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[数学计算] EndlessProceduralTerrainGenerator

Unity project which implements multi-threaded endless procedural terrain generator using height maps generated with Perlin noise. Made for the numerical algorithms & numerical software course, III semester, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad. (2024-02-05, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] RookNoFurther

A C# chess bot for Sebastian Lague s Chess Coding Challenge. Utilizes bitboard representations with Zobrist hashing for rapid state evaluations, a curated opening book for optimized early-game play, and iterative deepening with alpha-beta pruning for depth-adjusted search, and more. (2023-08-18, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] CSharp-Form-Bir-Kelime-Bir-Islem-Islem-Kismi

Bir Kelime Bir lem电视节目dünülerek olu turulan uygulaman n i lem k sm d r.维吾拉玛kullan c n girdi i be...
Bir Kelime Bir ??lem TV Program? dü?ünülerek olu?turulan uygulaman?n i?lem k?sm?d?r. Uygulama kullan?c?n?n girdi?i be? rakam ve bir ?ift haneli say? ile veya random olarak ald??? 6 say? ile hedef ü? haneli say?n?n nas?l hesaplanaca??n? bulup yazd?rmaktad?r. (2021-02-13, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] SignalAnalysis

Signal analysis tool featuring FFT (fast Fourier transform), fractal dimension, entropy, and numerical differentiation and integration (2023-05-19, C#, 2017KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] UnityGaussianTex

A Unity script which transforms the histogram of textures to be gaussian for the purpose of variance-preserving blending as described by Deliot and Heitz (2019) (2021-11-20, C#, 1857KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] cSharp-matrix-operation

Matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication, and other operations, very easy to use, ready to use, very convenient. (2015-08-14, C#, 996KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] Array-Class

这是一个实矩阵类,矩阵大小可更改 (1)矩阵的加、减、数乘和乘等运算; (2)矩阵的转置运算; (3)矩阵列向量的最大值与最小值; (4)矩阵列向量的内积运算,范数; (5)方阵的特征值与特征向量。
This is a real matrix type, matrix size can be changed (1) matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication and multiplication and other operations (2) the matrix transpose operation (3) matrix column vector of the maximum and minimum ( 4) matrix column vector inner product, norm (5) matrix eigenvalues ​ ​ and eigenvectors. (2013-09-04, C#, 29KB, 下载8次)


[数学计算] First_Test1

1、使用System.Array类的方法获取已知数组(数组元素为80,90,67,89,78,85,45,69,77,95)的维数、长度,并对数组排序、反转。 提示:Rank,Length,Sort(),Reverse() 2、 使用Random方法生成随机数。数组A中有8个互不相同的元素,数组B中有5个互不相同的元素,A和B中的数为100以内的正整数。编程产生数组C,C中包含在A中但不在B中的元素。 任意输入两个正整数a,b, 求a+b的和, a,b的取值范围为1—10100
System.Array class method to get the the known array (array elements 80,90,67,89,78,85,45,69,77,95) dimension, length, and array sorting, reverse . Tip: Rank, Length, Sort (), Reverse () 2, using the Random method to generate random numbers. There are eight distinct elements in the array A, array B, has 5 mutually different elements, A and B number is a positive integer of less than 100. Programmed to generate an array of C, C contains the element A but not B. Input any two positive integers a, b, seeking a+b and a, b of the range 1-10100 (2013-05-11, C#, 56KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] calculator

Implemented in accordance with the basic functions of calculators designed for basic operations calculator software, to achieve real number between the add, subtract, multiply, divide, and to take reciprocal operation (can also add another square, square root and other operations). (2010-05-09, C#, 37KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] 模拟WINDOWS计算器

#制作了一个类似Windows中的计算器。本计算器的基本功能如下: 1实现了计算器的基本功能:加、减、乘、除 2实现开平方根 3实现清除屏幕 4实现了清除内存 5实现了对屏幕数据的复制和粘贴
# produced a similar Windows calculator. The basic functions of the calculator is as follows : a realization of the basic functions of the calculator : addition, subtraction, multiplication and square root of two open three to achieve removal of the screen to achieve the removal of four memory to achieve realization of the five screens of data copying and pasting (2005-03-21, C#, 739KB, 下载34次)
