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[matlab编程] C-C计算延迟时间和嵌入维数

时间序列预测 实现时间序列预测功能能能 加油很难是不是研究生是不是很难
times series has been subtracted from each sample ut (see stats/demean). Although all MVGC routines that reference time series data generally accept/return multi-trial data, here for clarity we assume single-trial data. A model order p is assumed to have been selected (2018-02-09, WINDOWS, 185KB, 下载6次)


[matlab编程] arimanet

ARIMA模型全称为自回归积分滑动平均模型(Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model,简记ARIMA),是由博克思(Box)和詹金斯(Jenkins)于70年代初提出一著名时间序列预测方法[1] ,所以又称为box-jenkins模型、博克思-詹金斯法。其中ARIMA(p,d,q)称为差分自回归移动平均模型,AR是自回归, p为自回归项; MA为移动平均,q为移动平均项数,d为时间序列成为平稳时所做的差分次数。所谓ARIMA模型,是指将非平稳时间序列转化为平稳时间序列,然后将因变量仅对它的滞后值以及随机误差项的现值和滞后值进行回归所建立的模型。ARIMA模型根据原序列是否平稳以及回归中所含部分的不同,包括移动平均过程(MA)、自回归过程(AR)、自回归移动平均过程(ARMA)以及ARIMA过程。
To address time consuming and parameter sensitivity in the emerging decomposition- ensemble models, this paper develops a non-iterative learning paradigm without iterative training process. (2018-01-01, WINDOWS, 1KB, 下载21次)


[matlab编程] gpldecha-e-pca-d542a9b

Matlab implementation of E-PCA which is a non-linear dimensionality reduction method particularly suited for probability distributions, see the paper Exponential Family PCA for Belief Compression in POMDPs. (2017-09-27, WINDOWS, 6876KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] Desktop

黄金比例搜索算法/黄金分割法/0.618法/Golden Section Search/Golden Ratio Search 表达的都是同一个东西,它是一种精确的一维搜索(line search)算法。黄金比例搜索算法只需要计算目标函数值,而无需计算导数之类的值,因此用起来非常容易,应用广泛。
Golden ratio search algorithm / golden section method, /0.618 method, /Golden, Section, Search/Golden, Ratio, Search expression is the same thing, it is a precise one-dimensional search (line, search) algorithm. The golden ratio search algorithm only needs to calculate the value of the objective function, and does not need to calculate the value of derivatives, so it is very easy to use and is widely used. (2017-09-01, WINDOWS, 1KB, 下载4次)


[matlab编程] SingleWindTurbineModel

PSCAD software (a Canadian power system transient simulation software, in the field of power system transient simulation visibility and recognition are higher than MATLAB), the model is stand-alone simulation model of wind power generation. (2017-08-24, WINDOWS, 27KB, 下载14次)


[matlab编程] gprmax

gprMax 是利用有限差分时域 (fdtd) 方法求解3D 麦克斯韦方程组,用来模拟探地雷达而设计的, 但也可用于为许多其它应用建立电磁波传播模型。
The Gprmax is designed by using the finite difference Time-domain (FDTD) method to simulate the 3D Maxwell equations, but it can also be used to establish electromagnetic wave propagation models for many other applications. (2017-06-30, WINDOWS, 12216KB, 下载11次)
