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[Windows编程] Independent-Components

Independent Components Analysis- Andrea Ng在斯坦福的讲义.主要讲解主成分分析的相关知识。
Our next topic is Independent Components Analysis (ICA). Similar to PCA, this will nd a new basis in which to represent our data. However, the goal is very di erent. As a motivating example, consider the \cocktail party problem. Here, n speakers are speaking simultaneously at a party, and any microphone placed in the room records only an overlapping combination of the n speakers voices. But lets say we have n di erent microphones placed in the room, and because each microphone is a di erent distance each of the speakers, it records a different combination of the speakers voices. Using these microphone record- ings, can we separate out the original n speakers speech signals? (2015-06-15, C++, 60KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] C++chengxuzhinan

c++编程指南 版式虽然不会影响程序的功能,但会影响可读性。程序的版式追求清晰、美观,是程序风格的重要构成因素。 可以把程序的版式比喻为“书法”。好的“书法”可让人对程序一目了然,看得兴致勃勃。差的程序“书法”如螃蟹爬行,让人看得索然无味,更令维护者烦恼有加。请程序员们学习程序的“书法”,弥补大学计算机教育的漏洞,实在很有必要。
c Programming Guide format does not affect the function procedures, but will affect the readability. Procedures for the pursuit of the format clear, picturesque, procedural style of the important components. Procedures can be likened to the format, "calligraphy." Good, "calligraphy" could people in the procedure, one could see in high spirits. Poor procedures "calligraphy" If the crabs crawling, accessibleQ dull dull, but also defenders trouble this. Please programmers to learn the procedures, "calligraphy" to make up for the university's computer education loopholes, is very necessary. (2007-01-04, C++, 16KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 排队问题的系统仿真

题目内容:使用队列模拟理发馆的排队现象,通过仿真手法评估其营业状况。 基本要求: 假设理发馆内设有N把理发椅,可同时为N位顾客进行理发。对于在营业时间(假设为T小时)内进门的顾客: *当顾客进门时,若有空椅,则可以立即坐下理发,否则需要依次排队等候。 *一旦有顾客理完发离去时,排在队头的顾客便可开始理发。 *若理发馆每天连续营业T小时,求一天内顾客在理发馆内的平均逗留时间 *顾客排队等候的队列平均长度。 *营业时间到点后仍需完成服务的收尾工作时间。
topics as : the use of cohort simulation barber's shop, the queues, through simulation methods to assess its financial situation. Basic requirement : Suppose N Barber Library has put barber chairs, as well as for customers, N barber. For hours (assuming T-hour) entering customers :* When customers come through the door, if empty chairs, they can sit down barber immediately, otherwise needs were queuing up.* Once customers Jimmy End made to leave, the first in the queue of customers will start barber.* If the Barber Museum consecutive business day T-hour day for customers in the barbershop where the average length of stay* Customers waiting in line for the average queue length.* Hours after the close of the service needs to be done finishing time. (2005-12-16, C++, 61KB, 下载126次)
