iOS] Vitality-Pro

Vitality Pro提醒您将水果和蔬菜等公司食品纳入日常饮食。你可以跟踪你的维生素摄入量,以确保你保持健康。
Vitality Pro is your reminder to corporate foods like fruits & vegetables into your daily diet. You can track your vitamin intake to ensure you stay healthy. (2024-04-28, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Swift编程] Route

Pathfinding visualization iOS app built with SwiftUI. Winner of Swift Student Challenge 2024 (2024-04-01, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SwiftUI-Animations

这是一个iOS应用程序原型,旨在展示一些很酷的动画和过渡。该项目是在Apple Developer Academy |那不勒斯完成的。
This is an iOS app prototype, built to showcase some cool animations and transitions. This project was made @ Apple Developer Academy | Naples. (2024-03-07, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] memorize

Modified version of the Memorize project built in the Stanford iOS Development Course (2023) CS193p, duplicated in xCode as an exercise while learning SwiftUI (2024-02-20, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[穿戴设备] AIWorkout-Collector-App

AIWorkout是一款应用程序,用于使用ML和Apple Watch的陀螺仪数据为斯坦福CS229运动识别项目收集数据。
AIWorkout is an app to collect data for a Stanford CS229 Project on motion recognization using ML and gyrometer data from an Apple Watch. (2024-01-04, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] WYInteractiveTransitions

Customized transitions between view controllers for iOS. One Line of code with fully interactive animations. Written purely in Swift., (2017-01-05, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] slox

罗伯特·尼斯特罗姆(Robert Nystrom)的《手工艺解释器》(Crafting Interpreters)中第一个解释器的实现,用Swift而不是Java编写。,
Implementation of the first interpreter in Robert Nystrom s "Crafting Interpreters", written in Swift instead of Java., (2023-09-07, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] rd-University-cs193p-Assignments-Programmatically

该存储库收集斯坦福大学“使用Swift 4开发iOS 11应用程序”课程(100%计划...,
This repository gathers the solutions for each assignment presented in Stanford s "Developing iOS 11 Apps With Swift 4" course (100% programmatically). (2019-04-02, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] CS193p

斯坦福大学的CS193p课程“为iOS开发应用程序”解释了如何为iPhone和iPad usi构建应用程序的基本原理...,
Stanford s CS193p course, Developing Applications for iOS, explains the fundamentals of how to build applications for iPhone and iPad using SwiftUI. (2023-08-26, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] Swift.Stanford-iOS

斯坦福大学-CS193p 2020年春季-开发iOS应用程序(SwiftUI)。文件包括完整的源代码和最终应用程序的图像...,
?? Stanford University - CS193p Spring 2020 - Developing Apps for iOS (SwiftUI). Files include complete source code and images of final applications. (2021-09-06, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] wwdc20-submission

我提交的苹果WWDC 2020 Swift学生挑战赛,这是一款Swift Playgrounds应用程序,可帮助您学习使用Swift playgru构建的莫尔斯电码...,
My submission for Apple WWDC 2020 Swift Student Challenge, a Swift Playgrounds app to help you learn Morse Code built with Swift Playgrounds for macOS. (2020-08-06, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] wwdc18

航海家-WWDC 18学生奖学金的游乐场,为纪念斯蒂芬·霍金而建。您不能以现在的身份重新提交此工作...,
VOYAGER - A Playground for the WWDC 18 Student Scholarship, built in memory of Stephen Hawking. You may not resubmit this work as your own or as a scholarship submission. (2018-04-10, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] ar-chatbot-pert

包含使用ARKit 3制作的增强现实聊天机器人的实现。该项目在新加坡国立大学2020年Hack&Roll期间的24小时内完成。
Contains an implementation of an Augmented Reality Chatbot, made using ARKit 3. This project was done in 24 hours during Hack&Roll 2020 at NUS, Singapore. (2020-01-21, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] KVConstraintKit

An Impressive Auto Layout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX. & It is written in pure swift., (2019-03-05, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] guide-charles-proxy

Charles - Web Debugging Proxy Application. I want to share my experiences when I worked with Charles. It is such an amazing application for debugging and testing the presentation of UI when trying different set of data. Hope you guys will master Charles after reading this section. Let’s find out! ?? (2019-04-10, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] Stanford-CS193p-Developing-Apps-For-iOS

Stanford s CS193p course, Developing Applications for iOS, explains the fundamentals of how to build applications for iPhone and iPad using SwiftUI. (2020-11-08, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] MusicPlayerIOS

This project is a song player for an iPhone App. It s written in Swift and it holds fifty-seven songs. The player can shuffle and auto-play. It is currently getting a genre option and will use Apple APIs. Update: 4/5/2017 The genre option has been made. The playlist is now one-hundred and thirteen songs and growing. There is a growing realizatio... (2017-04-05, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] IOS-Swift-TextGradientColors

Learn the easy way to apply custom wavy Color to text in effect Project to show text colorful in Swift with different cool UI in Xcode by Swift Program (UIColor, CGGradient ) You will be using UIColor, CGGradient , CGSize, intrinsicContentSize, UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions, UIGraphicsEndImageContext, UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext, (2018-06-21, Swift, 14KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] MorseCode

This is the final project for CS50x 2020. This app converts Text to Morse Code in 3 different formats! (2020-08-21, Swift, 54KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] Morse-Vision

More Vision是一款简单的应用程序,利用ARKit将闪烁解释为莫尔斯电码,然后将其转录为文本。
More Vision is a simple app that utilizes ARKit to interpret blinks as morse code which are then transcribed to text. (2018-12-27, Swift, 6945KB, 下载0次)
